Tomato guard against gray leaf spot

Tomato leaf spot disease is one of the main diseases of tomato, and the incidence of tomato leaf spot is 100% when it occurs seriously. If it is not timely controlled, it will have a great impact on the yield.

First, the symptoms of tomato leaf spot mainly damage leaves and fruits. At the beginning of the disease, the leaves are covered with dark round or irregular round spots, and the posterior edges of the leaf veins expand in an irregular manner. The middle part gradually fades from gray to gray brown. The lesions are slightly concave, many are smaller, and are extremely thin. Easily broken, pierced or peeled off. Infestation of the fruit produces a large round depression spot, with a white hair that grows white, then turns brown and eventually black, causing fruit decay.

Second, the prevention and control methods 1. Strengthen the field management, increase the application of biological organic fertilizer and phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, spraying more than foliar fertilizer to increase its resistance to disease. 2. At the beginning of the disease, 52% of fast-acting water purifying agent is 1800 times or 686 times of 68% water-retaining agent, 47% of Garnett WP is 700 times, 75% of chlorothalonil is WP, 600 times, 7-10 days. 1 time, continuous control 2 to 3 times.

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