New Orange Variety--Yue Yin Qing Jie Orange

Approved No.: Guangdong Review Fruit 2008005

Breeding units: College of Horticulture, South China Agricultural University, Institute of Pomology, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Orange Research Institute, Boluo County, Guangzhou Agricultural Technology Promotion Center

Variety source: Japan (Miyagawa Satsuma/Tellovita Sweet Orange) strain

Characteristics: "Yue Yin Qing Jie Orange" was introduced in the spring of 1999 by the Japanese citrus seed "Qing Jian." After observing the seed conservation at the South China Agricultural University and the Boruo County Citrus Research Institute, a variety of trials were conducted in Bolu, Guangzhou, Dongguan, Zhanjiang, and Qingxin cities and counties. The field performance basically maintained the original varieties and characteristics. characteristic. This breed is prosperous and adaptable. The parthenocarpy has strong fruiting ability. The fruit matures in late February and is more resistant to storage, early knot, high yield and stable yield. The average fruit weight is 362 grams. Yue Yinqing has the characteristics of single embryos, and has special value in citrus hybrid breeding.

Yield performance: After several trials, the average yield was 4.6 kg for three years, 12.8 kg for four years, and 30.2 kg for five years.

Cultivation techniques: (1) Select low-mountain hills, dry hillsides, or paddy fields that are convenient for irrigation and irrigation. Pay attention to drainage in spring and summer rain seasons, and prevent drought in autumn and winter; (2) Strengthen fertilizer and water management, apply organic fertilizer as the main fertilizer during April-August, accounting for 60% to 70% of the total amount of fertilizer; use organic fertilizer from December to next January Fertilizer-based, appropriate application of available fertilizers, accounting for about 20% of the total fertilization, from April to October with the decomposition of cake flour fertilizer with water and phosphorus and potassium fertilizers to open shallow ditch, accounting for 10% to 20% of the total fertilization for the year . (3) Attention should be paid to the prevention and treatment of diseases and pests such as albicans, anthrax, spider mites, rust spiders, leaf leaf moths, aphids, whiteflies, etc.

The provincial product review meeting approved opinion: Guangdong Yinqing see orange orange is imported from Japan orange varieties. Plants grow vigorously and have strong adaptability. Single-sex fertility is strong, with early enduring, high yield, and stable yield. The fruit ripens in late February and is more resistant to storage. Suitable for planting in the central and northern regions of our province. Comply with the certification standards for crop varieties in Guangdong Province and pass the examination and approval.

Bran Brusher