High-quality watermelon high-yielding cultivation techniques

In order to do a good job in the cultivation of watermelons and raise the income of farmers, the high-quality, high-yield cultivation techniques for protected and semi-protected watermelons are now described as follows:
1 Variety selection Watermelon is selected according to the market demand to choose the marketable variety, while taking into account the adaptation of cultivation climate, different cultivation methods, soil conditions, and cultivation conditions. In addition, we must consider the mix of early, middle and late varieties and the formation of distinctive varieties to facilitate the occupation of the market.
2 Cultivation Management
2.1 Before the winterization of the site preparation, the organic fertilizer shall be applied in combination with ploughing, excavation shall be performed with a depth of 30cm, and the water shall be poured into the soil to apply the base fertilizer and to make the culms. In the spring of the following year, the mulch is covered in the convulsions season to prevent soil loss.
2.2 Grafting and seedling rotation use different crops such as gourd, pumpkin, scorpion and other crops as rootstock to prevent watermelon wilt.
2.2.1 Establishment of nursery shed The nursery shed should be built in a sheltered sunny area and equipped with heating facilities (geothermy, coal stoves) and insulation facilities (grass curtains) with a minimum temperature of 12°C at night.
2.2.2 Soaking Seed Priming Rootstocks: Rootstock seeds are soaked in warm water at 30°C for 24 hours. After draining, the water is allowed to dry until the seed coats are slightly dry. The germination is carried out. The temperature is maintained at 28 to 30°C during the day and 20 to 22°C at night. After 3 to 4 days, the radicle can grow. When the radicle length is about 1cm, it should be sown in time.
Watermelon seeds were soaked in warm water of 55°C and continuously agitated. When the water temperature dropped to 30°C, they were soaked for 5 hours. The mucus on the seed coat was washed, and the germination was carried out after draining the water. The temperature was maintained at 28 to 30 during the day and the temperature was controlled at night. 20 to 22°C. The radicle can be grown for 3 to 4 days. When the radicle grows about 0.5 to 0.8 cm, the seeds are sown in time.
2.2.3 Timely planting of greenhouses Planted in protective cultivation for the whole growing period in early February. Three-tiered and double-covered semi-protected areas are planted in mid-February and late. The watermelons should be sown 6 to 7 days after stocking. sowing. The germinated rootstock seeds were sown in a nursery pot, and the soil cover was 1 cm; the pregerminated watermelon seeds were sown in a seedling tray and covered with 1 cm of soil. The daytime temperature is maintained at 28-30°C, and the nighttime temperature is not lower than 15°C. The emergence of seedlings can occur within 5-7 days.
2.2.4 Timely grafted rootstocks 13 to 15 days of seedling age, stem diameter 0.8cm, watermelon 7 to 8 days of seedling age, cotyledon flat, suitable for grafting. Grafting generally adopts the plugging method, and can also adopt the splicing method.
2.2.5 After grafting, the conservation melon seedlings should be protected from light and moisturized after being grafted. The temperature should be controlled at 18 to 25°C, and the light can be gradually transmitted within 3 to 4 days. The 7 to 10 days can be healed and normal maintenance can begin. The daytime temperature is maintained at 28-30°C and the nighttime temperature is not lower than 15°C. 25-30 days after grafting, melon seedlings can be planted when they grow 3 to 4 true leaves. 5 to 7 days before planting should pay attention to gradual ventilation and hardening of seedlings.
3 Planting should be timely when the melon seedlings grow to 3 true leaves after grafting. The planting density was determined according to the variety and pruning type. The smaller melons used double vine pruning, with 900 to 1000 plants per acre. The larger cultivars had three vine prunings and 700 to 800 plants per acre. Greenhouse watermelons are cultivated with hanging vines, and 1500 plants per mu can be planted.
When planting soil, pay attention to the melon seedling interface should be 3 ~ 5cm away from the ground to prevent watermelon from rooting.
4 Pruning vines
4.1 pruning watermelon vines should be promptly pruned, according to the characteristics of varieties to choose double vine pruning or three vine pruning.
4.2 The pressure of vines with the extension of the vine spread 50cm away from the root pressure, the first 20~25cm pressure in the fruit section, the second road, after the fruit node 25 ~ 30cm pressure at the third road. The pressure vines are taken in a way that the branches are folded into an inverted U-shape to insert into the soil (pressed vines).
5 Fertilization
5.1 Apply 5 m3 of organic fertilizer (2 m3 of chicken manure and 3 m3 of pig manure) to the base fertilizer per acre with adequate decomposing organic fertilizer. Apply 10 mg of diammonium phosphate, 10 kg of urea and 10 kg of potassium sulfate after digging the planting trench. Mix well with the soil and do a good job.
5.2 Extruded vinegar and watermelon cultivars were planted with cranberry fertilizer at a distance of 30cm from the root of the plant. The phosphate fertilizer was applied at 20kg per gram, 5 to 10kg urea, and 5kg potassium sulfate.
5.3 After the watermelon seeds of the swelled melons were firmly seated, the swelled melon fertilizer was applied at a distance of 50 cm from the roots of the plants according to the growth of the melons.
The fruit-tree section to the shoot tip 30 to 40cm strong seedlings, topdressing urea 5kg, potassium sulfate 10kg per acre. The weak seedlings from the fruit-setting node to the shoot tip less than 20 cm were topped with 10 kg of urea and 10 kg of potassium sulfate per mu. Fruit seedlings to stem tips more than 50cm of Wang Miao, only topdressing potassium sulfate 10kg per acre, and gently pinch the stem tip 5 ~ 7cm, the spear tip 35cm slightly sprained to adjust the growth.
6 Watered watermelons require a high amount of water when they grow rapidly, especially in the expansion period. At this time, the water shortage, the premature end of the expansion period and mature, the small melon yield is low, if the uneven water supply during the expansion, but also easy to form melon. Therefore, during the expansion period, the groundwater should be filled with small water. Usually, water is poured for 6 to 7 days, and water is poured 3 times. Watering of watermelon is stopped 7 to 10 days before picking.
7 The falling film enters the temperature after May and the semi-protected cultivated watermelon should be gradually ventilated. The film will fall around May 10.
8 Diseases and Insect Control After the watermelons fall into the film to prevent anthrax and blight, the mixed solution of mancozeb manganese plus neomycin can be sprayed 400 times, and the fruits will be sprayed once more. Control aphids to prevent the occurrence of viral diseases, can be sprayed with 10% imidacloprid wettable powder or 3% acetamiprid EC 1000 times.
9 Timely harvesting of early maturing varieties generally matures 25 to 30 days after pollination, and mid-maturing varieties mature 30 to 35 days after pollination. The ripeness of the watermelon is: the peel pattern is clear, the inherent color of the variety is present, the surface is shiny, and the gutta and the umbilical part of the melon are slightly sunken. At this time, the harvest should be completed.
Author: Tianjin Wuqing District Agricultural Technology Promotion Center

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