Small watermelon hanging vine cultivation technique in spring greenhouse

The small watermelon has the advantages of small melon, thin Petite, high sugar content, good taste, early market, high planting efficiency, suitable for small family consumption, and is increasingly favored by growers. According to several years of groping cultivation experience, the cultivation techniques are summarized as follows:

I. Variety selection

Choose early-maturing high-quality varieties that are resistant to low temperature, easy to set fruit, lack of maturity, and appropriate early harvest. There are two types of current sources: one is red meat type, such as good luck, take bit, early spring red jade and so on. The two are yellow meat types such as Xiao Lan and Xin Xiaolan. Generally, the red sugar of Scutellaria japonica is higher than that of Scutellaria.

Second, cultivation technology

1, soaking germination

Generally, in early January, use 40% carbendazim 500-fold or 100-fold formalin soaking for 30 minutes to prevent anthrax and blight, then soak in 15 to 20 minutes at 55°C and remove. After soaking in normal-temperature water for 6 to 8 hours, remove and rinse with clean water, shake off the water film on the seeds, wrap it in wet gauze, put it in a two-layer plastic bag, tie the bag, and place it on the front waist. After a certain period of time, the inside and outside of the seed bag will be replaced to make it evenly heated. Generally, sprouting will begin 24 to 36 hours. The exposed white seeds will be wrapped in a wet towel and kept at room temperature. The rest of the seeds will continue to germinate until most of the whitening occurs. You can sow.

2, nutrient soil and seedbed preparation

Water temperature in greenhouses is low when seeding, and nursery uses greenhouses to raise seedlings.

1) Preparation of nutritious soil. In the following year, the river-mud without pathogens or the paddy soil not planted with vegetables was sun-dried. According to the proportion of 500 kg dry soil plus 0.5 kg urea, 1 kg potassium sulfate, 1.5 kg superphosphate, 25 kg human waste to 100 kg of water, a layer of soil, a layer of fertilizer water, and then covered with plastic film stuffy heap 1 Months to make it ferment. To eradicate the germs in the nutrient soil, apply 25 kg of 100-fold formalin water solution perforated 3-5 days before the end of the composting process, and continue the composting and sterilization for 3 days. Finally, the nutrient soil is fully mixed by sieving. Load 10 cm in diameter in a nutrient bowl.

2) Do seedbeds. In mid-December, according to the required seedbed area, a small arch shed 0.5-0.6 meters wide and 1.2-1.4 meters wide, depending on the size of the seedbed. Electric bed depth 0.15-0.16 meters, shovel flat bed bottom, fill in 0.02-0.04 meters thick dry husk or straw swarf, pave the way to insulation, and then cover with a layer of sterile fine soil, shoot level soil Face, laying the electric hotline on it. According to Changxing's temperature conditions in early January and early February, the seedbed per square meter needs about 100 to 120 watts of power. Such as 1 mu of watermelon species 1500, need 15 square meters seedbed, the total power required is 1500 to 1800 watts, optional 800 watts or 1000 watts hotline two. Before laying the electric heating line, the number of lines and spacing between the heating lines in the seedbed must be calculated. The following formula can be used to estimate:

Number of wiring (N) = (line length - bed width) / bed length

Average wiring spacing (L)=bed width/N+1

Since the temperature in the middle of the seedbed is higher than the two sides, when the electric hotline is installed, the electric heating line in the middle of the seedbed should be thinner and the distance between the lines is larger. The electric heating line close to the bed should be denser and the distance between the lines should be smaller to ensure the uniform temperature in the seedbed. Make melon seedlings grow in unison. When wiring, the electric heating line must be straightened. The two ends of the electric heating line should be set on the same head of the seedbed; the electric hot wire and the electric heating wire joint should be tightly wrapped with insulating tape and put on the insulating tube to prevent leakage. After the heating wire inside the seedbed is set up, a layer of dry fine soil can be sprinkled on top to avoid seeing the electric heating wire. Fix the heating wire, connect the temperature controller and switch, and put the probe of the temperature control instrument into the seedbed. The nutrient soil that has been filled with nutrient soil is then discharged neatly on a seedbed and a power test is conducted. After the electricity is turned on, the soil temperature of the seedbed rises, and the temperature control device can automatically control the seedbed temperature, indicating successful wiring.

3, sowing and seedbed management. 2 days before sowing, the power supply was used to preheat the seedbed and the water was poured at one time. When the soil temperature rises to 22-25°C, it can be sown. Put one seed per nutrient sowing at the time of sowing, and then cover the loose soil or cover the seeds with carbendazim to 1.5-2 cm to prevent the watermelon cotyledons from “wearing caps” unearthed, and use 500 times 95% dixon syrup. The seedbed was sprayed with 0.25 kg of spray water per square meter. Finally, the mulch film is covered and sealed tightly, and the inner and outer shed films are tightly closed. During the day, it is heated by sunlight, and the straw mulch is kept warm at night, and the electricity is applied at the same time. The soil temperature of the nursery was maintained at 22-25°C before emergence. When 1/3 of the melon seedlings are unearthed, the mulch film should be removed in time, and the seedlings unearthed in the cap should be removed in the morning. Then entered the seedling management stage, because at this time the outside temperature is low, rainy days, lack of light, if the humidity is too high, it is easy to die. Therefore, attention should be paid to bed temperature, light and moisture management:

1), bed soil temperature management. After the watermelon is set to the true leaves, the hypocotyl stretches easily to form a tall plantlet. The temperature should be properly controlled, the soil temperature should be controlled at about 21°C, and the soil temperature should be raised gradually to about 23°C after the leaves are developed. After the leaves have been maintained at about 19°C, the seedlings should be gradually cooled down one week before planting, so as to ensure the safe growth of the roots of the melon shoots and cultivate a thick root system.

2) Management of lighting, air temperature and relative humidity in the shed. Watermelon is a hot crop and grows poorly at low temperatures and low light. In early spring, there are many rainy days during nursery, the temperature is low, and the light in the shed is seriously insufficient. It is easy to grow into thin and weak seedlings. Due to the low ambient temperature and low membrane removal, the relative humidity of the air in the shed increases, and the melon seedlings are susceptible to disease. At noon, the sun is strong, and the temperature inside the shed is high, so it is easy to produce tall seedlings. Therefore, early spring watermelon seedlings must pay close attention to the changes in the weather temperature, do a good job at night and rainy days insulation and antifreeze, but also to do a good job of temperature, light, humidity and coordinated management. The specific approach is: Sunny weather, after the sun rises, you can cut off the electric hotline power, peel off the frost-proof straw curtain on the small arch shed, so that the melon seedlings see more light. Cloudy weather also try to make Guamiao more scattered light. From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., when the temperature of the outer shed is above 15°C, the film of the small arches is removed to increase the light intensity. If you encounter 2-3 consecutive days of rainy weather, you can install a 40-60 watt bulb every 2 meters in a small arch, about 0.4 meters high from the seedlings. Turn on the lights during the day, fill light for 5-6 hours a day. If the temperature in the shed drops below 15°C, it should be energized and warmed to raise the soil temperature and temperature. If the temperature in the shed is higher than 35°C, the temperature inside the shed can be adjusted by means of exposing the inner film and openings. If the temperature of the outer shed has reached 25°C or higher, the inner shed film can be removed to increase the light intensity. When the temperature in the outer shed rises to 35°C, a certain amount of openings should be opened and cooled on the lee side. However, when the temperature in the outer shed falls below 25°C in the afternoon, the insulation of the inner and outer sheds should be immediately covered. When the ambient temperature is low and the humidity in the greenhouse is high, when the melon seedlings are diseased, in addition to the timely control of spraying, they can be alternately covered by the outer shed and the inner shed and the outer shed. After repeated dehumidification management, the disease can be effectively controlled.

3), seedbed water and fertilizer management. Water management of watermelon seedbed should be dry and not wet. In electrothermal seedlings, nutrient soils are prone to dehydration because electrothermal heat accelerates evaporation of seedbed water. Therefore, special attention should be paid to moisturizing and water supplementation of the bed soil. Generally used to cover wet soil method to adjust bed soil moisture. The way to add water is to pour about 50 ml of water that is similar to the ground temperature every sunny afternoon (water can be stored in a greenhouse with a cylinder first). The number of watering should be less, and each watering must be done thoroughly. After watering, remove the membrane and ventilate it, until the water droplets on the leaves of the melon seedlings are air-dried, and apply a layer of fine soil moisture to the bed surface. After a long period of rain, the temperature in the shed rises quickly, and the ground temperature rises relatively slowly. The melon seedlings are physiologically dehydrated and the leaves are wilting. At this time, the leaf surface spray should be used to add moisture, and a shade net covering the shed is also provided. Meng, remove the film cooling ventilation, can ease the wilting leaves, restore normal growth. Melon seedlings should be watered 7-10 days before transplanting, and the seedlings should be exercised. Watermelon seedlings generally do not need topdressing. Because the seedlings were sown and seeded to the two cotyledons, the nutrient previously stored in the cotyledon was basically carried out, and thereafter the root system had a relatively strong absorption capacity. Under normal circumstances, as long as the ratio of nutrient and soil conservation is reasonable, it is not a problem to maintain 3-4 true leaves. If the melon seedlings are thin late and do need top dressing, 0.2-0.3% urea and potassium dihydrogen phosphate may be used as foliar dressings.

4) Disease and pest control at seedling stage. In the process of watermelon seedlings in spring, rot, damping-off, anthracnose, and disease can occur. However, the pests were few, and they were sprayed with 40% Dimethoate 2000 times for prevention. Watermelon seedling disease should be mainly prevention. The high humidity of seedbeds is a common condition for many diseases. Therefore, under the condition of meeting the water requirement for melon seedling growth, the number of watering should be reduced as much as possible, ventilation should be strengthened to reduce the humidity of the seedbed, and at the same time, combined with the control of the medicine, satisfactory results will be obtained. For a high humidity in the shed, it is best to use a smoked fumigation. Use a trumpet for every 10 m2 and use a lead wire to lift it. In the evening, it will be ignited. The door will be ventilated the next morning. Generally fumigation once every 7-10 days, the membrane can not be combined with the humidity is not high, with carbendazim, chlorothalonil alternate every 5 to 7 days to prevent 1 time, can effectively prevent seedbed disease.

3, land preparation

Combine mutatis mutandis with persimmon pigs, chicken manure 1500-2000 kilograms, imported compound fertilizer 20-25 kilograms, borax 1 kilogram, enemy kashong 2 kilograms, pesticides and chemical fertilizers are evenly mixed and thoroughly spread. Then squat. The 6-meter standard greenhouse is about 120 centimeters wide, the width of the inter-ditch is 40 centimeters wide, the side ditch is about 60 centimeters wide, and the ditch is 20 centimeters deep. After that, the sorghum flour shall be smashed and smashed with a black mulch to cover the sorghum and sulcus, raise the temperature in advance, and shorten the sapling period.

One week before colonization, the seedbed was irrigated with water, and the temperature of the seedbed was lowered. During the day, the temperature was 20 to 23°C and the night was 10 to 14°C. The seedlings were fully trained. One afternoon before colonization, spray 0.3-0.5% urea as extra-root top dressing, and spray 1 time preventive pesticide, such as 70% thiophanate-methyl 600-800 times, so that the melon seedlings with fertilizer Colonization.

4, planting methods

Melon seedlings in 4 to 5 true leaves (40 to 50 days of seedling age) planting is appropriate, generally in early February to mid-term (when the soil temperature reaches above 15 °C can be planted), choose sunny morning transplant. At the time of colonization, about 15 cm from the edge of the planting hole, each row of 2 rows, row spacing 80 to 90 cm, the plant spacing determined by the pruning method, requiring the double vine pruning plant spacing 40 cm, three vine pruning plant spacing 60 cm. 10 grams of potassium sulfate compound fertilizer is applied at the bottom of the hole, and 15 grams of calcium, magnesium and phosphate fertilizers are poured. The root water is set on the edge of the planting side and is covered with a black mulch after the planting (membrane and membrane are overlapped in the pod to facilitate the application of fertilizer. ), And opened the melon seedlings dug out, sealed hole. On the same day, a small arch shed is covered with a membrane.

5, Daejeon Management

(1) Temperature Control

Small arch shed temperature management. After the planting of melon seedlings, the outside temperature is still low, and the temperature management is mainly based on antifreeze insulation. Within one week after the planting, a small shed was enclosed. The shed was kept as much as 30-35°C and the night temperature was 15-18°C. After easing the seedlings, the temperature in the shed is 25 to 30 during the day and 14 to 16 at night. After sitting in the melon, the temperature in the shed during the daytime is 28 to 35, and at night it is 16 to 20, and the temperature is too high. The ventilation and temperature reduction of the large-scale film is opened. When the temperature is low at night, the straw film is covered with grasshoppers to keep warm. When the melon seedlings have been made out of vines, the arch shed has been able to take out the small arch sheds when they cannot accommodate the guajava seedlings.

(2) Fertilizer management

Although the water requirement of watermelon is high, but it is not moisture-resistant, and the relative humidity in the shed is too high, it is easy to cause various diseases. Therefore, it is recommended to cover the entire layer of the mulching film, and to perform watering or irrigation under the film, timely ventilating and dehumidifying, and to control the relative temperature in the room (the humidity in the larvae and flowering periods is slightly higher). After the watermelon is planted, it can be poured into three waters. The first water will grow to 6 to 8 leaves in combination with the water and topdressing the potassium sulfate compound fertilizer 15 kg per mu. The amount of water is not too large to prevent the growth of the seedlings. The second water is poured into the water after sitting on the melon, applying 35 kg of potassium sulfate compound fertilizer per acre; the third water is separated every 10 to 15 days, and the combined application of potassium sulfate potassium fertilizer is 10 kg.

(3) Pruning stand, pollination and melon

Pruning stand: small watermelons require topping cultivation, from the vine to fruit. Generally used double or triple vine pruning. The topping is performed at the 4 to 5 leaf stage of the melon seedlings, and then 2 to 3 robust vines are selected from the base, and the remaining sub-branches are completely removed. After the small arch shed was demolished, the stand was erected in time and the vines grew. The rack type can be inserted into single row racks, or inserted into adult racks, and can also be used to hang vines with plastic ropes, with a spacing of 20 cm. Pollination sitting melon: Pollination can use bee pollination or artificially assisted pollination. Artificial pollination should be conducted at 8:00 am to 10:00 am on a sunny day. Male flowers that are open on the same day are pollinated on the second and third female flowers on the vine. And timely removal of the female flower opening section and all the vines on the front section. Keep melons: When the young larvae grow to large eggs, choose the stalks and bristly thick, bright melon, melons of 10-15. Double vine pruning to leave 1 fruit, three vines pruning to leave 2 fruit. After fruiting, the pruning is stopped so that more leaf area is formed and the big melons are promoted. When the melon weighs about 0.5 kilograms, the upper and lower main vines of the fruit stalks are fixed on the frame to prevent melons from falling, and the melons of the ripe melons are shed with melon bags and the upper ends are fixed on the lead wire or frame in the shed. To facilitate the expansion of watermelon.

4, Daejeon pest control

The watermelon greenhouse insulation cultivation environment is relatively closed, the air humidity is high, the disease is heavy, and the pest is relatively light. Disease prevention should be based on prevention and integrated prevention and treatment. Increase ventilation and light transmission, increase organic fertilizers, and maintain robust plant growth. At the same time, it was protected by spraying Bordeaux mixture. It was sprayed once every 10 to 12 days, sprayed 240 times before flowering, and sprayed 200 times after the melons (copper sulfate and quicklime halves). If the disease has already occurred, a high-efficiency, low-toxic bactericidal agent can be selected according to the type of disease. The specific practices refer to other watermelon cultivation disease prevention and control techniques.

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