Mulberry Winter Management Technical Measures

Mulberry is a perennial, broadleaf, deciduous, tree or shrub. Mulberry sprouts in the spring and grows in the spring. After the summer and autumn, the deciduous dormancy in winter shows a certain annual growth cycle. At the end of autumn and winter, when the temperature dropped below 12°C, the sunshine hours shortened, and the mulberry trees stopped growing, and the leaves fell into a dormant state. After the winter, the mulberry trees were bred by silkworms for 1 year. The tree itself and the soil structure have undergone great changes. In the soil in the mulberry garden, due to the long-term mulberry field operation, the absorption of nutrients by the mulberry tree and the effects of rain or drought become dense and lack of nutrients. At this time, most of the pests in the mulberry garden also stopped their activities and lurked in branches, trunk gaps, and soil to get ready for winter. When mulberry leaves fall into dormancy, winter farming time should be used to strengthen the winter management of mulberry gardens, one of which is beneficial for safe wintering of branches; the other is to control overwintering pests and pathogens to reduce the occurrence of pests and diseases in the second year; and third, to give mulberry trees. Supplementing nutrition is very important for accelerating the early production of young trees, growing trees, increasing tree vigor, extending tree age, reducing pests and diseases, and increasing the yield and quality of mulberry leaves. Therefore, to do a good job in winter science and technology management in mulberry gardens is an important measure to ensure the high yield and stable yield of mulberry trees in the following year and promote the harvest of silkworm worms. It should arouse the attention of the majority of sericultural farmers, and the following points should be grasped well:

1, mulberry cleaning

After the end of the autumn silkworm, after the mulberry defoliation, the litter and weeds in the mulberry field and around the roadside should be promptly and completely removed, and the wintering parasitic sites should be left without insects. The debris collected is burned or contaminated in order to destroy a large number of pathogenic bacteria that lurk in litter and weeds, as well as pests, mites and egg masses of mulberry caterpillars, mulberry horses, and red spiders, and reduce the number of springs next spring. Mulberry garden pests.

2. Seal garden pests

(1) Closed pests

After the late autumn silkworms cluster, generally in the late October to early November, wild mulberry, mulberry, mulberry, mulberry caterpillar and other mulberry garden pests, positive larvae or adult stage, this time with long-acting chrysanthemums and other pesticides The mulberry garden is fully and thoroughly sprayed once to kill a large number of overwintering pests. Can use 2% abamectin 3000 times, 2.5% kung fu emulsifiable concentrate, 20% chrysanthemum emulsifiable concentrate 3000-5000 times solution or high-efficiency fluocinazin chrysanthemum 8000 times solution, etc. Used to seal the garden.

(2) Artificial control of pests

Fill the wormholes, capture the ulnar lice, brush out the stem worms, kill them with 5% trichlorfon or artificially kill the mulberries. In order to prevent mulberry, mulberry, and mulberry insects from overwintering in trunk cracks and pores, first use a bamboo brush to clean the tree body, remove overwintered larvae, cockroaches, etc., and then use lime and clay to block the pores and prevent pests from entering and exiting; US 5 degree lime sulfur sprayed on the trunk and shoots can not only prevent mulberry scale insects, but also can cure mulberry bud blight, plaster disease, pseudo-blight disease, and foul leaf disease. It can reduce the number of insect populations of overwintering pests and achieve the purpose of pest control.

(3) Induction

After the mulberry defoliation, the branches are bound together with straw before winter plowing. The bondage should not be too tight, so as not to damage the winter buds. This not only facilitates fertilization and field operations such as winter plowing, but also corrects the posture of branches, improves ventilation and light transmission, facilitates winter plowing and fertilization, induces pests to infiltrate into sows for winter, and facilitates the killing of pests. Before the mulberry sprouted in March of the following year, after the spring mulberry field operation was completed, the Sokcho was removed, and the sows leached off were concentrated and burned to prevent the spread of pests and diseases.

3, winter tillage fertilization

(1) Mulberry winter plowing

1 way. According to the planting distance of the mulberry tree, different farming methods can be adopted. Generally, a wide row spacing can be used for small-scale mechanical farming, and dense-growing mulberry can take the form of cattle cultivation or artificial excavation.

2 role. The first is to loosen the soil, improve the physicochemical properties of the soil, increase the permeability of the soil, promote the growth of mulberry trees, and increase the tree vigor; second, cut off the soil capillary to protect the soil moisture; third, increase the ground temperature and promote the decomposition of organic fertilizers. Reduce the frost damage in mulberry field; Fourth, fully expose the mulberry field pests and diseases and worms that sneak into the soil in the mulberry field, such as mulberry larvae, Spodoptera littoralis, larvae or adults of beetles, and larval larvae of mulberry mosquitoes. At the surface, most of them were killed after being exposed to the wind and sunlight, frozen to death in winter, bird food, and artificial picking.

3 periods. Most of the winter cultivation in the silkworm area of ​​Yunnan Province can generally be carried out before the soil is frozen and sealed in the middle and late November.

4 depth. The depth of ploughing should be in line with the depth, and the mulberry plant should be shallow in the vicinity so as not to break rough roots. 25-30 cm in mud and 20-25 cm in sand are preferred. Do not break the upturned clods and allow it to weather, which will help improve soil physical and chemical properties.

(2) Mulberry Winter Fertilization

1 time. After the completion of the work in the Qingyuan Garden, winter plowing will be applied to the mulberry trees in winter from late December to early January. In order to improve the soil quality, the mulberry tree is dormant.

2 types. Winter fertilizer is better for delayed organic fertilizers, mainly manure, silkworm sand, compost, gray miscellaneous fertilizer, loquat fertilizer, pond mud and so on.

3 ways. Should be applied in the intensive distribution of mulberry root, with 20 cm from the trunk to facilitate the application, in order to improve the absorption and utilization. It is also possible to combine winter plowing in the middle of the interleaved rows in the mulberry garden. The ditch width is 50 cm and the ditch depth is 40-45 cm. The ditch location is rotated every year. When fertilizing organic fertilizer into the ditch, a small amount of phosphorus fertilizer can be applied on one side of the ditch to form a layer of “fertile soil layer”, and the original soil is backfilled in the ditch.

4 amount of fertilizer. Silkworm sand, human waste, manure, etc. 1.5-2 tons/mu; garbage 2-2.5 tons/mu; phosphate fertilizer 45-50 kg/mu.

4, pruning shears

(1) Mulberry winter seal

1 time. Master the best time for closure. Because of the different temperatures in different parts of the country, the best time for sealing mulberry trees in winter is different. Generally, it is advisable to seal off the mulberry trees after natural defoliation, from late December to mid-January of the following year. To cut the tip prematurely, the mulberry tree has not yet ceased growing. When the temperature rises, it will easily cause sprouting of winter buds and consume nutrients. After the beginning of spring, the temperature will rise and the mulberry physiological activity will increase. Nutrients in trunks and roots will be gradually transported to the branches and branches. The spores begin to germinate. If it is capped at this time. It will lose a lot of nutrients and moisture, resulting in the upper part of the prune does not germinate or germinate very little and thin, and the yield and quality of mulberry leaves are greatly reduced. and so. Winter mulberry shearing should not be delayed after sleep.

2 role. The mulberry garden in winter has the function of maintaining the tree shape, preventing pests and diseases, and increasing the yield of mulberry leaves in late spring. Sealing can also increase the growth rate of mulberry trees, increase the thickness of the leaves, and increase the yield of mulberry leaves. Thereby saving the labor of leaf collection. In addition, the capping can also reduce the flower and fruit and pests and diseases. The top of the branches of the mulberry tree is often the focus of the bacteria, and is also the breeding ground of the pests and diseases.

3 lengths. The tip length is generally controlled at about 2/5 of the length of the strip. In practical operation, the length of the strip should be taken into consideration according to the water and fertilizer conditions of the plot, the thickness of the branches, and the length of the branches. Mulberry garden with good water and fertilizer conditions can take heavy cuts, leaving the bars 25-40 cm long. After heavy cutting, not only the yield of mulberry leaves is increased by about 10% for the following year, but also about 60% of the overwintering eggs of Mulberry leafhoppers, wild eggs, mulberry eggs, and bacterial diseases can be removed. Insect source.

4 technical points. The first is to use special trimming tools. Special scissors should be used to trim the mulberry tree. Cut and hack with tools such as sickles, kitchen knives, hatchets, etc., to avoid cutting unevenness and damage to branches, bark, buds, etc. Mulberry growth and development. Second, because the tree leaves enough growth branches, in the process of pruning the mulberry tree, we must choose, leave enough growth branches, cut off the invalid litchi. The third is to treat different types of mulberry trees differently. For "chicken nests," we must choose to keep strong and strong branches, cut off disease, disability, and weak branches; for "cluster branches," we should stay weak and stay strong. Promote the growth of lateral branches, make the branches distributed reasonably, develop evenly, and exert group advantages. Fourth, cutting tip should be cut at the height of 1 cm at the back side of the bud, and the incision should be inclined at an angle of 45 degrees so as not to damage the bud or cut it so as not to affect the growth of the terminal bud.

(2) Pruning and Shaping

The pruning can not only make the mulberry nutrient concentrated, the tree type is neat and is conducive to growth, but also can eliminate a large number of overwintering pests and reduce the damage of the pests in the following year. Pruning and shaping are generally performed after the mulberry tree enters the dormancy period from mid-December to early January. The degree of pruning is determined according to conditions such as tree vigor, age, variety, and soil quality. Pruning and shaping should master the following principles:

1 Pruning according to the type of branches. Weak and weak branches, invalid strips, pendulous branches, over dense branches, horizontal branches, dried stems (branches), disease and insect branches, dead boxing and other bad branches are all cut off from the base. This part of the branches is in the lower part and the photosynthesis is weak. Spring mulberry leaf is not much. Leaving strong branches and branches, making nutrients more concentrated, will help increase production. The cut strips, dry piles, etc. are cleared out of the garden together with the weeds in the garden and burned in a concentrated manner. This can be used to organize trees and reduce the effects of mulberry garden eggs and eggs.

2 how much pruning in accordance with the bar. It is advisable to keep 3-4 branches on each branch for appropriate pruning.

3 Prune according to position and direction of the bar. The remaining branches shall be kept open to the four sides for ventilation and light transmission so that the shoots can make full use of light energy.

4 Prune according to the tree's development trend. Zhuangzhi is the basis of branch support. Selecting and maintaining strong branches should consider the possibility of growth becoming a branch.

5 Mulberry trees after pruning and shaping should retain about 8,000-12,000 pieces of leave per mu so as to increase the yield of mulberry leaves.

5, other winter tube technology

(1) Do a good job of grafting

Mulberry grafting and saw-bearing short-stem grafting methods were applied to the mixed mulberry mulberry varieties within the mulberry field to make the mulberry tree grow neatly, vigorously, prosperously for a long period of time, with rapid tree growth and high mulberry leaf yield.

(2) Missing plants

The lack of planting in the mulberry garden will cause more gaps in the mulberry garden, reduce the utilization of light energy, and affect the yield per unit area of ​​mulberry leaves. Therefore, mulberry plants must be replanted in time. Replanting should be carried out in autumn and winter, and 2-3 years old saplings should be used for transplants. The scope of excavation should be larger, more roots should be kept, planting holes must be deep and large, and more basal fertilizer must be added and mixed with the soil. The replanted mulberry trees should be planted with the trees and be planted, and the soil should be solid after the planting. The soil should be watered when the soil is dry. After the survival, the management of fertilizer and water is strengthened, and 1-2 years of spring cutting can quickly catch up with other large trees. Batten methods can also be used to make up for deficiencies. The survival rate of beading is high and growth is fast.

(3) Do a good job of changing mulberry and planting mulberry

Winter is an advantageous season for the renovation of old mulberry gardens. Mulberry seedlings should be prepared early. To change the mulberry species, mulberry should first level the land, do a good job in the construction of the mulberry garden, support the ditch, plant the excellent varieties of mulberry, and quickly develop. In general, 800-1200 acres are planted without excessive density, especially for the new species, mulberry, with a large number of sprouts and strong growth, and the number of acres planted should be appropriately reduced.

(4) Clear Channel Management

Clean up the mulberry garden irrigation and drainage system so that the ditch can communicate with each other to prevent water accumulation after the rain.

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