Diabetic dog days how to health

The dog day was formally begun in 2015. Dog days are the hottest time of the year and people are easily upset. Diabetics also experience fluctuations in blood glucose and other conditions. Diabetics should pay attention to daily health care. So, how do people with Diabetic Dog days keep their health? Let's take a look.

First, the three-day time in 2015:

"Three volts" refers to three consecutive periods of initial volts, medium volts, and last volts. The annual time of indefiniteness is not fixed, and the length of the middling is not the same. It is necessary to check the almanac calculation. Simply use the four words “the summer solstice and the three gengs” to indicate the date of imprisonment, that is, the third “g” day after summer solstice. From the beginning, the initial period is 10 days, the medium level is 10 days or 20 days, and the last level is 10 days.

The three-year time in 2015: the initial volt: 7.13-7.22, 10 days; the mid-volt: 7.23-8.11, 20 days; the last volt: 8.12-8.21, 10 days.


Second, how Diabetic Dog days health? : San Fu Tian Shen Jin Bu Zhong nursed back to health:

The summer heat consumed gas, so some people think that the dog days should be tonic. Experts of traditional Chinese medicine believe that this concept is unscientific, and Sanfutian should be cautious in supplementing and re-adjusting.

Dog days are characterized by high temperatures, high humidity, and long days. In this kind of environment, people will get up earlier and get up earlier and have less rest time; they will sweat easily and cause various nutrients inside the human body, especially the consumption of inorganic salts; they will drink refreshing drinks and lose their appetite; activities will be reduced. Can't keep exercising. The physical condition of the entire person is at a relatively low level, and the intake decreases and the consumption increases, so many people lose weight in summer.

But even so, it is not suitable for substantial supplements. Because more food in the summer, thin drinks, stomach digestion diluted, digestive dysfunction, at this time tonic, difficult to digest, but also easily lead to indigestion, stomach bloated. In addition, the tonics commonly used by the common people are warm and hot, and eating in the summer can cause overheating. In summer, more sweat, faster metabolism, nutritional supplements are also more waste.

The Chinese medicine advocates 'using pass-by-pass, pass-by-pass', clearing Liuhe, bringing up the air, and clearing and descending turbidity. Therefore, during the year, before the summer solstice and the autumn, it is not appropriate to make up for it. Dog days should be based on diet. The doctor suggested that summer diets should focus on protecting the body from heatstroke, nourishing yin, and producing fluids.

In addition, the loss of appetite in the summer, the spleen and stomach function is more sluggish, if over-fat greasy make up, it will damage the stomach and hurt the spleen, affecting the digestion and absorption of nutrients, harming health. Therefore, mung beans, coix seed, vegetables, fruits, lilies, odoratum, lean meat, squid, and duck are all the best foods in summer.

Third, Diabetic Sanv Health Diet:

As the saying goes, "The heat is in the sky." Outdoors, the sun burns hot and the indoor air-conditioning is blowing coldly. Even people who are in good health are inevitably dizzy, moody, appetite drastic, and gastrointestinal disorders. Therefore, diabetics should pay more attention. Then what should we pay special attention to in the diet on the day of the dog?

1, diet should be light and less cold

Sanfutian diet regimen should be based on the principle of light, mainly soft, easy to digest food. A light diet can clear heat, prevent heatstroke, collect sweat, and rehydrate. It can also increase appetite. Adding vinegar to the dishes can increase stomach acid concentration, increase appetite, and promote the secretion of digestive juices. Usually eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, both to meet the required nutrition, but also to prevent heat stroke. During the dog days, some people like to eat cold food. This kind of external heat is very easy to let gastrointestinal cold, abdominal discomfort, diarrhea and other discomfort. Therefore, to eat cold drinks should be moderate, can not be partial to cold and cool goods.

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