Frequently Asked Questions about Mycelial Growth Stage in Pleurotus ostreatus Cultivation

1, after sowing mycelium do not eat, no bacteria
1.1 Reasons. 1 The quality of the culture medium deteriorates and the bacteria multiply; 2 The strain is too old and has poor viability; 3 The use of pesticides is excessive; 4 The moisture content of the culture material is improper or the ventilation is too large after inoculation; 5 The ambient temperature is too low or too high after inoculation; The pH is not suitable.
1.2 Prevention and control measures. 1 The culture material should not be mildewed and spoiled. Before use, it should be dried in the sun for 1-2 days. Raw material production should be accumulated and fermented for 2-3 days. The clinker production must be strictly sterilized; 2 The strain quality must be guaranteed, and a large number of plants must be cultivated. Before the bacteria test to be done to test the quality of bacteria; 3 ingredients can be added to the culture material in the growth of fungi to inhibit the growth of bacteria, commonly used carbendazim, the use of concentration control in 0.10% -0.15%; 4 culture The moisture content of the material is controlled between 60% and 65% (the water in the finger tights leaks out, but no strand flow). After the sowing, if the material temperature reaches 30°C, the ventilation should be strengthened to reduce the temperature; 5 The environmental temperature after inoculation is controlled at 25 °C is appropriate; 6 inoculum should be 10%-12% of the dry weight of the culture material is more appropriate, not too little; 7 the pH of the culture material is adjusted to about 7.5.
2, culture material rancid smell
2.1 reasons. 1 The culture medium has a lot of bacteria; 2 too much water is added to the mixture, and anaerobic fermentation occurs; 3 The temperature of the reactor is too high, the mycelium grows poorly, and the fungus grows in large numbers; 4 The fermentation process is not complete or the nitrogen is too much. Reacts with lime to produce ammonia.
2.2 Control measures. Culture materials should be fresh, fully cooked or high-temperature sterilization before use, and adjust the moisture content and pH, while adding bactericide such as carbendazim, such as raw materials found in the preparation of acid odor, it is necessary to promptly turn dry, after drying Re-adjust the moisture content and pH value, add 2% alum water to mix and deodorize if the ammonia smell is too heavy, and black rot cannot be used.
3, burning bacteria
3.1 Reasons. 1 Bacteria bag stacking is too high and too dense, and it is not tipped over in time; 2 Bacteria bags are large in raw material cultivation, and the stacking is too high, or when the bed is planted, the material is too thick; 3 the temperature in the cultivation site is too high or the ventilation is not enough.
3.2 Control measures. 1 bag cultivation After inoculation, the bacteria bag should be loosely erected when the temperature is too high. Avoid bulking and preventing bacterial species from being burned out. When the bag temperature is stable, it will be stacked into a wall of 4-7 layers; 2 bacteria bags General length 40-55 cm, width 15-20 cm, film thickness of 4-5 microns, preferably polyethylene bags (pressure sterilization) or polypropylene bags (high-pressure sterilization), not too large, two open pockets to Lee ventilation; 3 bed planting when the thickness of 10-12 cm is appropriate, not too thick; 4 observe the material temperature and ambient temperature, timely ventilation and cooling.
4, mushroom is not full on the mushroom
4.1 Reasons. 1 see too much light during the incubation period of the mycelium; 2 bacterial species are too old; 3 occurs in the middle of the bag because the load is not tight, leave gaps and see the light, the fruiting body will occur.
4.2 Control measures. 1 In the 25-30 days after inoculation as little as possible to see the light; 2 to ensure the quality of strains, it is best to do bacteria test; 3 when the application of wood sticks when bagging.