Autumn diet Yiqing avoid boiled dry

Autumn diet should be clean, avoid drying

The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon, and after a summer of consumption, everyone's energy and energy seem to have been “scarred” by the heat. In the autumn, the following symptoms will often appear:

Dry lips, dry throat, astringent skin, low spirit... People who are frail are more painful in late autumn: stomach problems, old chronic gangs, guilty of rhinitis, and more serious dry eyes.... People's feelings: In September, people's hemoglobin was generally lower than in May. In late autumn, September and October is the lowest point of the body's physical condition in a year.

Since this is the case, virtual will make up for it. The autumn is a good opportunity to compensate for the summer loss. Moreover, we can make use of Jin Qiu's health care and health to enhance our ability to prevent disease and resist diseases, and prepare for the winter.

However, compensation cannot be made up. Otherwise, it would be counterproductive. Health experts told us: The fall should only be clean and moist, avoid using warm dryness.

Why should autumn fill and clean?

Recently, the reporter encountered a reader who made up "bad". The woman said that she has always been weak and follows the folk “autumn tonics” argument. He tried to trust people to bring back ginseng from the northeast and steered it back to the old hen. She did not expect to increase the number of virtual fires after eating a few meals. Not only did the nose bleeding. Throat pain, but not seen in many years also emerged overnight. In the hospital, the doctor said she had acute pharyngitis.

Chinese medicine believes that dryness is the main gas in autumn. People often call it Qiuzao, its gas is clear, its dryness, it is easy to consume fluids. The hot summer drained the body's body fluids, and Qiuzao further aggravated the dryness: dry mouth, dry lips, dry nose, dry throat, dried tongue, little stool, dry stool, dry skin, and even chapped. Dry evil guilty of the lungs, prone to cough or dry cough without sputum, dry mouth tongue embolism.

"Dry is the Run," the correct method of replenishment is to clear the nourishing yin and prevent dryness. If you use improper warming at this time, it will make people feel hotter and harder, like oil on the fire. Just like the lady who had made up the bad, it caused "blood feverishness," nose bleeding, and sore throat. Therefore, autumn should not be "warm up", should be mainly Yin Yang and Qingrun.

After the Mid-Autumn Festival is over, more than half of the fall has entered the late autumn, often cold air invasion, large temperature difference between morning and evening, the climate is dry, hot and cold, the body is difficult to adapt to, easily occur respiratory and gastrointestinal diseases or relapse. At this time tonic supplements, you can also prevent and prevent diseases before they occur.

Eat less dry food less greasy

In eating and drinking, we should prevent dryness and yin, and nourish yin and moisten the lungs. Yi Shi sesame, glutinous rice, dairy products, honey, pears, lotus seeds, white fungus, grapes, radishes, vegetables and other soft foods, while paying attention to meat and vegetables with a balanced diet. After a hot summer, people often have a weakened function of the spleen and stomach, especially those who are physically weak. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the adjustment of the spleen and stomach. In the fall, you can eat some foods that are both nutritious and digestible, such as fish, various animal lean meats, eggs, and yam, red dates, and lotus roots.

The most important thing to note is to eat less food, such as hot pepper, raw onion, ginger, star anise, fennel, hot pot mala Tang and so on. Also need to eat less greasy foods, such foods not only aggravate Qiuzao 0

After October, the body's essence began to seal up, and eating nourishing foods is easier to be sucked and stored. For chronically ill patients with weak health or the elderly, you can eat chicken, duck, fish, eggs, lean pork, jujube, walnuts, etc., which will help you to keep fit, get sick and prolong your life. However, at this time, the weather is changeable, the temperature difference between day and night is large, and it is easy to cause cold in the abdomen. Gastrointestinal diseases often recur. Gastrointestinal patients in the autumn diet should be warm, soft, light, plain, fresh and appropriate.

Drink plenty of water and eat more porridge

Anti-Qiuzao, the first task is to protect body fluids, the simplest way to drink plenty of water is a good way of health. The dry climate in autumn makes the body lose moisture. It is estimated that the daily evaporation of human skin is approximately 600 ml or more, and that the moisture exhaled from the nasal cavity is not less than 300 ml. To make up for these losses in a timely manner, it is necessary to drink at least 500 ml of water per day in the fall at least daily than in other seasons in order to maintain the normal humidity of the lungs and respiratory tract.

However, autumn is cool and it is worse than summer thirsty. People always forget to drink water when they are anxious. Therefore, you should pay attention. Do not wait until you are thirsty or even smoke your throat before you think of drinking water. The way to drink water is best with a small amount of binge drinking. A person needs at least 2000 ml of water a day and can be divided into 4 to 7 intakes. During the day, in addition to the three-ton dietary intake of a certain amount of water, 300 to 500 milliliters of water will be consumed each morning in the morning, around 10 a.m., around 3 p.m., and before bedtime.

The best time to drink water is to get a cup of water after getting up early in the morning to improve the body's relative lack of water overnight and dilute the blood concentration. This method is especially beneficial for those who suffer from high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and constipation. Drink water in addition to drinking boiled water, it is best to drink more tea. Seniors drink black tea as the most appropriate, women, children are the best to drink green tea.

If you can often drink porridge, it is a better way to clear up. Eat porridge can be Yiwei Sheng Jin, Yang Yin Runzao, such as Lily Lotus porridge, Tremella Bingtang rice porridge, Almond Chuanbei rice porridge, black sesame porridge, hawthorn porridge, beef porridge, black chicken porridge, edible fungus porridge, walnut porridge, porridge , carrot porridge, chestnut porridge, lily almond porridge, red dates glutinous rice porridge, lotus rice porridge, etc., have a good nourishing effect, very suitable for dry autumn.

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