Tobacco breeding methods and seedling management techniques

Transplanting seedlings is widely used in tobacco cultivation in countries around the world. In tobacco cultivation in China, except for a small part of the yellow smoke and sun-cured tobacco, the majority of tobacco fields are transplanted and transplanted.

The basic requirement for raising seedlings is to timely grow enough seedlings of suitable size and size. General spring tobacco requires suitable planting of strong seedlings, thick stalks, about 7 cm high, diameter of 0.7 cm, with 8 to 10 true leaves, no pests, normal growth and development, seedling age of 50 to 60 days, developed roots, leaf color Dark green, strong resistance.

1. Nursery methods

(1) Seedlings in the open field: Generally, the seedlings are planted in the warm season. The forms used can be divided into flat pods, sorghum and Yangshuo.

1 Leveling: The height and height of the raft are equal to or slightly higher than that of the ground. The raft can be used for irrigation and management. It is commonly used in the plain areas of Shandong, Henan, and southern tobacco provinces.

2 Sorghum: Drainage ditch around the earthworms to facilitate drainage of water in the earthworms and increase the temperature of earthworms. This is the main way to raise seedlings in plain areas with high groundwater table and paddy fields.

3 Yangshuo: Do ​​wind barriers on the north side of the tower and prevent wind and cold. Sorghum stalks, corn stalks, straw, wheat straw, etc. are commonly used as wall materials. According to the test, Yangshuo can raise temperature by 3°C over Pingshuo and advance 10 days ahead of the seedling stage.

(2) Seedling nursery: It has the function of warming and heat preservation, moisture protection and moisturizing, and can be planted in the frost period. It is widely used in northeastern tobacco areas where the frost-free period is short. Hotbed specifications, the general northeast tobacco bed length of 10 to 12 meters, width 1.7 to 2.0 meters, bed frames are mostly made of wood and sorghum straw and other objects. Permeate the soil around the bottom of the frame. Dig the bed depth 20 to 25 centimeters to fill the brewing material and nutrient soil. The hot stuff uses chopped corn stalks, deciduous leaves, rice straw, and fresh horse dung, with a practical thickness of about 6 cm. The nutrient soil is generally made up of 50% of the loam, 30% of the mature manure, and 20% of the deciduous stalk grass.

(3) plastic greenhouse seedlings: artificial heating in the shed, sowing seedlings, seedlings leave planting. The architectural specifications of plastic greenhouses, according to Jilin Yanbian experience, should be moderate in size, too large timber, vulnerable to wind damage, easy to snow; too small will warm up during the day, cooling at night, unfavorable insulation. Generally not less than 60 square meters is appropriate. The middle ground is 2 to 2.5 meters high and 1.5 meters high on both sides. It is arched. After the plastic film is laid, it is reinforced with hemp rope and the pitch of the rope is 50-70 cm. A fire pipe is installed in the shed, and a large furnace is built at one end of the shed. The sowing seedbed is the same as the false seedbed.

2. sowing

(1) Seed treatment: Including seed disinfection and soaking and germination. 1 Seed Disinfection: It can eliminate anthrax and various pathogens attached to the seed coat and receive the effect of preventing disease and protecting seedlings. Commonly used agents are 2% formalin solution, 0.1% silver nitrate solution, 1% copper sulfate solution, and 0.5% mercury-mercury solution. Put the seed into a clean white cloth bag and put it in any of the above solutions. Soak it for 10-15 minutes and take it out. Rinse the liquid to prepare for soaking or germination. 2 soaking and germination: use a clean white cloth bag, each bag about 500 grams of seeds, the amount of seeds can not exceed 1/2 of the bag volume, to prevent the fullness of squeeze when germination. After bagging, put it in water for pods, rinse it until it drips, and lighten the color. After the seed is soaked, the water temperature of the seed is appropriate at about 20°C. Soaking 8 to 10 hours to remove the excess water, placed at 20 ~ 25 °C conditions evoked. It's best to wash it once a day and wash it to remove excess water. About 5 days or so, when the length of the radicle equals the length of the seed, it is sown. Bud emergence is shorter than live seedling emergence and emergence is neat. It is widely used in China's spring tobacco district.

(2) Sowing: The key to whether or not sowing quality can be properly cultivated and strong seedlings must be planted in accordance with local conditions. There are great differences in climate conditions in different regions of China, sowing time and cultivation system are also very different. There are four major types of flue-cured tobacco: spring smoke, summer smoke, autumn smoke, and winter smoke, and non-spring and summer non-summer wheat fields. The sowing date is determined by the transplanting period. Under normal circumstances, the sowing period for spring and summer tobacco is 60 to 70 days before transplanting, and autumn and winter tobacco are about 50 days before transplanting. The sowing period in Hunan is January. The seeding rate is mainly determined according to the seed germination rate, the sowing method and the seeding method. Spread 3 to 5 grams per 10 square meters (net area). Drilling and on-demand use less species. When the plastic film is used to incubate seedlings, watering in the early stage of the seedbed is extremely inconvenient, and it is also not conducive to heat preservation. Before planting, water must be poured. Seeding requirements are uniform and should be covered after sowing, with fine sand, fine soil, straw, loose hair, and pig manure. The thickness should be suitable and uniform. When the spring tobacco adopts budding, the plastic film should be covered on the same day and tightly pressed with soil around it. The highest point of the film surface is about 40 cm from the surface of the skull.

3. Seedling management

(1) Protection at seedling stage: Seedlings in early seedlings are tender and small, have poor resilience, are vulnerable to low-temperature freezing, and are the key measures in the early stage of nursery. The soot must be sealed after sowing. Keeping the temperature and moisture in the bed can quickly emerge seedlings. After two true leaves of the seedlings, as the temperature rises, ventilation and dehumidification are required; otherwise, the seedlings are easily burned and spots or plaques appear. At this time, sunny days generally open from 8 to 9 o'clock in the afternoon to 4 to 5 o'clock in the afternoon, the ends of the membrane are ventilated, and the temperature is controlled within 35 oC. Seedlings in four true leaves, ventilation and dehumidification time to be extended, such as the temperature continues to rise after the opening of both ends, to increase ventilation. During the vertical leaf stage, the tobacco seedlings were opened at both ends in the morning and in the afternoon, and at the same time, the side of the film was uncovered at noon, combined with hardening seedlings.

(2) Watering: The film covers the heat preservation seedlings. When the footing water is poured before planting, watering is not required during the seedling period. When no film is used to cover open-air nursery, the seedlings should be sprayed on a daily or alternate day so that the soil is always in a moist, soft state. The frequency of watering during the “10” period can be appropriately reduced, and the amount of watering can be appropriately increased. After the vertical leaf stage, the size of the tobacco seedlings and soil moisture should be sprinkled with water or appropriate irrigation. The seedling stage is usually dominated by water-cutting seedlings, in line with the principle of no drought or pouring, in order to increase the resilience of tobacco seedlings. Areas with more rain should pay attention to timely drainage. During the whole nursery process, there should be no water accumulation in the seedbed.

(3) Fertilization: Base fertilizer is mainly used for seedbed fertilizer, supplemented by top dressing. The amount of basal fertilizer should meet the needs before the third true leaf period, otherwise it is insufficient basal fertilizer. Dressing should be applied as appropriate according to the growth status of tobacco seedlings, 1 to 3 times. When the basal fertilizer is sufficient, it may not be chased. For top dressing, compound fertilizer is preferred. Before the third true leaf appeared, it was the most sensitive to ammonia nitrogen, and top dressing must be cautious. The amount of nitrogen fertilizer is 5-10 grams per square meter, and the amount should not be too large. After chemical fertilizers are sprayed, the seedlings must be rinsed with clean water to prevent fertilizer damage.

(4) Weeding of seedlings: It is an indispensable measure to cultivate strong seedlings. The 3, 4 and 5 true leaves of the thinning were observed 3 times. The last time the seedlings were seedlings. The seedling distance is generally 6-8 cm. Timely weeding is conducive to ventilation of the seedbed and prevention of pests and diseases, reducing the waste of fertilizer and water. Weeding is usually carried out in combination with seedlings.

(5) Loquat Leaf: It is a measure to promote the growth of tobacco seedlings. Including three methods: timely removal of the lower yellow leaves and yellow-green leaves, the physiological function of the smaller leaves, picking up a part of the upper part of the physiological function of the leaves. The loquat leaves are conducive to ventilation and light transmission, which can inhibit the growth rate of tobacco seedlings. It is an effective measure to regulate the growth of tobacco seedlings of the same size and prevent leggy in the later period.

(6) Timely control of pests and diseases: The major diseases at the seedling stage are anthracnose, damping-off, and the like. Anthracnose is the most common disease and can be sprayed with 1:1,150-fold Bordeaux mixture after 4 to 5 true leaves of tobacco seedlings. Apply 1 to 2 times, or spray 50% Zelenzol 500 times. At the seedling stage, pests mainly include tigers, earthworms and crickets. The most common hazard is the ground tiger. Adults can be killed by light or poison baits (90% trichlorfon 0.5 kg, 20 kg water, 40 kg of sauteed wheat bran, spread in the field in the evening). In severe areas, pesticides can be used to treat the soil. % Trichlorfon powder is mixed with 2.5 kg per mu. When the earthworms occur, lime powder is sprayed near the seedlings in the evening or sprayed with 1:100 rapeseed cake liquid in the morning and evening.

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