Pay attention to potassium during the late growth of grapes

Potash is very important during the whole growth of the grape, especially during the fruit growing period. Therefore, grapes are called "potassium" crops. Potash fertilizer can promote grape fruit hypertrophy and maturation, improve variety and storage performance, promote thick growth and maturation of shoots, and improve their ability to resist cold, drought, heat and pests.

After the grapes are set to fruit color conversion period, according to the orchard soil fertility, topdressing 5 to 10 kg of potassium sulfate per acre vineyard, you can also spray foliar potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution, 7 to 15 days once, and even spray 2 ~ 3 times. It has a significant effect on promoting grape enlargement, early maturation, accelerating aging of the branches, and improving grape resistance. At the same time, major diseases such as grape anthracnose and blackpox were significantly suppressed.

When using foliar spray fertilizer, it should be carried out before 9 o'clock in the morning and after 5 o'clock in the afternoon. It should not be sprayed during high temperature at noon. Both sides of the leaves must be sprayed evenly. It is better to spray 60 kg per mu.

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