A Survey of Postharvest Management Techniques of Pear Tree

In the fall, after fruit harvesting, many fruit growers will not manage the fruit trees temporarily, and the nutrition of pear trees will not keep up, which will lead to a decrease in the output of pear trees in the coming year. Therefore, after pears are harvested, they must be nutritionally supplemented and maintained in order to achieve a good harvest.
First, the purpose of root fertilization and fertilization: Eli restores tree vigor, protects the leaves, improves flower bud quality, and accumulates nutrients for flowering results in the coming year.
Result tree: After fruit harvesting, the trees were fertilized for the situation of tree vigor. For the tree with many results and weak tree vigor, the fruit fertilizer was applied once in a timely manner, and the man-made fertilizer was the main ingredient, and a suitable amount of three-element compound fertilizer was used.
For the trees that have no results, or the trees that are less powerful for the trees, this time it is not necessary to apply fertilizer.
The application of basal fertilizer generally accounts for 40-50% of the annual fertilization amount, and is applied in the amount of 1 kg of fruit and 1 kg of fertilizer, and is mainly based on delayed organic fertilizer, and a small amount of quick-effect fertilizer may be added.
Second, foliar dressing top dressing, short time, quick effect. Through the top-dressing of the leaves, the tree body can be quickly restored, the leaves can maintain a dark green color, and the photosynthetic efficiency can be increased, which is favorable for flower bud differentiation, full flower buds, and accumulation of tree nutrients.
The type and amount of foliar fertilizer, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, urea 0.3-0.5%, "new high-fat film", once every 10 days, continuous 3-4 times, spray absorption in the evening, high efficiency.
Third, do a good job in the autumn pruning fruit after the harvest has not stopped growing branches of toads, to eliminate dense branches. In order to facilitate the concentration of nutrients to promote the enrichment of the results of the organization, to promote the development of flower buds and mature, but also can improve the orchard's ventilation and light transmission. Immediately after pruning, apply a "wound and anti-corrosion film" to protect the wound from healing.
IV. Pest control
1, after removing the fruit, remove the fallen leaves, rotten fruit, and weeds around the orchard, and concentrate them to burn or burn. Many of the pathogens and pests that harm fruit trees are overwintering in litter and weeds and become the source of diseases and pests in the second year.
2. Scrape bark can eliminate a large number of wintering germs and pests that lurk in the rough skin, cracked skin and trunk cracks of fruit trees. In winter or early spring, scrape off the old skin of the fruit tree with a spatula or sickle, and then use the “General Tree Guard” to smear on the trunk to quickly fall off the diseased skin and remove the bacteria source. Burned old skin must be burned.
3, chemical control. After the fruit is harvested, pests and diseases are controlled in time to protect the leaves and prevent early defoliation.
The main diseases of pears in autumn include pear black spot disease and pear black spot disease. These two diseases mainly damage the leaves and directly affect the output of the following year. After the fruit is harvested, the pesticides can be sprayed in time to prevent carbendazim or Bordeaux mixture. New high-fat membrane "control.
The main pests: red and yellow spiders, scale insects. Red-yellow spiders, which mainly damage the leaves, severely affect photosynthesis and nutrient accumulation, and can be controlled by avermectin and zangke. Scale insects mainly damage the leaves and branches and fruits, and timely use 2.5% of sulfatyl ester plus 40%, good labor force 1500 times, and “new high fat film” to prevent and control.
Fifth, after ploughing the land, the fields must be ploughed, which can loosen the soil and enhance the permeability. It can also reduce the pests and diseases. After ploughing, timely irrigation according to flooding. Through the deep fall of the orchard in autumn and winter, the pests hiding in the soil under the canopy of the tree can be turned out of the ground to allow the birds to feed or freeze. At the same time, the deep-turning can also bury the dead leaves on the ground and the pests hiding in the sub-algae underground.
6. Insulation and antifreeze fruit trees should pay attention to thermal insulation and antifreeze after defoliating. The whole garden should be sprayed with 100 times fluid to protect the trees against sunburn and frost damage. It can also eliminate pathogens and pests that overwinter over the trunk and protect the trees for safe wintering. .

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