Pay attention to the nine elements of diet for men

Foreign scholars have long noticed that the diet of men and women is very different. First, men are stronger than women. They are muscular and need to consume more calories. Second, men's cholesterol metabolism is easily destroyed, so they are prone to high blood pressure, ischemic heart disease, stroke, myocardial infarction and other diseases. To this end, scholars in the United States have specifically summarized the nine elements of diet for men.

1, must be suitable for drinking water.

No cell in the human body can lack water, and 60-65% of the adult body is water. Liver, brain, and skin contain 70% water, bones contain 45% water, and blood contains 80% water. All physiological processes in the human body are inseparable from water and various water-soluble substances. If men want to keep fit muscles, they must drink plenty of water, because muscle has 3 times more water than fat. Water acts to lubricate all of the body's bones and joints. It also regulates body temperature to provide the body with the required minerals. Men of medium build must drink 8 glasses of water daily. And men with large amounts of exercise have a greater need for water.

2, eat a certain amount of chromium.

Chromium helps in the metabolism of cholesterol. Strengthen the body's endurance, in addition, it can also promote the muscles in certain physical conditions, and avoid excess fat. Middle-aged men do not have 50 micrograms of chromium a day. The chromium thus measured is difficult to obtain from food, so it is recommended that men take chromium-containing pharmaceutical preparations (such as multivitamins and mineral traits) or drink breweries.

3, eat food rich in plant fibers.

Plant fiber itself is not food, the small intestine does not absorb into the large intestine. Its main role is to speed up the peristalsis of the intestines, to lower cholesterol and certain bile salts, to reduce the glucose and fatty acids in the blood, to have antihypertensive effects, and to eliminate certain carcinogens and to avoid rectal cancer. There is a feeling of fullness in foods rich in plant fibers. There is no need to worry about excess heat, so it also has the effect of losing weight. It is recommended that men consume 18-20 grams of plant fiber at each meal. The main foods rich in plant fibers are wheat bran, whole wheat bread, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, apples, lettuce, cauliflower, celery and so on.

4, eat foods containing magnesium.

Studies have shown that magnesium can help regulate heart activity, lower blood pressure, prevent heart disease, and increase men’s fertility. In order to obtain enough magnesium, men's breakfast should eat 2 bowls of oatmeal with milk and a banana. Foods containing more magnesium include soybeans, baked potatoes, walnut oatmeal, pasta, leafy vegetables, and seafood.

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