The prevention and treatment of rice smut

Rice smut is one of the common diseases of late rice. It mainly damages grain and forms dark green or yellow powder. It not only affects the yield, but also seriously pollutes rice and endangers human health.

Rice smut disease occurs mainly at the heading and flowering stage, and weather conditions, field humidity, and nitrogen fertilizer application have a great influence on disease severity. When the late rice heading and popping flowering season continue to rain, it will be conducive to the infection and reproduction of pathogens, diseases will occur. Humidity in the field, heavy dew, and dry dew in the morning were more severe. The application of nitrogen fertilizer was excessive, too late, leaves grew broad and drape, shaded fields, poor ventilation and light transmission, rice plants nitrogen-carbon ratio imbalance, resistance decreased, easy to disease and increased. In addition, the grain density of rice cultivars also has an impact on the occurrence of diseases. Generally, grains are densely populated. Dew on grains is not easy to dry, resulting in heavy and widespread occurrence. However, with thin grains, the time for water deposition on grain is short, and usually occurs. Lighter or late. Because of its vigorous growth, the hybrid rice has a dark green color, a closed canopy, and a slightly longer opening time of the glume during flowering, which is conducive to the invasion of pathogenic bacteria.

Although rice false smut disease is easy to occur with heading and flowering, according to studies, earliest inoculation can be invaded early in the booting stage. At the same time, combined with the various factors of the occurrence of rice smut, production can start from the following aspects.

1. Selection of disease-resistant varieties: Different varieties of rice have different resistance to rice smut, and varieties with strong resistance to planting are selected according to local conditions.

2. Seed Disinfection: Rice smut disease can spread through seeds, and it should try to avoid rice seeds that have been infected. When soaking, use 500 times strong chlorine semen to soak seeds and soak for 10-12 hours, or soak seeds with 100% of triadimefon 300-400 g per 100 kg seeds before sowing.

3. Strengthen field water and fertilizer management and promote growth and robustness. During the growth of rice, reasonable fertilization should be applied, phosphorus and potash fertilizers should be increased, and growth should be promoted to enhance the resistance. In particular, nitrogen fertilizer should be carefully applied to avoid excessive application of nitrogen fertilizer and too late, so as to avoid corruption and late maturing, resulting in disease. To promote thin dew irrigation technology, pay attention to field water pipes at the late stage of booting, not flood irrigation, long-term flooding, shallow water should be ground irrigation, so as to avoid excessive humidity in the field, is conducive to the germination and invasion of pathogenic spores.

4. Chemical control: master the medication at the end of booting.

1 In the first 2-3 days before the break, Mu can use 10g of enemy stable or 60 grams of water for good Lectra EC10ml. When the breakout occurs 1/3-1/2, spray again.

2 before the break 5-7 days mu with 20% triadimefone EC 100 ml or 25% triadimefon (triadimefon) WP 100 g + 40% carbendazim suspension 100 ml or 50% carbendazim WP 100 g water 60 kg spray. When the breakout occurs 1/3-1/2, spray again.

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