High-yielding Seed Production Technique of Tian Xie 6 in the South of Anhui Province

Tian Xie No. 6 was a high-quality hybrid Zhonghao rice combination made up of Yixiang 1A and Yihui 1577, which were used in the Yibin Institute of Agricultural Sciences in Sichuan Province. It was approved by the Anhui Variety Approval Committee in 2003. The combination has a large panicle type, high yield, good rice quality, and a light scent. 10 of the 12 rice quality indicators are issued by the Ministry of Quality Standards for Grade II or higher, which is currently the quality of the three-line hybrid Chinese wolfberry combination in China. One of the better combinations of comprehensive indicators such as yield and resistance. Since the validation in 2003, the promotion area has gradually increased in Anhui Province, with a total area of ​​over 67,000 hm2. However, due to the parental characteristics and other reasons, the production of the combination has always been low, and it is generally around 1.5 t/hm2, which seriously restricts the promotion and application of this combination in production. In 2005, the author commissioned Tianmu Agricultural Science and Technology Co., Ltd. to carry out high-yielding seed production technology research for Tian Xie No. 6 in the Longnan area of ​​Anhui Province and gradually developed a set of high-yielding seed production techniques with a yield of 3.0 t/hm2 or more.

1 Parental characteristics

1.1 The female parent Yixing 1A is a compact plant with thick stalks, medium tillering power, 90.5 cm plant height, longer flag leaves, and green leaves. The ear length is 25.5 cm, the number of grains per panicle is about 105 grains, the weight of one thousand grains is 30.1 g, and the apex is awnless and colorless. In the late May of the planting in southern Yunnan, the duration of sowing was about 82 days, and the total number of leaves of the main stem was 14.7 leaves. The heading was neat, pollen abortion was complete, and the flowering period was a bit late. Generally, flowering peaked on the 4th day of flowering. The peak flowering period was between 10:10 and 10:30, which was 20-30 minutes later than II-32A, and flowering was scattered. Lower stigma exposure. It is sensitive to nitrogen fertilizer and "920".

1.2 The male parent, Yihui 1577, has good leaf morphology, thick stalks, short straight flag leaves, dark green leaves, and many leafy hairs and strong tillering power. Sowing in early May, the duration of the sowing was about 103 days, and the number of main leaves was 16.5 leaves. The headings were orderly, the panicles were large and numerous, and the total number of grains per panicle was about 185 grains. The seed setting rate was high, and the grain weight was 26.5 g. The acuminate is colorless, the anther is hypertrophic, and the pollen amount is sufficient. Medium resistance to rice blast.

2 Major seed production techniques

2.1 According to the climate characteristics of the Minnan region, timely planting, rational arrangement of heading Yanghua period in the mountains, hills and basin valleys staggered, adequate light, abundant rainfall, easy isolation, suitable for seed production. However, in the region from mid-June to early July, it is the Meiyu period, and there are frequent low-temperature and rainy days. From late July to early August, it is the high temperature period in southern Anhui, and there are frequent extremes of more than 35°C for consecutive days. Hot weather.

Yixiang 1A flowering habits are more stringent in terms of environmental conditions. Relatively high temperature and high humidity are favorable for the stigma exsertion rate of the female parent and the male flowering loose powder. The daily average temperature is 30-33°C and the relative humidity is more than 80%. Yi Xiang 1A out of the strong. According to many years of observation, in order to avoid the rainy weather in early July and extreme high-temperature weather from late July to early August, at the same time, in order to facilitate grouting and harvesting in the later period, the best heading and flowering period for the parental production in the southern Anhui region should be arranged at 8 On the 18th or so. According to the parents’ scheduled broadcast in southern Taiwan, the father of the first phase is scheduled to be planted around May 5. The father of the second period will be sown on May 15 and the mother will be sowed around June 25th. d, leaves 4.8 leaves.

2.2 The parental seedlings are transplanted with soil, and the female parent is properly planted to ensure that the number of seedlings is strong on the paternity basis, the female plant type is compact, and the fertility is relatively weak. The principle is that the parent and female parent species are 4.5 and 37.5 kg/km2, respectively, and the seeding rate is 180 kg/km2. Wet moisturizing, dry and wet alternately promote early delivery. The father was 18 days old, and 4 leaves and 1 heart were transplanted with soil and the spacing was 23.0 cm23.0 cm. The maternal age is controlled within 25 days, the line ratio is 2:14, the width is 2.5 meters, and the distance between the parent and mother is 26.4 cm. The mother plant spacing is 13.3 cm13.3 cm, and more than 3 stem seedlings per hole. Guaranteed to insert 380,000 points / hm2, equivalent to 1.2 million / hm2 basic seedlings.

2.3 Scientific management of fertilizer and water, construction of a high-yield group structure of strong fathers and strong mothers The establishment of a high-yield group structure of both parents is the basis for obtaining high yields for seed production. According to the characteristics of Yixiang 1A and Yihui 1577 with large panicles, long vegetative growth period, paternal fertilization, and maternal sensitivity to nitrogen fertilizer, scientific and rational fertilization was used to construct a high yield seedling population. Grasp the "bottom foot, in the control, after the fill," the principle of fertilization, with the main base fertilizer, with the early application of returning green points and fertilizer and discretionary application of ear fertilizer. The total nitrogen amount was 195-210 kg/hm2, and the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium was 1:0.45:0.75. Fertilization method: 7 to 10 days after the father was planted, 75 kg/hm2 of cake fertilizer, 75 kg/hm2 of urea, and 75 kg/hm2 of potassium chloride were used to make the ball fertilizer deep into the parent line to keep the shallow water layer and the natural fall. Dry, alternating wet and dry, to promote the early birth of the father. The rest of the fertilizer was applied in batches after transplanting in the female parent. 40% of nitrogen fertilizer, 100% of phosphorus fertilizer, and 60% of potassium fertilizer were used as the base fertilizer. 40% of nitrogen fertilizer was applied as a tiller fertilizer 5 days after the female parent was planted, and the remaining 20% ​​of nitrogen fertilizer and 40% % Potassium fertilizer in the maternal young panicle differentiation 5 ~ 6 period according to the seedlings used as ear grain fertilizer, dark leaf color, long-growing field panicle grain fertilizer can be less or no nitrogen fertilizer. Shallow water fertilization, naturally dry after light dry foot ventilation, alternating wet and dry, ventilation hair root promote early delivery. Before the termination of effective labor, drain the water and keep the roots healthy. A shallow water layer should be established during the spike differentiation and heading and flowering stages, and water should not be cut off.

2.4 Cutting the leaves at the right time, clever use of "90%" The female plants of Yixiang 1A are taller, the flag leaves are longer, and they are sensitive to "920", and the father is relatively insensitive to "920". Therefore, it is imperative that we must properly cut the leaves at the right time and spray the “90%” in a timely manner. The overall principle of mastering "the mother to see the ear to moderately cut leaves, control the amount of late spray '90%', the father of moderate re-spray." Specific methods: See the mother cut the leaves, cut the leaf length of 1/3-1/2 of the length of the flag leaf. Because Yixiang 1A is sensitive to the "920", premature spraying of the "920" will not only result in the phenomenon of only pulling the neck without heading, but also cause lodging, which will seriously affect the output. Therefore, the maternal “90%” total control is between 225 and 270 g/hm2, and it is generally more appropriate to spray “90%” for the first time at the time of the mother's ear to see 30%, for 3 consecutive days, with 3 consecutive injections. The first dose was 30-45 g/hm2, the second 75-105 g/hm2, and the third 90-120 hm2. For the first time, the father used "9,020" 45 g/hm2 alone, and later the parents sprayed. During the flowering period, the “90%” 15-30 g/hm2 was used to spray the mother flowers for 2 to 3 days, which promoted the flowering of the female parents and increased the stigma exsertion rate and viability.

2.5 Promptly postpone powdering time and increase pollination effect. Because the maternal Yixiang 1A took a while to spend late at 10:30 in the normal weather, it entered the peak of flowering, 20 to 30 minutes later than the II-32A, and the rainy days scattered flowering throughout the day. No obvious peak period. The male parent has an enlarged anther, abundant pollen, and flowering. Therefore, first of all, ensure that the female parent has flowers in good weather, and secondly, to grasp the correct time for rushing powder: that is, every day, especially during the flowering period, it is necessary to grasp the principle of “looking at the mother and not looking at the father” and avoid prematurely rushing. Artificially caused by the mother's full bloom, the father's absence of powder resulted in pollen waste, and poor powdering effect occurred. Rainy weather, should be based on temperature and rainfall conditions, rush to catch powder in the rain stop interval, the time can be postponed properly, the number of powder should be increased.

2.6 Strengthen pests and diseases and field management at later stages, improve seed quality and yield. Yixiang 1A early leaves are broad and long, susceptible to sheath blight, and later susceptible to rice smut. Therefore, we must strengthen the effective prevention and control of pests and diseases, especially in the peak period of tillering to more Liangtian, reduce the air humidity in the field, and use high-efficiency Jinggangmycin to prevent and control rice planthoppers and aphids for drug prevention 2 to 3 times. After the middle and late August in the southern hilly areas of southern Fujian, the temperature is high, the air humidity is high, and rice blast and grain smut are easy to occur. Therefore, before and after heading and heading stage, 75% of tricyclazole or Fuji No. 1 plus Malone is used. Conduct 2 effective preventions.

The female parent Yixiang 1A has a high 1000-grain weight (more than 30 g), and the late filling is slower than the average parent. Therefore, the powder is finished until the late stage of flowering, and the water cannot be cut off prematurely, so as not to affect the 1000-grain weight, thus affecting the yield.

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