10 ways to solve water problems


How to drink: a cup of cool white open in the morning

Many people have heard that drinking a glass of water in the morning is good for the body. Is someone drinking salt water? Does anyone drink honey water? Does anyone drink lemonade for whitening? What's the best way to drink water? The human body undergoes overnight metabolism. Garbage in the body needs a strong external role to help excretion. Cool and white without any sugar and nutrients is the best! If it is sugar water or nutrient water, it takes time. The transformation of the body does not have the effect of rapidly flushing our body. Therefore, a clear glass of white water in the morning is a recipe for detoxification.


How to drink: drink some water after half an hour

Some MMs have this paradox. Do not drink water to lose weight! Now medical experts can clearly tell you: This is a wrong practice. If you want to lose weight, but do not drink enough water, the body's fat can not be metabolized, and as a result, the weight will increase. Many chemical reactions in the body are carried out in the medium of water. The body's digestive function and endocrine function require water. The toxic substances in the metabolites need to be eliminated by water. Proper drinking water can prevent gastrointestinal function disorders. You can drink some water after dinner for half an hour to strengthen the body's digestive function and help you maintain your body.


How to drink: Drink more water than usual

Every time you catch a cold, you will hear the doctor say, "Drink more water!" This doctor's prescription is the best prescription for cold patients. Because when a person has a cold and a fever, the body cools itself out of the self-protection function. At this time, there will be performance of metabolism such as sweating, shortness of breath, and increased moisture in the skin. This will require a large amount of water to be replenished. The body also has a thirsty performance. Drinking more water not only promotes sweating and urination, but also facilitates the regulation of body temperature and promotes the rapid excretion of bacterial viruses in the body.


How to drink: Drink more hot water

Many people feel guilty and uncomfortable when faced with symptoms such as cough and phlegm. It is difficult for sputum to cough up. What is a good way to alleviate this? It is to use more water and drink more hot water. First of all, hot water can be used to dilute the phlegm and make the phlegm easier to cough up; secondly, the increase of drinking water increases urine output and can promote the rapid excretion of harmful substances; in addition, it can also soothe the congestion of the trachea and bronchial mucosa. Edema reduces the frequency of coughing. In this way, people will feel comfortable and smooth.


How to drink: porridge "water conservation"

People who have stomach problems, or who feel uncomfortable in the stomach, can take "water conservation" measures for porridge. The temperature of the porridge should be over 60°C. This temperature will produce a gelatinization effect. The soft and tender rice porridge is ready to be digested, and it is very easy to digest after the lower tummy. It is suitable for people with gastrointestinal discomfort. The large amount of water contained in the rice porridge also effectively lubricates the intestines and removes harmful substances in the stomach and stomach and smoothly brings them out of the body.


How to drink: The massage effect of hot water is a powerful tranquilizer

The gradual fall of the body into a nightmare is a process of falling body temperature. The warm environment is indispensable in the environmental requirements for human sleep. Taking a hot bath before bedtime and bathing in hot water can give people a warm external environment and compensate for the discomfort caused by the drop in body temperature and urge people to sleep. It is worth mentioning that: Water has a unique massage effect on the body, gentle, soft, moisturizing effect is the best sedative tranquilizer.


How to drink: Drink water in big mouth

The cause of constipation is simply two things: one is that there is no moisture in the body and the other is that there are no drainage forces in the organs such as the intestines. The former needs to find out the cause and drink more water daily. The latter's provisional prescription is: drink a few mouthfuls of water in a large mouth and mouth, swallowing moves faster, so that water can reach the colon as soon as possible to stimulate bowel movements and promote bowel movements. Remember, don't sip your mouth, so that the water flow is slow, and the water is easily absorbed in your stomach, causing urination.


How to drink: drink water at high frequency

If the mental state of a person is related to physiological function, there is a substance that is the hub connecting the two, that is hormones. In simple terms, hormones are also divided into two types: one that produces pleasure and one that produces pain. Endorphins produced by the brain are called "joyful hormones," and epinephrine is often called "pain hormones." When a person is in pain and irritability, adrenaline can soar, but it can be excreted as well as other poisons. One way is to drink plenty of water.


How to drink: induce vomiting with saline

Nausea is complicated. Sometimes it's a protective reaction to eating bad foods. In such a situation, don't be afraid of vomiting, because vomiting dirt can make the body more comfortable. If you feel particularly hard to spit out, you can use light salt water to induce vomiting. Prepare a glass of salt water and put it on hand to drink a few large mouths to promote the spit. After spiting clean, it can be rinsed with salt water to play a simple anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, in the case of dehydration after severe vomiting, dilute saline is also a good supplemental fluid, which can alleviate the patient's weak state.


How to drink: intermittent, small mouth replenishment is appropriate

The fever we are talking about here is that when you exercise vigorously, the temperature of your body suddenly rises and a lot of sweat is discharged. People will feel tired at this time, and proper drinking is the most urgent care for the body. Water regulates the normal circulation of blood and tissue fluids, dissolves nutrients, allows them to supply energy, disperses heat, regulates body temperature, and increases endurance. However, it should be noted that: exercise is very taboo fierce replenishment, such as drinking two bottles of beverages at one go, this will further increase the burden on the heart, so exercise in intermittent, small mouth replenishment is appropriate. Pre-exercise replenishment is also a very good maintenance program.

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