Hydra farming method

Hydra farming method

1. Seedlings source and stocking. Mink species can be grown or purchased on their own, and it is best to use a wide range of money. The standard for seeding is robust, non-injury, and the specification is 20g per treaty. Because of its high spawning rate and high hatching rate, it can be sold in early spring for 6 months and can grow 10~15kg per mu. Hydra is a hermaphrodite, and each breeds eggs. From March to April, spawning usually produces 1 to 4 eggs, and each egg can breed 60 to 80 larvae. In summer, it is a breeding season and the best season for catching.

2. Daily management. The vitality of leeches is very strong, and the cultivation is mainly to adjust the amount of feed and leeches. The mink mainly feeds on the blood of animals such as snails, maggots, fish, frogs, poultry, etc. Artificially fed feeds should be mixed with blood, rice, and mash of various animals. 25 kg of snails were placed in one acre lot per mu, allowing them to breed naturally for feeding, and it is best to feed the animals' blood every week. Otters have strict requirements on water sources, and they can grow in sewage. However, with high-density farming, the water quality should be kept clean, and there must be a certain amount of dissolved oxygen. In the hot season of July-August, it is necessary to change water regularly.

3. Winter management. After entering the winter, the otters stopped feeding and hibernated into the soil. At this time, it is best to drain the water and fish out with a net. Select a large, vigorously growing seed (15kg per acre seedling) and concentrate on the wintering in the breeding pond.

4. Pay attention to protect the egg. From April to October, the leech appears to be sponge-like outside the egg quagmire, and is prolific in fertile soils that are semi-humid. Therefore, the paddy fields and ponds for raising otters should not be large or deep. Pay attention to drainage in rainy days. Do not immerse the soil in the water level. Easy to die.

5. Collect and concoct. Summer and autumn are the best time to catch the otters. After catching it, wash it, suffocate with lime or wine, then dry it or dry it. The fried squid was roasted with talcum powder in a pan, and the scallops were cut into pieces. The oil and water shall be tapped to wash the water, and the pan shall be deep-fried to yellow with the lard, and the Chinese medicine decoction pieces shall be taken out and dried.

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