Watering the wheat field in early spring must be "four look"

A look at the temperature: it should be used as a time of kiln opening. If you do not wait for the frozen soil to water, you can easily accumulate water, freeze, and catch cold. The formation of “frozen water” often leads to stagnant growth of the seedlings or delays the growth of young “young seedlings”, so it is necessary to wait for the frozen ground. Completely water again. To test whether the frozen soil is opened, insert a fireball stick into the ground.

Second, look at the sensation: The first factor that affects the growth of wheat in the early spring is temperature, so even if the soil is separated, do not blindly pour it. Because watering early will not only reduce the temperature, but also make the soil compacted and its permeability deteriorates. Affects root development and microbial activity. Generally, when the soil moisture content is 0 to 10 cm below 8%, the soil moisture content is below 12%, and when the moisture content of clay is below 14%, it indicates that the wheat field is dry, and the water must be watered. 35 square is appropriate, to prevent flooding irrigation, especially late seeding weak seedlings, must be poured into shallow water to prevent silt. In wheat fields with soil moisture content above the above-mentioned indicators, watering can slowly rise to the jointing stage.

Third, look at childbirth: to see how much the number of single births in wheat and the soft and hard (strong, strong) childbirth section to determine the order after pouring. First, pour large seedlings, strong seedlings, weak seedlings, and late seedlings; pour the sand seedlings with good permeability first; then pour the poorly-perforated viscous seedlings; plow the seedlings with heavy drought, then pour the seedlings with mild drought, and saline-alkali land. Seedlings must be poured late. Especially for late wheat (without childbirth or only one small beak), the time for pouring should be postponed until the new root grows 1.7 cm long. It is more appropriate for the new root to emerge when exposed to the surface. For large populations of Wang Miao, postponed to the jointing stage to promote the polarization of its size.

Fourth, look at the water source: According to the merits of the water source conditions, determine the start and end date of watering, arrange the watering time. In general, the land with poor water source conditions should be poured immediately after the soil layer is opened to strive for more pouring. If the water source is in good condition, after it is equalized and the 5cm ground temperature is stable above 5°C, it will be the date of pouring.


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