Hutai No. 10 Grape and Its Cultivation Techniques

Huta No. 10 grape was selected by Xi'an grape research. The ear is conical and compact, with a single panicle weight of 800-1200g. The fruit is nearly round and red-purple. The average fruit weight is 11g and the maximum fruit weight is 20g. Peel and pulp easily separated. Contains 19.9% ​​soluble solids, 18.9% soluble sugar, sweet and sour palatability, crisp and fragrant. Once the fruit matures in early July, the second and third fruit mature in early September and early November respectively. Mature ears can be hung for 1 month, and shelf life is 7-8 days after picking. The fruit can be delayed for three times, and the ice wine can be processed after the tree is hung.

The growing fruit habits are prosperous, the roots are well developed, and the flowers are easy to grow. The results are early, and they can produce multiple results. The single branches can grow 3-6 times in the ear, and the Shaanxi Guanzhong region sprouts in early April. The flowering period begins around May 8th. 7 In the first half of the month, the fruit matures, from flowering to fruit ripening for about 65 days.

Adaptability and resistance to a wide range of adaptability, ≥ 10 °C accumulated temperature of 3800 days, frost-free period of 180 days or more is the best planting area, suitable for most of the grape production areas in Shaanxi and similar conditions in areas planted. With high temperature resistance, the new shoots can still grow when the maximum daily temperature of 38°C is encountered. Downy mildew, gray mold, and anthrax occur less frequently.

Cultivation Techniques In the wintertime, it is better to use high-dry “T”-shaped racks or three-line “Y”-shaped racks, where the plant spacing (2.8-3) m (1.5-2) m, and planting per 667 m 2 Strains. In winter, the pruning of short shoots of 4 buds is appropriate. Each 667 m2 leaves 1200 mother branches, leaving little or no reserve branches. Summer pruning, take 7 leaves before flowering, remove all tendrils and summer buds before flowering. Strictly control the amount of results, once the fruit control in the 1000-1250kg/667m2 less than the second and third fruit control in the 1500-1700kg/667m2 less than the total annual output 3000kg/667m2 or so. Apply basal fertilizer and top-dressing. From 10 days before flowering to the flowering period of the whole flowering period and the end of June, watering should be controlled. Other times should be timely watered according to flooding conditions.

Hot Cathode Quartz UV Lamp

For hot cathode Quartz UV Lamp , include Preheat Start UV Lamp,instant uv lamp,High Output UV Lamp,ozone and free Ozone UV Lamp , High Ozone UV Lamp and compact uv lamp etc. And we could do many types shapes, like straight tube uv lamp,U shape uv lamp. In the hot cathode arc discharge, cathode current depend mainly on cathode surface coating electronic powder of thermionic emission provided, current, reach 600 ~ 700 ma. Cathode is hot, hence the name "hot cathode". And mainly use for air purify,water treatment system,water purify,and disinfect etc.

Hot Cathode Quartz UV Lamp

Hot Cathode Quartz UV Lamp, Ultraviolet Lamp, Preheat Start UV Lamp, Instant Start UV Lamp

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