Which factors affect the hatching of geese

1, no increase in sperm.

Due to the differences in breeds of geese, the fertilization rate of goose eggs averages 75% to 85%. If there are no fine eggs exceeding 15% to 25%, it is an abnormal phenomenon. The main reasons for the formation are: the proportion of male and female geese is not coordinated, too many or too few male geese, old geese, obesity, stomping, lack of pools for mating, lack of supply of green fodder during the breeding season, and nutritional deficiencies. These factors affect the normal mating of geese and reduce sperm motility. In order to increase the fertilization rate of the eggs, it is necessary to strictly select the breeding geese, and eliminate and eliminate a small number of individuals with poor development, weak physique, and weak breeding ability. According to the 1:5 to 6 male and female ratio, leave the male goose. Provides suitable water for breeding geese. The breeding geese should be fed before the eggs are laid to ensure nutritional requirements. The value of attention is that the fertility rate of the first egg is very low, generally do not breed eggs.

2, egg yolk adhesion shell.

This is due to improper preservation of eggs. At higher or lower ambient temperature, it will affect the future development of the embryo. The suitable temperature for egg preservation is 13°C~16°C. In order to minimize the evaporation of moisture inside the egg, the humidity must be increased, generally kept at 75%-85%. It is appropriate. Under normal circumstances, the preservation time of eggs can not be too long, 7 days is appropriate, not more than 2 weeks. The weather is cool (early spring, spring, early autumn). The storage time can be relatively long, and the cold winter save time is relatively short. In addition, eggs must be turned during storage, eggs need not be turned in one week, and eggs need to be turned one or two times a week for more than one week. The so-called turning eggs, just change the placement of the egg on the line.

3. Increased dead embryos.

Within 7 to 25 days after hatching, the dead embryos increase, which is due to the lack of nutrition in the breeding geese, which affects the normal development of the embryos in the eggs. Inbreeding of the geese causes weak embryos; inappropriate incubation temperature causes impeded embryonic development. To this end, we must strengthen the feeding and management of laying geese, should be based on feeding, supplemented by grazing, feeding the rations to give full consideration to the nutrients needed for laying eggs, and reasonable cooperation. Constantly updating geese and reducing inbreeding. Adjust the appropriate incubation temperature, while not neglecting the accuracy of the inspection thermometer and where it is placed to prevent human error.

4, goslings can not hatch.

It is common to break the eggshell and the embryo develops well. The goslings cannot be shelled. It is usually caused by low humidity and poor ventilation during the shelling process. This requires that in the last two days of the post-hatching period, the humidity should be maintained at 70% to 80%, and ventilation should be increased.