Field crop management skills before and after snowfall

Cover the straw to keep warm and prevent freezing. Immediately after snowfall, straw is evenly covered in rapeseed, produce, silkworm pea pods, ridges, and open-air vegetables to increase ground temperature, protect plants, prevent freezing damage, and cultivate fertility. Where conditions permit, it is also possible to apply ash to improve the plant's ability to resist freezing.

Harvested in time. Grab some vegetables, avoid freezing damage, snow pressure, ensure the supply of vegetables, and increase economic efficiency.

Timely snow, reduce frost damage. Heavy snow will crush winter crops and increase frost damage. To catch snow in time in the field, prevent winter crops from mechanical damage and reduce freezing damage. According to the situation, the multi-storied greenhouses should take measures such as snow sweeping, snow shoveling, salting snow, and warming snow in the shed. If the snow is too fierce, the above measures will not work and there will be danger of the collapse of the greenhouse. Abandoning the greenhouses for crop insulation, removing the shed cover, and using the relatively high temperature of the soil to increase the temperature within the shed to turn snow. In the absence of other measures, it is necessary to take measures to protect the scaffolds in time according to the load of the greenhouses, so as to avoid the collapse of large-scale buildings. Fruit trees, seedlings, etc. are shaken off in a timely manner to prevent snow from accumulating in large pressure collapsed sheds and branches.

Clean the ditch to prevent waterlogging. Snow can easily cause the ditch to collapse. After the snow, it should immediately clear the ditch, remove the accumulated water, increase the vitality of the roots, and prevent the occurrence of waterlogging. To clear the snow on the shed. The snow on both sides of the greenhouse should also be removed in time to prevent absorption of large amounts of heat while melting to reduce the temperature inside the shed, and to drain water in time to prevent waterlogging.

Timely insulation treatment. Greenhouse vegetables should be covered with straw, non-woven fabrics, shade nets or multi-layer coverings and other insulation measures, if necessary, smoke or temporary temperature and other measures, continuous low-temperature weather should also use high temperatures at noon during the day, in time to expose the shed Grass coverings, non-woven fabrics, and sunshade nets cover the crops in a short period of time, and timely ventilation reduces air humidity in the greenhouses and improves crop resistance.

Follow up on fertilization materials to promote growth. After heavy snowfall, appropriate amounts of available nitrogen fertilizers and phosphorus and potassium fertilizers were applied to the heavily frozen plots to promote the recovery of busy plants. After a sudden snowstorm in the snow, the temperature in the greenhouse is very low. Once it is sunny, the temperature in the greenhouse will increase rapidly, and the soil temperature will rise relatively high, causing high temperatures and slower soil temperature. With high temperatures, the transpiration of the leaf water also accelerates, while the soil temperature is lower and the water absorption capacity of the roots is weaker. The plants are prone to wilting and death. Therefore, in the event of a long and chilly weather, we should pay attention to the retracement, that is, we should first expose a few articles, so that the indoor temperature will rise slowly, and observe the performance of the leaves. When the leaves are normal, gradually increase the number of exposed curtains until they are fully opened. After the wilting phenomenon was discovered, a few straw curtains should be covered in time to allow the crops to adapt.

Prevent the occurrence of diseases in time. Greenhouse crops should focus on the management of temperature and humidity and the proportion of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. In particular, nitrogen fertilizers must not be biased and attention should be paid to the application of organic fertilizers. Continuous rain, snow and cold weather, the humidity in the shed is large, and attention should be paid to the occurrence and spread of vegetables, melons, and gray mold.

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