Experts teach you how to breed rabbits

1. Sexual maturity and initial mating age. Reproductive indicators of Rex rabbits under normal feeding management and normal nutritional conditions are: Male rabbits are sexually mature from 3 to 3.5 months of age but the initial allocation cannot be less than 4 to 5 months of age. The weight must reach 5 kg or more. Female rabbits: sexual maturity 3 to 3.5 months of age, the initial allocation can not be less than 4 months of age, weighing more than 4.5 kg. Only breed breeding.

2, the female estrus cycle, estrus performance and the best timing of breeding, the female estrus cycle is 8-15 days, each estrus will last 2 to 3 days, estrus is sexual maternal rabbit caused by sexual excitement There is a manifestation of mating desire. The performance of estrus is: the female rabbit is active and disturbed, love is beating, appetite is diminished, the cage is biting, and active climbing is performed. The genitalia of the female rabbit are usually used to identify the estrus. The genitals can visualize the early pink of the mucous membrane, the middle red, and the late purple. The best breeding period is the middle of the estrus, ie pink early, purple late, and Dahong has proved that the female rabbit does not have certain heat. The law is that the breeder should diligently check his genitals to prevent missed estrus.

3, breeding methods:

1By natural mating, the female rabbit is placed in a male rabbit cage. When the male rabbit climbs over and the female rabbit lifts its tail to cater to the mating, the male rabbit falls to the side, and a crowing sound is generated and the foot is accompanied by a sign. Wait until it stays for 2 to 3 minutes. Grab the female rabbit lightly and turn it upside down. Pat the buttocks and put it back into the original cage. After 6 hours, use the same male rabbit to mix again.

2Manually assisted mating, when female rabbits come into contact with male rabbits, they are reluctant to elevate to cater. Male rabbits are unable to mate, and artificial assistance can be taken. That is, they hold the tail of the female rabbit and pull it from the back to the front. The helper grasps the ear with one hand. With the neck and string, the other hand stretches towards the hindquarters of the female rabbit and raises the arms slightly to allow the rabbit to climb. After the mating is completed, the male and female are opened.

4, pregnancy diagnosis:

1 compounding method, in the female rabbits 5 days after mating, refused to mating possible pregnancy.

2 Weighing method: Weigh 2 to 3 times within 7 to 14 days after mating. If the weight is significantly increased, it may become pregnant.

3 Touch method Touch method is the best method. Generally 10-12 days after mating is the best time to touch the fetus, the specific method: the examiner's left hand grasps the rabbit ear and neck rabbit head to the examiner, the right thumb and the other four fingers are separated by a figure eight shape, extending towards the female rabbit belly The inside of the lower leg, palms up, gently touch from front to back. If the abdomen is loose and soft like cotton, it means the end of pregnancy. If you touch an ellipse meatball that resembles the size of a bean, and it is elastic and slides, it is a fetus and you can be diagnosed with pregnancy. However, it must be noted that when the female rabbit is full, it is not appropriate to touch the tire.

5, scientific reproduction: female rabbit breeding can be based on the female rabbit's body condition using different breeding:

1 Frequent breeding: also known as blood matching, that is, mating again within 24 hours of maternal birth. This breeding consumes large amounts of body condition and affects the survival rate of young rabbits. Only when the female rabbit has a good body condition and has few litters, this method is used.

2 Semi-frequent reproduction: In the female rabbit, 8 to 15 days after childbirth, start checking the breeding, which is the best breeding, which does not affect the condition of the female rabbit, but also can increase the reproduction rate. However, for weak constitution and a lot of birth, it is also This method should not be used.

3 Prolonged breeding, both after the weaning of the female rabbit, started to check the mating, this breeding is generally used in the female constitution is weak, and there are many litters.

6, scientific management, updated breed rabbits: Breeding rabbits to provide high-quality full-priced feed.

Adjusting the lyrical condition to ensure its optimal body condition and maintaining a long-term fertility level. Another important issue that cannot be neglected is to regenerate the breeding rabbit group, as the rabbits reach the breeding peak in their prime years and reproduce as they age. The force gradually weakens. At this time, it is necessary to adjust the breeder rabbits, eliminate old and weak residual rabbits, and renew young and middle-aged rabbits. In general, the young rabbits should account for 50% of the total rabbit population.

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