Rural Swine Should Improve Housing Environment

In rural areas, the idea of ​​“raising the pigs in a circle” is widespread, and many breeders do not consider environmental pollution. Because of the accumulation of fat, the house is damp, dirty, sultry and stuffy, resulting in a large number of bacteria. With the decrease of the pig's resistance, it is easy to infect the disease and cause epidemics. If the winter quarters are wet and cold, they can cause cold stress on the pigs and get together. The pigs squashing below may be crushed to death. Some remote and impoverished rural areas still retain the Mao circle, and locust eggs are often found in the circle. Aphid larvae are parasitized in the muscles of pigs (commonly known as rice-pork), and people get tsutsugamushi after eating. Surveys have shown that in areas where there is a leopard, pigs with “meat heart” account for 13%~15% of finishing pigs.

Pigs, like other animals, enjoy a clean, dry and comfortable environment. They do not have sweat glands. They rely on autogenous heat production, heat dissipation and respiration to maintain balance with the external environment. In particular, introduced species, such as Landrace, Yorkshire, and Duroc pigs, are bred in conditions with superior conditions. The lean meat percentage is 70%, and the daily gain is more than 800 grams. If the environment is mutated, Can cause stress syndrome, appear nervous, excitable, panic, breathing and heart rate and other phenomena, to a certain extent can make the pig's metabolism increase, the energy consumption increases, the glycolysis process of muscle glycogen speed up and produce large amounts of lactic acid The pH of the muscles is decreased, which causes the degeneration of muscle proteins, the relaxation of cells, and the infiltration of muscles. As a result, gray muscles are produced. Such meat is unsuitable for preservation and the flavor is greatly reduced. Therefore, it is necessary to change the concept of the past and attach importance to improving the environment of the pig house.

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