It is best to pick strawberries appropriately in the spring

Yangchun March is a green world. In this green world, the air is very fresh, and there is a lot of negative ions in the air. It is best to go out for a ride. However, just after entering the spring, intense movement is not the first choice due to the influence of temperature and the body's own factors. In spring, strawberries are harvested. They can both breathe fresh air and taste the nutritious strawberries. It is the first choice for spring outings.


Also known as red berries, ground berries, large strawberries, strawberries. Strawberry is the fruit of Rosaceae strawberry. Native to South America, Europe and other places, there are strawberry cultivation in all parts of China, and there are also wild. Every year during the fruit ripening from June to July, it is harvested and freshly used. The strawberry is berry-like round or heart-shaped, delicious and tender, juicy fruit, sweet and sour, rich aroma, is a rare color, aroma, and taste in fruits, so it is often hailed as the queen of fruit. The strawberry is a perennial herb of the Rosaceae family, also known as oceanberry, native to South America. China was introduced only in the early 20th century. There are more than 2,000 varieties of strawberries in the country. The fruits are bright red, soft and juicy, sweet and sour, aromatic and fragrant. They have the reputation of “fruit queen”.

Medicinal and medical value

Strawberry also has high medicinal and medical value. The "strawberry amine" extracted from strawberry plants has good curative effects on hematological diseases such as leukemia and obstructive anaemia. Strawberry sweet and sour, cool, non-toxic, can Run, Sheng Jin, Lee, sputum, spleen, hangover, blood, fat, gastrointestinal and cardiovascular disease has a preventive effect. According to records, drinking fresh strawberry juice can cure sore throat and hoarseness. Strawberries are very beneficial for stunting, poor appetite, malnutrition, or frail and thin after illness. In Guangzhou, there is a kind of wild strawberry, and the local people use their stems and leaves to smash and treat the sores with special effects. Snake bites, burns, and burns are also effective. Strawberry juice also has the effect of nourishing nutritious skin. It is used to make a variety of high-level cosmetic creams, which has a significant effect on reducing skin wrinkles.

It is determined that every 100 grams of strawberry pulp contains 8 to 9 grams of sugar, 0.4 to 0.6 grams of protein, and 50 to 100 milligrams of vitamin C, 7 to 10 times higher than apples and grapes. And its malic acid, citric acid, vitamin B1, vitamin B12, and carotene, calcium, phosphorus, iron content is also 3 to 4 times higher than apples, pears, grapes. Taiwanese people call strawberries “live vitamin pills,” and Germans hailed them as “miraculous fruits.” This is not unreasonable. The nutrients of strawberry are easily digested and absorbed by the body, and it will not be cold or get warm when it is eaten. It is a health food for all ages.

Nutrition analysis

1. The carotene contained in strawberry is an important substance for synthesizing vitamin A, which has the function of eyesight and nourishing liver;

2. Strawberry has certain tonic conditioning effects on the gastrointestinal tract and anemia;

3, in addition to strawberry can prevent scurvy, the prevention and treatment of arteriosclerosis, coronary heart disease also has a good effect;

4. Strawberry is a plant rich in tannic acid, which can absorb and prevent the absorption of carcinogenic chemicals in the body and has an anti-cancer effect;

5. Aspartic acid is contained in strawberries and can naturally remove the heavy metal ions in the body. The bright color of the strawberry, the fruit is soft and juicy, the aroma is rich, the sweet and sour taste is palatable, and the nutrition is rich. It is deeply loved by domestic and foreign consumers. It belongs to high-grade fruit.

Strawberry effect

Strawberry sweet, sour, cool, non-toxic; with lungs and fluid, spleen, relieve summer heat, antipyretic, diuretic, thirst-quenching effect; Indications wind-heat cough, mouth erosion, swollen throat, constipation, high blood pressure embolism . 1, in case of food bloating, poor appetite, you can eat 60 grams of strawberries before meals, 3 times a day; 2, bleeding gums, mouth sores, urine, yellow, 60 grams of fresh strawberries can be smashed, Cold water boiled, 3 times a day; 3, dry cough without sputum, long time unhealed, available fresh strawberries 6 grams and rock sugar 30 grams stewed with water, 3 times a day; 4, case of hot dry cough, sore throat When pain and hoarseness are heard, fresh fruit juice can be used to wash the juice. Each morning and evening will have one cup. 5. When the patient is dizzy and uncomfortable after drinking, they can consume 100 grams of fresh strawberries once. After washing, they can finish drinking. 6. After malnutrition or frail weight loss after the illness, you can squeeze the washed strawberry juice, then add equal amount of rice wine and mix well and serve as strawberry wine. Drink 1 cup each morning and evening.

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