High-yield cultivation of mung bean

Mungbean has drought resistance, low tolerance, wide adaptability, short growth period, generally only 60 to 120 days; its suitable sowing period is very long, and it can be sown from the middle of April to mid-August. The cultivation points are as follows:

First, land preparation. Mung bean is a deep-rooted crop, and cotyledon hypertrophy, strict requirements for site preparation, sowing should be deep plowing, fine smashing, to achieve the same Panasonic, depth, otherwise it will affect the emergence.

Second, fertilization. Before planting, one mu of farmhouse manure is used for 2500-3500kg and superphosphate is about 10kg. If fertilization is not enough for planting, appropriate amount of nitrogen and phosphate fertilizer can be applied in the early stage of growth to enhance the nitrogen fixation of root nodules.

Third, sowing. Before sowing, select the sunny day and spread the seeds thinly on the mat for 1 to 2 days to promote germination and emergence. The sowing method is based on seeding, with a spacing of about 40 cm, a seeding rate of 1 to 1.5 kg per mu, and a seeding depth of 3 to 5 cm. If the soil moisture is poor after sowing, it can be suppressed once.

Fourth, management. 1, between, Dingmiao. When the seedlings grow out of two leaves and one heart, they remove the "seedlings", and when the four true leaves are set, the seedlings will be 10,000-1.25 million per acre. When the two leaves are in one heart, a shallow cultivator is performed to remove the compaction, eradicate the weeds, and enhance the ability of nodules to move. When the four-leaf is combined with Dingmiao cultivating the second time, when the five to six leaves are planted, the cultivator will be cultivating the third time, extend the head and release the arrow, and then plough once again when the dragging begins, completely remove the mulch; 3, pay attention to watering during the flowering stage And topdressing, the rainy season to rule out the accumulation of water, so that the soil is often in a loose, moist state, to ensure the normal growth of plants; 4, control pests and diseases. In recent years, pests and diseases that harm mung bean include leaf spot, ticks, aphids, and soybean meal. To prevent mung bean leaf spot, spray with 40% carbendazim gel 1000 times solution at the early stage of the disease, and use 90% crystals of trichlorfon for bait and kill, and 40% omethoate with 1000 times liquid to kill. The use of 40% isopropylphosphonate or 50% killer pine 1000 times liquid sprayed when the adult was sprayed, have good results.