The efficacy and role of raisins The benefits of eating raisins

The raisins are sweet and sweet and are the dried fruit that many people love. What are the benefits of eating raisins regularly?

The effectiveness and role of raisins

1. Blood gas

Rich in iron and calcium content in raisins, is a tonic for children, women and frail anemia, can supplement blood gas, warm kidney, treatment of anemia, thrombocytopenia.

2. Prevent coronary heart disease

The raisins contain a lot of glucose, which has a nutritive effect on the heart muscle and is helpful for the rehabilitation of patients with coronary heart disease.

3. Relieve neurasthenia

Raisins also contain a variety of minerals and vitamins, amino acids, regular food for neurasthenia and over-fatigue have a good tonic effect, or women's diet for quality products.

4. Lower cholesterol

If you eat raisins equivalent to 400 calories a day, you can effectively reduce blood cholesterol, while inhibiting the oxidation of bad cholesterol in the blood.

6. Protect the intestine

Raisins improve the health of the rectum because raisins contain fiber and tartaric acid, allowing the excrement to pass quickly through the rectum, reducing the amount of time the contaminants stay in the intestines.

7. Anti-tumor

Raisins contain an ingredient called resveratrol that effectively prevents cell malignancy or inhibits the growth of malignant tumors, and prevents the division of leukemia cells.

8. Prevent heart disease

Fiber in raisins prevents the conversion of fructose into triglyceride, a type of blood fat, in the blood, which reduces the risk of heart disease.


The benefits of eating raisins

1. Raisins can inhibit thrombosis better than aspirin, and can reduce human serum cholesterol levels, reduce platelet cohesion, and have a certain effect on the prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

2. Glucose, organic acids, amino acids, and vitamins in raisins have excitatory effects on brain nerves, and regular foods are good for people with neurasthenia and fatigue.

3. Long-term smokers can eat more raisins, raisins can help detoxify the lung cells, but also has a phlegm effect, can ease the symptoms of respiratory inflammation, itching caused by smoking.

4. Raisins have an adjuvant effect on frail patients, vascular sclerosis, and rehabilitation of patients with nephritis.

5. Those who want to keep fit should know that raisins are fruits that are not easy to gain weight. Women eat ten or more raisins containing large amounts of vitamins each day to achieve weight loss and cardiovascular health.

6. Raisins are nutritious foods, suitable for dry and weak constitutional consumption, can appetite and increase appetite, and there are tonic vomiting, analgesic and other effects.

7. The anti-cancer effect of raisins is particularly evident. Research shows that the incidence of cancer is also significantly reduced in those who grow grapes and eat more grapes. This is mainly because it contains an anti-cancer trace element (resveratrol) that can prevent the cancerous cells of healthy cells from spreading. This resveratrol, which is rich in grape skins and grape seeds, is the most important ingredient in grapes and is an excellent antioxidant food.

8. Raisins are particularly beneficial for those with ischemic heart disease and atherosclerotic heart disease. Raisins contain more flavonoids and are better for protecting the heart. Flavonoids in raisins are powerful antioxidants that fight aging.

Raisin shopping tips

1. The top grade is granules, sturdy and soft.

2. There is a certain gap between the particles, there should be no sticky phenomenon, hand touch with a sense of dryness, shake hands and then put down, the particles can quickly spread the quality of raisins better. If there is sugar oil on the surface of the granules, or crushed raisins are fine, the hand squeezing the particles is inferior.

3. The appearance of white raisins requires a little icing sugar, and the crystals are green and transparent after defrosting. The appearance of red currants also requires a slight icing, and the icing sugar is translucent purple.

4. Sweet and sweet taste, not sour or astringent.

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