High quality hay processing modulation technology

One of the key points in the restructuring of China's agricultural industry is to vigorously develop the dairy industry, and in the next 5 to 10 years, it will focus on improving the level of yield per unit of milk and livestock. The production of high-yield and high-quality milk depends on the supply of sufficient quality forage. For the dairy industry, vigorously developing the niobium industry is the key to solving a large number of quality feed problems. The good social, economic benefits, and ecological functions that have been demonstrated have been identified as the preferred feed crop for the ternary planting structure. At present, the status quo of China's plutonium industry is that its production technology is backward, its processing machinery and equipment are poor, its product quality is poor, its product rate is low, and its competitiveness is poor. Grass products can not meet the needs of domestic and foreign markets in terms of variety, quality, and quantity, and seriously restrict the development of the industry. The modulation and processing of germanium is the key to ensuring high quality and efficient grass products based on high yield.苜蓿 Product processing is still a key factor in the development of the 苜蓿 industry during the period from now to the next. Processing modulation of hay, common processing and modulation methods include mainly barley, drying hay, and silage. With the improvement of processing technology, the processed products are developed from primary products such as bales, grass powder, grass particles and grass blocks. To a series of deep-processed products such as lobe leaf protein. Alfalfa hay and silage are grass products that have a large amount of dairy cows and a large market demand. Grass hay is an essential roughage for herbivorous livestock in winter and spring. Because of its high feed value, abundant raw materials, simple preparation methods, low cost, and convenience for long-term storage, it is the main type of northern forage preparation. In order to facilitate storage and transportation, the modulated hay is often made into hay bales. More than 80% of grass products exported from the United States are bales. Bales of straw are usually made by picking and tying machines to dry pastures dried to a certain degree after natural drying or artificial high-temperature drying. Other hay products are basically processed on the basis of it. According to the density of the bales, the bales have low-density bales or high-density bales. Usually, low-density bales are produced by picking and baling machines directly in the field. High-density bales are used in low-density grasses. The bundle is formed on the basis of a secondary compression baler. The basic procedures for hay preparation are: fresh grass cutting, flattening, drying, picking up, baling, stacking, secondary pressurization, baling and storage. There are many factors that affect the quality of alfalfa hay, the most important of which are the cutting time, drying methods, storage conditions and techniques. The quality of green grass in the water should be 14% to 17%, with a deep green, retain a large number of leaves, shoots and buds, and has a special aromatic smell. Timely cutting is the key to ensure good nutrient basis for hay. Timely cutting is the key. Cockroaches are usually harvested during the bud or early flowering period. That is to say, the flowering rate of 100 plants should be less than 10%, so that crude protein can reach more than 18% by air-drying. During the cutting, the dryness of the soil surface is related to the processing quality of alfalfa hay. If the surface of the soil is too wet, it will affect the processing quality of alfalfa hay. It is generally believed that the alfalfa hay height should be controlled between 7.6 and 10 cm. A grass grows. The last one should be 7 cm to facilitate the wintering and the frequency of mowing is from 30 to 40 days from spring to summer and from 40 to 50 days from midsummer to fall. In the production process of the hay bales, it is the key to mastering the optimum moisture content of the hay when bales are made. Generally 20% ~ 25% is appropriate to avoid excessive loss of nutrients. Common drying methods are natural drying, artificial drying and physical and chemical drying. The natural drying method is simple and inexpensive. It is the most commonly used method for hay preparation at home and abroad. However, in general, this method has a long drying time, is affected greatly by the climate and the environment, and has a large loss of nutrients. The natural drying method is divided into ground drying and straw drying. Drying on the ground is a simple, easy-to-use drying method. In the preparation of alfalfa hay, in order to ensure the nutrition of hay, the loss of nutrients should be minimized, the drying speed must be accelerated, the enzymes that decompose the nutrients should be deactivated, and piled up promptly. Avoid sun exposure to reduce loss of carotene. Flattening significantly increases crude protein and carotene levels in hay, and significantly shortens drying time, reducing loss from leaf loss, aphid respiration, and enzyme activity. And the flattening treatment is significantly better than sun exposure and dryness. According to studies, the most obvious effect of stalk squashing under electron microscope is to separate lignified and non-lignified cells, increase the surface area of ​​stalks, and weaken their water holding capacity. The time taken to reduce the moisture content of freshly cut maggots to a safe moisture content of 14% is called the drying rate, and the drying rate determines the nutritional level and quality of the dried valerian. Drying fracturing stalk drying method The drying time depends on the drying time of the stalk. The drying speed of the blade is much faster than that of the stalk. Commonly used mower squashing machine to crush the stalk and eliminate stalk keratin Layers and fiber ropes hinder the evaporation of water, increase the coefficient of water conductance, speed up the evaporation of water in the stem, and synchronize the drying speed of the stem and the leaf as soon as possible. Fracturing stems to dry pastures is 30% to 50% shorter than fracturing drying, reducing respiration, photochemical action, and enzyme activity time, thereby reducing nutrient loss, but flattening can lead to cell rupture. Leakage of cell fluid leads to loss of nutrients. Mechanically squeezing the stalk has a greater influence on the drying rate of the first-cut hoe, but has little effect on the drying rate of the re-cast hoe. The hay bales were crushed and cut to dry, and were tied at 22% of the moisture content of the grass. At the same time, biological hay protectants were used to reduce loss of leaves by 30% to 35% and reduce nutrient losses by nearly 50%. Drying on the ground, weeding, and drying are commonly used as ground drying methods. The harvested barnyard grass is laid on the ground to a grass layer of 10 to 15 cm thick. When the water content is about 50%, small ridges or small piles are integrated. Turning grass is performed at certain intervals to facilitate drying. The protein content of stems and leaves of alfalfa is very different. The leaves are twice as much as stems. In the process of natural drying, the drying speed of leaves is much faster than that of stems. When the leaves have reached safe moisture, the water content of stems is still high. Slight movement will cause serious loss of defoliation, which is one of the reasons for the drastic decrease of protein content caused by natural drying of grasses. The time when the leaves of the alfalfa began to fall off is when the leaf's water content is 26% to 28%, and the whole plant's water content is between 35% and 40%. After one day's drying, when the water content reaches 40%, the nighttime and morning sunburn are used once. At this time, the blades are tough and have less dry matter, which not only accelerates the drying speed, but also increases the rate of fresh leaves and leaves. When the water content is below 20%, it can be bundled [8]. Alfalfa leaf is rich in protein, leaf loss is the main reason for the loss of nutrients in hay, the maximum preservation of the leaf is an important part of reducing the loss of alfalfa hay, according to which high moisture can be tied. Artificial dry natural conditions under the drying of aphid hay nutrients loss, artificial drying can achieve rapid drying. Artificial drying has wind drying and rapid drying at high temperature. Artificial heating method is used to quickly evaporate moisture from the mash until safe moisture. Since the drying speed determines the content of nutrients and the quality of hay after drying, the high-temperature fast drying machine is usually used. The drying temperature can reach 500-1000° C., and the drying time is only 3 to 5 minutes, but it is dried. higher cost. After haying with high temperature, the weed seeds, eggs and harmful bacteria are all killed, which is favorable for long-term preservation. According to pasture characteristics, high-temperature rapid drying has been paid attention by people in the industry. Naturally dried alfalfa has a protein content of about 17% to 18%, a domestic sales price of 800 to 1200 yuan/t, a mechanically dried alfalfa protein content of 22% or more, a reduction in fumigation and customs fees, and a real income of 200 yuan. USD, a total of RMB 1650/t, with a drying cost of RMB 150/t, and a paid-in RMB 1,500/t. The domestic market price of barnyardgrass protein content increased by one percentage point, value-added 100 yuan, mechanical drying than natural drying protein content of 5 percentage points higher, can sell 500 yuan more, remove the drying cost of 150 yuan, but also compared to the natural drying value of 350 yuan / t, especially in the rainy season, no drying equipment will cause mildew, mold damage caused by loss of 30% to 50%. Therefore, some people believe that China's grass industry should work hard to develop high-grade, low-energy products to meet the needs of the international market, and only in this way can increase product profit margins, so that China's grass industry took a healthy development track. Desiccant drying Spray some of the alkali metal salt solution onto the mash. After a certain chemical reaction, the cuticle of the grass stem will be destroyed and the water loss in the grass body will be accelerated. This method not only reduces the loss of leaf during drying, but also improves the digestion of hay nutrients. rate. Commonly used desiccants include potassium chloride, potassium carbonate, sodium carbonate, and sodium bicarbonate (Liu Jianxin, 2003). The United States and Australia have long-term research to improve the modulation of hay technology, aiming to reduce the preparation time, reduce nutrient losses during drying and reduce adverse weather constraints. In field tests in Australia, castrated turfgrass was sprayed with 2% potassium carbonate solution, drying at a rate 43% faster than flattened stalks, and improved by spraying 2% potassium carbonate solution to quail before harvesting. Drying effect. The advantage is to speed up the drying time l ~ 2 days, reduce the total loss of production of 13% to 22%, significantly improve the quality of feed, and the rapid collection of ground grass, in order to facilitate the regeneration, experimental studies show that K. CO. The prepared grass has good palatability. The United States does not use potassium carbonate alone. They use a mixture of sodium carbonate, sodium silicate and sodium propionate to speed up the drying speed and spray effect. University of Michigan researchers have shown that the use of 2.8% of potassium carbonate solution to obtain the best results, and the use of chemical spray directly spray smashing smashing, the best effect to speed up the drying rate, these are worth learning. Bundles in the field generally have a moisture content of 15% to 25% baled (Li Gujiang, 1997). After drying in the field for 2 days, when the moisture content reaches 22% or less, it can be tied in the morning and evening when the air humidity is high to reduce the loss and breakage of the leaves. Although baling when the moisture content of the tanning leather is greater than 20% can reduce the breath and thus retain the leaves, the baled hay at this time will become inferior in storage. Some people at home and abroad also use high moisture to modulate the hay. Gao Caicai (1997) showed that the moisture content is 29% and the bale ratio is 14% (traditional method). The straw yield is 107kg, and the crude protein is 12.7 kg. The amount of water decreased, the ratio of stems and leaves increased, and the loss rate of leaves increased; 29% moisture binding was tied to 18% moisture content. The crude protein of the former was significantly higher than the latter, and the NDF and ADF were significantly lower than the latter, but the ash content was not affected. Big. When the United States produces high moisture content, balsam is often added with propionic acid to prevent mildew and preserve nutrients. In the traditional practice of baling, the size of 26cm46cm90cm and the weight of 15 to 20 kg are used, and the large bales of 500kg are generally used. Generally, the rainwater seeps through and is not easily degraded, but the related mechanical equipment is required. Bundles of bales should be packed in time for commercialization. The water content of valerian in the harvest period is about 75% to 85%, and its active protein and vitamin account for about 25% of the dry matter weight. It is rich in nutrition. When the weeds are harvested, the drying process begins and a large amount of research data proves that, under natural drying conditions, the drying process is always accompanied by quite complex physiological and biochemical processes, such as cellular respiratory metabolism, which is a way to consume nutrients. The process of cost, at the same time, under the action of some biological enzymes, some proteins are decomposed into amino acids. With the progress of the above process and the wilting of phlegm, the resistance to disease gradually weakens. Corruption or deterioration, while consuming large amounts of nutrients, eventually leads to a decrease in the rate of protein preservation and a decline in the quality of barnyard grass, or even complete rot. Therefore, the quality of alfalfa hay depends entirely on the speed of dehydration and the time required to achieve safe moisture. Because only the water content in the body reaches 14% below the safe water content, all the activities of the above process will be completely stopped, and the nutritional components of the grass will remain in a stable state. The content of protein in the loquat leaf is 2 times that of the stem. In the process of natural drying, the drying speed is much faster than that of the stem. Especially when using a harvester harvested without a flattening device, the drying time of the stem and the leaf differs by several times. . When the leaves have reached a safe moisture level, the water content of the stems is still high. At this time, the leaf-stem connection force is very small. As long as it is slightly moved, it will cause serious loss of leaves. This is also the result that the protein content is drastically reduced when the grasses are naturally dry. one of the reasons. When the drying rate is within 2 hours, the protein preservation rate is usually 95%. With the increase of drying time, the protein preservation rate decreases. When the drying rate is 72 hours (3 days), the protein preservation rate can reach 60%. Based on this, it can determine what kind of processing technology is suitable for the climatic conditions in the processing area after castration. The general annual precipitation in the area of ​​200-300 mm is listed as suitable for natural drying. The rate of nutrient loss in conventional drying is large. According to the research, the total nutrient loss is about 20%, the loss of digestible crude protein is 30%, the mechanical loss during drying is the largest, up to 15% to 20% (because of leaf shedding), followed by respiration 10% to 15%, enzyme action 5% to lO%, and finally rain, loss of 5%. The photochemical effect of sunlight caused a large loss of carotene, which caused one day of sunshine and a loss of 96%. In addition, more than half of the loss of hay occurred during storage, and the dry matter loss caused by storage was about 5%, with the fastest decline in carotene. U.S. researchers found that after 7 months of open-air stacking, the crude protein and carotene in the grass dropped sharply, while the changes in nutrients in the large batches were not obvious. Bales of stored bales are often stored in stacks. Storage straw sheds should be selected in a cool, dry and ventilated place. When bales are stacked, vents should be left between bales to facilitate air flow r8]. When the alfalfa hay contains 20% to 25% of water, it is sprayed with O.5% propionic acid; when it contains 25% to 30% of water, it can be stored and sprayed with l% propionic acid. To keep pest killing rodents and keep them away from fire, straw bales are packed in plastic bags to increase the level of commercialization of bales. After dry storage for a long time, dry matter content and digestibility of dried grasses decreased, carotene was destroyed, grass fragrance disappeared, palatability was poor, and nutritional value decreased. Therefore, long-term storage was not appropriate. More than 20% of bales containing water can be added with hay antiseptic additives. The antiseptic additives contain many kinds of lactic acid fermentation microorganisms, produce lactic acid, acetic acid and propionic acid through fermentation, reduce the pH value of bale, inhibit the reproduction of harmful microorganisms, and prevent bale from rot , it is better color and smell of hay. Feeding effects of alfalfa hay The most important source of protein in high-yielding cows and beef cattle in the United States is alfalfa hay. Li Shengli (2002) replaces Rumex with alfalfa hay, which increases the milk yield of dairy cows and has a significant economic benefit. He pointed out that foreign dairy cows have high yields, good milk quality, and dairy cows are healthy and have a long service life. The experience lies in feeding high-quality raw materials throughout the year. For dairy cows, the effective use of earthworms is combined with corn silage. The Hutubi breeder farm experience created a national record of 9503.3 kg of milk production per year in 2000. The main experience is excellent animal husbandry grass, which supplies dairy cows hay and corn silage all year round (Wang Bo, 2002). Yan Xuebing (2003) introduced that 60% of the crude protein of dairy cows' diets can be provided by quail, 40% to 50% of the mixed concentrates of dairy cows can be replaced by alfalfa meal, and the daily feeding amount of high-yielding cows can reach 9 kg (4~5 kg of alfalfa hay). Grass powder 4 ~ 5 kg) or silage silage 7 ~ 9 kg. If the high-yield dairy cows reach this level, the amount of milk produced on the first day can increase by 4 to 6 kg, and the annual yield can be increased by 200 to 1800 kg. The input-output ratio can reach 1:3. Xinjiang has a vast territory and unique resources of light and heat. The average annual precipitation is only 147 mm, dry and dry, and the high temperature in summer lasts long. It is suitable for the natural drying of earthworms and is very beneficial to the production of earthworms. In order to reduce the processing costs and to make rational use of local resources, it is necessary to explore suitable local drying measures. The development idea of ​​Xinjiang alfalfa products is to meet the needs of the market in the region and at home and abroad. The development target of grass products should be product serialization, including standard bales, high-density bales, grass powder, grass pellets, silage wrapping, leaf protein Wait. At present, there are five modern grass product processing equipment and enterprises in Xinjiang that have created conditions for the industrialization of grass products and laid a certain foundation for the transformation of animal husbandry in the autonomous region to modernization. The quality of valerian products is different, and the price varies greatly. The price of grass in the international market is 150 to 250 US dollars/t, and that in China is 1,000 to 1200 yuan/t. Naturally dried valerian protein content of about 17% to 18%, the domestic sales price of 800 ~ l200 yuan / t, the domestic market price of barnyardgrass protein content increased by one percentage point, the value of i00 yuan. It can be seen that to improve the competitiveness of wolfberry products, to solve the problem of rapid dehydration, and to reduce nutrient losses become the bottleneck for obtaining high-quality alfalfa hay. Currently, the cultivation area of ​​alfalfa in China is 1.33 million hm, and the total output is 5.3 million tons. The annual output in Xinjiang is 67.56 million tons. According to the domestic and international market sales prices of alfalfa products, according to current domestic and regional alfalfa production, alfalfa grass protein content One percentage point increase will bring considerable economic benefits. The same is true for the loss rate. Every 1% reduction in the loss rate will increase 100 tons of hay per 10,000 tons, which is also an alarming amount. Therefore, the research and introduction of advanced processing technology to improve the quality of wolfberry products, and vigorously improve the quality of grass products, it not only increases the profit margin of the product, but also provides animal husbandry with high-protein feed, which is very large for improving the productivity of animal husbandry.

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