Feeding fattening technology for sheep

In recent years, China's mutton sheep breeding industry has developed rapidly and has become one of the important industries that drive regional economic development. In order to improve the economic benefits of mutton sheep breeding, speed up slaughter and turnover, and effectively protect and restore the grassland ecology, we have carried out trials and demonstrations of sheep rearing for fattening. After several years of implementation, remarkable results have been achieved. The relevant technical points are now described as follows.
1 Lamb fattening lambs have the characteristics of rapid growth and high feed remuneration, low feeding cost and high economic benefits, and are suitable for modern and efficient breeding and production. Lamb fattening means that the lambs satisfy the green forage every day after weaning, supplemented with corn, bean cake, bran-based mixed feed, each lamb is 300-800g per day, after 50-60d fattening, lambs Slaughter when the weight reaches 35kg or more.
1.1 Lamb fattening preparation Before the start of fattening, lambs are trained to eat feed. When the sky is belly, sheep are allowed to feed or forced into the mouth by artificial means. The feed must be crushed and suitable corn and bean cakes should be prepared. And add appropriate amount of salt, after a week of training, the lamb can gradually eat feed, and do a good job of lamb deworming, shearing, castration, medicated bath, immunization and gregarious cultivation, preparation for the lamb's separate group.
1.2 The fattening lamb fattening can be divided into three stages: pre-fermentation, mid-fattening and late fattening. For example, the fattening period is 60 days, that is, the fattening period is 20 days before, during and after the fattening. The management of the early fattening period is to observe whether the lambs are accustomed to fattening management, whether or not there are morbid sheep, whether the lambs are eating normally, and adjust feeding according to the feeding conditions. Standards, feed formulas, etc.; mid-fattening will increase the amount of supplements, increase the proportion of protein and feed, and focus on the balance and quality of nutrients in feed; during the late period of fattening, increase the amount of feed, increase the energy of feed, and appropriately reduce the proportion of protein, To increase sheep's fatness and improve the quality of lamb. The amount of supplement should be determined according to the size of the body weight, supplemented with feeding standards, and supplemented in advance in order to achieve the desired weight gain effect, and change the fattening scheme and technical measures at any time according to the health status of the herd and the effect of weight gain. . For fattening feed, bean cake, wheat bran, and corn are mixed together to form a mixed concentrate. According to different fattening periods, the proportion of preparation is different. The proportion of commonly used feed formula is: 30% of pre-fatation bean cake, 15% of wheat bran and 55% of corn; 25% of mid-fat soybean cake, 15% of wheat bran, and 60% of corn; 20% of soybean cake in the late fattening stage. Bran accounted for 15% and corn accounted for 65%.
During the fattening period, in addition to feeding the concentrate, a certain amount of roughage should be fed every day. The best choice for fattening for fattening is hay, which is crushed before feeding. The length is about 1 to 2cm. The daily consumption of fattening lambs should be proportioned. The diet contains 14% of protein, 0.92% of calcium, 0.25% of phosphorus, 30:70 ratio of refined to coarse material, 13% of protein in the mid-fat diet, 0.78% of calcium, and 0.22% of phosphorus. %, concentrated feed 36%, crude feed 64%, dietary late dietary protein 12.2%, calcium 0.62%, phosphorus 0.62%, crude material ratio 50:50.
1.3 Effect of fattening Lamb meat has the advantages of tender, juicy, fine meat, less fat, delicious taste, easy digestion and light taste, and is well received by consumers. After a fattening period, the average daily gain of the fattening lamb can reach about 200g, and the body weight can reach 35-40kg. The average weight of the slaughtered slaughter is 19.6kg. The slaughter rate is more than 40%. When the fattening sheep are sold, the body weight is 1kg. In terms of 18 yuan, plus head, hooves, miscellaneous, and skin, the average income of each sheep is 434.8 yuan. In addition to the other expenses of lambs, the average profit of each sheep is 71.06 yuan.
During the whole fattening period, there should be a relatively fixed feeding program. The concentrate should be fed twice a day, fed at 10:00 in the morning, and fed 1 time in the afternoon at 18:00. The coarse material should be fed less frequently, at least 5 times a day. 8 times.
2 adult sheep fattening adult sheep refers to rams, ewes and mutton sheep over 2 years old. These sheep have relatively poor meat performance and meat quality. In order to improve the quality of adult mutton, increase its mutton production and economic efficiency, short-term fattening should be conducted before the slaughter.
2.1 Preparation of fattening In order to put the fattening sheep in a non-production state, the ewes should stop breeding, gestation, or breastfeeding; the rams should stop breeding, show feelings, and perform castration. All kinds of sheep should be combed before fattening to improve sheep's skin metabolism and promote sheep fattening. Before the start of fattening, the flock should be dewormed, and the sheep suffering from warts should be given a medicinal bath or locally rubbed with the drug to destroy the mites.
2.2 The fattening and finishing cycle is generally 60-80d. The fattening period of mature adult sheep can be 40 days, namely, 10 days in the early stage of fattening, 20 days in the middle stage, and 10 days in the later stage; the fattening period of the adult sheep in the middle age can be 60 days, ie, the fattening period is 20 days before, during and after the fattening; The period can be 80d, that is, the first 20 days of fattening, the middle and late periods are each 30 days.
The formulation and requirements for fattening feed are basically the same as those for lamb fattening. The requirements for the amount of roughage to be fed are: 0.4 to 0.7 kg of fine material in the early stage of fattening, 1:2 kg of coarse material, and 8 g of salt: 0.6 to 1 kg of fine material in the middle of fattening, and coarse The raw material is 1.0kg and salt 10g; the fine material at the late stage of fattening is 1.8-1.5kg, the crude material is 0.8kg, and the salt is 10g.
2.3 Effect of fattening After a fattening period, the average daily gain of the fattening sheep can reach about 160g, and the slaughter rate can reach more than 35%.
The implementation of fattening technology through sheep-fed sheep rearing not only promoted the rapid development of the sheep breeding industry in the region, but also stimulated the economic development of the region. In Chifeng City, only 3 million lambs were fattened each year, and 1.5 million sheep were fattened. Only above, creating more than 300 million social benefits. The fattening of the slaughtered sheep is tender and succulent, and it is moderately fat and thin. It is well received by consumers and has significant economic benefits. The sheep raising industry has become the main way for farmers and herdsmen to become rich and well off.
Author: Research Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Research Institute, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia

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