The harm of excessive consumption of bracken

Potential hazards

1. Sun Sikai: I have eaten for a long time.

2. Meng Hao: Weak and impossibility can not be done, eliminate the sun, shrink the jade stem, eat more food, nose stuffy eyes dark.

3. "Herbal Materia Medica": As many people eat cold as abdominal distension.

4. The substances associated with cancer contained in bracken are benzoyl, fernactam, xanthine alcohols, xanthophylls, and some substances similar to xanthophylls. The carcinogens contained the highest levels in the rhizomes of the bracken, followed by the leaves.


According to experiments conducted by many countries in the world on the carnivorous carcinogenesis, bracken can induce colon cancer, breast cancer, bladder cancer, and leukemia in rats.

Scientists also showed that carnivorous experiments with cooked bracken have shown that even processed bracken can induce cancer.

Some studies have shown that the fern riboside in bracken has a clear carcinogenicity, and this substance is particularly rich in bracken seedlings, and should be avoided as much as possible and properly processed.

In the 1980s, Japanese scientists also extracted a carotenoid called "Prigosporin" from bracken. Primorin is found in all parts of the fern, but the fern of humans, the young part of the fern, has a higher content! Raw fern glycosides can cause bone marrow damage when eaten by cows, and blindness when eaten by sheep. What effect does it have on humans?

In the 1970s, the relationship between eating bracken and esophageal cancer was investigated in the mountains of central Japan. Among the residents there, eating fern increased the men's incidence of esophageal cancer by 2.1 times, while women increased by 3.7 times. In North Wales, the incidence of gastric cancer has been high.

For most people, the results of these studies appear only in academic journals. While some people who promote "wild vegetables" are keen to cite "research findings" to support "natural" nutrition and "safety," they turn a blind eye to these studies. What's more - including some encyclopedia entries, also claimed that "scientific research shows that bracken also has certain anti-cancer effects." But for those who eat a small amount of bracken has a certain anti-cancer effect of the argument in the academic community is such a rating "Shocking".

How can we lower it?

People generally treat fresh bracken with ash or alkali water. This treatment will greatly reduce the content of the original fern. Such treatment is only reduced, but not eliminated. There are no internationally clear standards for the toxicity and limiting dose of primordrin. So we must be careful to eat.