Peanut High-yield Cultivation Techniques

In recent years, with the gradual expansion of agricultural-scale cultivation, many experiences have been summarized in the high-yield cultivation of peanuts. First of all, we must pay attention to the introduction of new varieties, strengthen the cooperation with seed cultivation units, and introduce new varieties. Second, rational fertilization, focusing on the use of high potassium and trace element fertilizers, and third, seed dressing treatment to solve the early disease and the harm of underground pests. Fourthly, a new method of sowing seedlings with machine seeding, ridging, film spraying and herbicide spraying is completed, which is highly efficient and labor-saving. Fifth, pay attention to the management of peanuts in the middle and later stages, and reduce disease prevention and treatment of premature aging. Sixth, adopting the harvesting mode of machine harvesters to save labor and increase yields. After several years of trial and error experiments, we can achieve an increase of 300 pounds of peanuts per acre and a good effect of 1,000 yuan per mu.

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