The habit of the fox

This is the classic description of women in Chinese traditional culture. However, perhaps the light of “Strange Tales from the Lonely Studios” is too strong. The green phoenixes and lotus flowers in the book are too beautiful, making it easy for us to forget that the ancestors still left a lot of legends about male foxes. In fact, “Sou Shen Ji” and “ There are many foxes in the "Soul of God", "Tai Ping Guang Ji" and even "Liao Zhai Zhi Yi". There are roughly three types of male foxes: the first one is the flower thief, most of whom lost their lives because of desire rather than love; the second is “Dr. Hu” who learns extensively and speaks eloquently; the third is the urchin, who loves to make jokes and mischief. . After all, history and literature are mostly written by men. The talent and wit of male foxes have been gradually enlarged. Therefore, in the Strange Tales of the Lonely Studios, there are four sons: Hu Sixianggong and Huangfu’s son, who are as good-looking as scholars, and they only become romantic. The “fox spirit” that is enchanted with love is synonymous with women. The only difference is whether they are conjectural or devoted to love.
Fox is also an important symbol in Western culture. Xi Jinyun: The fox knows many things, and the hedgehog knows only one thing. (It can be understood that the fox machine becomes full and the hedgehog has only one defense.) This proposition was interpreted by the thinker Isabel Berlin and wrote the famous "Robin and Fox." Hedgehog people attribute everything to a single, universal principle. The fox-type people pursue many purposes and reject all-embracing monism. For example, in Berlin, Hegel, Dostoevsky, Nietzsche, and others are hedgehogs. Montaigne, Goethe, and Pushkin are foxes.
The Fox's body is light and quick-acting. It is a yellowish-brown fur and is velvety. It is an undisputed beautiful family among the beasts. Through the domesticated fox, understanding people, often chanting into a group, and people sleep together and stay together, inseparable. This kind of beauty of the fox and the characteristics of the lover may become the guillotine of it's "mutuality". The fox is extremely alert. I have observed foxes hunting hares. He lowered his body and squatted on the ground, hiding his head between the front paws. The helix slowly circled in the air. His eyes remained unblinking, like focusing lights, moving fast with the hare...
The fox’s intelligence is sometimes unbelievable. A friend told me that he brought a satiety fox into the office, and then gave it a favorite meat package. It first repeated, and finally pulled a newspaper to cover it to be assured. According to friends, trained foxes even understand the rhythm. If the fox is smart, even a primate will have one.
The "family" life of the fox is also very interesting. When you enter the same room, you can go out slowly and behave very closely. According to a zoologist, because the fox's lair is built close to the water, the cave is relatively humid, and the younger ones are born in the winter. The female foxes use the body to warm them up. During this period, the food of the female fox and young cub was supplied by the public fox. Even if the male fox does not feed himself, it must not let the female fox and young cub be hungry. Some female foxes that are genetically related and have no fertility will automatically send food. What's even more interesting is that when the food is sufficient, the public fox will “complain about it”. Although the wives and cubs live apart from each other, they get along well, never fight each other, and sometimes slam each other, and are close to each other, which is extremely good in other animals. rare.
The fox is sensitive to hearing, but is suspicious of nature and cautious. Jin Yuan Guo Shengsheng said in the “Notes to the Chronicle” that winter foxes often listened to the river for a long time. People have grasped this habit of the fox, "will fool the fox to dare to go." The same slang phrase is also popular in Russia and Northern Europe. "Fox can do it, and people can do it."

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