Bristles gap large cultivation skills

1. Land selection and site preparation. Do not plant in coniferous forests under primary forests of broad-leaved forests, mixed forests, or secondary forests, such as birch, oak, oak, alfalfa, and willow. Select 1000 to 2000 meters above sea level, terrain selection shade or semi-shade semi-shade slope sunny as well, slope in the 15-45 degrees, soil selection more than 20 cm humus soil layer is better, slightly acidic soil moisture content of about 40%. Saline and peat lands are not suitable for cultivation. After the selection of land, the digging pit (also known as the pit) is 70 centimeters in length, 60 centimeters in width, 18 to 20 centimeters in depth, and 50 centimeters in the nest.

2. Material (in square meters). 3 bottles of swine fever bacteria, 3 bottles of honey ring bacteria, and a certain amount of woody rods (5 to 10 cm in diameter and 50 cm in length), a mixture of hog auxin, broadleaf leaves, leaves and humus.

3. The bottom is covered with leaves. Spread the leaves to a thickness of 2 to 3 cm, spread the pieces of honey fungus into 1 to 2 cm in small pieces evenly on the leaves, and then spread the growth hormone evenly on the leaves and put the material (wood sticks) on the leaves. On the leaves of Armillaria mellea, the spacing of bacteria is about 3 to 5 centimeters, and the mixture is used to fill the gaps between the bacteria. The swine fever bacteria are diced into blocks of about 2 centimeters, and the sides and ends of the bacteria are placed evenly. And then cover about 3 cm of leaves, cover about 10 cm of humus soil on the leaves, and then cover the leaves again.

The key to the cultivation of swine fever by strains is the quality of the swine fever bacteria. The quality of the high-quality swine fever spores is thick, with vegetative mycorrhiza on the surface. The mycelium has strong germination power and high success rate. The ground temperature is 15°C and above. The mycelium is planted in 5 days and the hyphae extend to the soil in 20-30 days. In the shape of a white ball star, larvae form in the leaves and soil in 60 days.

4. temperature. Bristles can germinate at an average temperature of 9.5°C at a depth of 10 cm, grow fastest at 18-22°C, grow slowly at 28°C, and stop growing at temperatures below 9°C and over 30°C.

5. Harvesting and processing. The mature period of planting with pure B. falciparum is about 3 years (5 to 6 years for the old method), and when the pig is dark and hard (called old kernel), it can be in the spring of April to May or autumn. Harvested from July to September.

The harvested swine sphagnum nucleus removed impurities, brushed clean, dried, that is, commercial medicine. Place sacks or bamboo baskets and store them in a dry and well-ventilated place. The pigskin skin is black shiny, weight, solid, cross-section white or yellow for the superior grade.

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