Begin tonic to pay attention to what

We are about to usher in the winter season of the twenty-four solar terms. The arrival of the beginning of winter indicates that the winter has begun, and the winter has arrived, and it is time for tonic again. However, there must be exquisite winter tonics, and we must keep in mind the four taboos tonic.

1, avoid disease-free tonic

Disease-free tonic, both increase the cost, but also harm the body, such as excessive consumption of cod liver oil can cause poisoning, long-term use of glucose can cause weight gain, in addition, tonic can not be more good, any overdose is harmful.


2, avoid blindly eat dog meat

Some people with weak health and suffering from arthritis and other diseases, in the winter season, it is good to eat more dog meat. However, it is not advisable to blindly eat dog meat so as not to eat rabies and become infected with rabies. Don't drink tea after eating dog meat. This is because the tannic acid in the tea binds with the protein in the dog meat and produces a substance. This substance has a certain convergence effect, can make bowel movements

Weakened, the moisture in the stool decreased. Therefore, the toxic substances and carcinogens in the stool are easily absorbed by the body because they stay in the intestine for too long.

3, avoid admiring the name tonic

Chicken soup is not all people can drink, chicken soup (including stewed chicken soup and chicken soup) is rich in nutrients, chicken soup contains nutrients from chicken fat, chicken skin, chicken and chicken bone dissolved in a small amount of water-soluble small molecules The protein is only about 7% of the chicken, and the chicken oil in the soup is mostly saturated fatty acids.

Because of this unique nutrient and stimulating effect in chicken soup, the following patients should not drink chicken soup:

In patients with biliary tract disease, cholecystitis and cholelithiasis often occur and it is inappropriate to drink chicken soup. Digestion of fat in chicken soup requires bile participation. After drinking chicken soup, it stimulates gallbladder contraction, which can easily lead to the onset of cholecystitis.

Hyperacidity should not drink chicken soup, because chicken soup has a role in stimulating gastric acid secretion, there are patients with gastric ulcer, hyperacidity or stomach bleeding, generally should not drink chicken soup.

Renal insufficiency should not drink chicken soup, because chicken soup contains some small molecular proteins, suffering from acute nephritis, acute and chronic renal insufficiency or uremia patients, because of the liver and kidney protein degradation can not be treated in time, drink more chicken soup will Causes high azotemia and worsens the condition.

4, bogey is not divided

The principle of treatment of traditional Chinese medicine is "doing nothing." Virtual supplements, and normal diet can be, and should distinguish between the performance and scope of supplements, whether it is suitable for themselves. Experts believe that the main role of tonic is to "supplement to benefit and loss," and the deficiency is divided into qi deficiency, blood deficiency, yin deficiency and yang deficiency, each with its own different methods.

1, is Qi deficiency syndrome, common symptoms are mental fatigue, low voice, easily sweating, pale tongue, white, weak pulse and so on. When qi deficiency is qi, this disease can be selected from ginseng royal jelly, Buzhong Yiqi Pills, American ginseng, astragalus, Codonopsis, and yam.

2, is a blood deficiency syndrome, common symptoms are pale complexion, pale lips, dizziness, palpitations, forgetfulness, insomnia, hand, foot and numbness, pale tongue, thready pulse weakness and so on. Blood deficiency when the blood, this disease can choose Buxue exposed, Shiquandabu pill, Guipi pills, Angelica, donkey-hide gelatin, longan meat and so on.

3, is yin deficiency syndrome, common symptoms of hot flashes, night sweats, heartburn, dry mouth, dry throat, dry cough, sputum, dry eyes, red tongue and less moss. Yin deficiency when nourishing Yin, this disease can choose Dabuyin Pills, Shenqi Royal Jelly, Liu Wei Di Huang Wan, Tremella, Poria, Ophiopogon japonicus, Adenophora, black sesame and other drugs.

4, is a yang deficiency syndrome, common symptoms are pale complexion, limbs are not warm, impotence, premature ejaculation, na less loose stools, pale tongue tenderness, pulse and so on. Yang deficiency when impotence, this disease can often choose Jin Qi Shen Qi Wan, velvet oral liquid, Guiling paste, velvet, Placenta, Poria, Cordyceps sinensis, Eucommia and other drugs. Tonic medicine must also pay attention to spleen and stomach transport function, such as spleen and stomach weakness, appetite stagness, chest full of nausea, need to add spleen and liver and liver drugs, such as tangerine peel, Amomum vulgare, woody, Divine Comedy, grain buds and the like to spleen Help.

In addition, if the patient has a form of evil (such as a cold) in the body, it is generally advisable to make it clear afterwards, so as to avoid harm or evil.