Lotus growing conditions

The lotus requires strong light, and it will grow poorly in shaded or shaded environments, and it will not bloom. They can only grow in calm, shallow water. If the pool is too deep, or if the water is too fast and the leaves fall, it will rot, but it will not be afraid of water. Hi fertile soil rich in humus, resistant to slightly alkaline and slightly acidic. Nitrogen fertilizer is often too long. Or the leaves rise above the pedicel and cause the leaves to hide.

The various stages of lotus growth and development are closely related to temperature. When the temperature rises to 8-10°C in the spring, the seed buds begin to sprout, and young "money leaves" are pumped out and the water surface emerges. At 14°C, the underground stem of the finger was drawn. We call this underground stem a "whiplash". The leaves that are drawn from the beginning of the section of the whip do not reach the water surface and are called "floating leaves." At 23 to 30°C, the whip accelerates its growth, and each section draws a large "vertical leaf", and the lateral buds of the whip are simultaneously branched, increasing the number of vertical leaves. When the temperature rises to 30°C, it begins to pump pedicels and flowers gradually. When the temperature falls below 25°C in the autumn, a smaller leaf is drawn in the last section of the whip, called the "rear leaf." When we see the leaves, the whole plant no longer smokes new leaves. The peduncles are no longer pumped, and the apical buds of the whip begin to drill down into the deeper layers of mud and into the scab stage. When the temperature drops to 10°C, the leaves are dry and the lotus roots mature.
Contact: Manager Zhang Tel: 400-811-6650 to 43431
Mobile: 400-811-6650 to 43431

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