Tomato bacterial wilt disease prevention and control method

Tomato bacterial wilt is a bacterial disease and mainly damages tomato fruits, peppers, eggplants and other eggplant vegetables. Usually in the flowering period of tomato disease, the diseased plant leaves become pale and wilting. At the beginning of the disease, it was wilted during the day and recovered in the evening. After the illness became worse, the whole plant died. Slightly squeezed the disease stem, with white bacteria pus overflow.

Here are some ways to prevent tomato bacterial wilt.

First, disease-resistant varieties. Selection of varieties resistant to bacterial wilt, such as New Century 908, Long March 906, Cooperative 903, Kangqing 19, Danfen No. 1, Fengbao, Hongkang No. 1 and so on.

Second, rotation grafting. Tomatoes and non-sorrel crops onions, garlic, melons, cruciferous vegetables, or rice can be rotated for 4 to 5 years, or controlled by grafting techniques. Grafting can use wild tomato CH-2-26 as rootstock.

Third, adjust the pH. When fertilizing soil preparation, 100-150 kilograms of quick lime are added to the soil for every mu of acid soil, which can better inhibit the growth and reproduction of bacteria and regulate the pH of the soil; then, deep plowing or increasing the use of potash, potassium sulfate and other potash fertilizers. At the same time, fertilization changed the ammonia nitrogen fertilizer to calcium nitrate.

Fourth, reduce the humidity. Choose well-drained disease-free plots for nursery and colonization. Areas with low topography or high groundwater levels will be planted with sorghum and drainage ditch will be opened to allow rainwater to drain in time after rain. Timely tillage and weed control reduce the humidity in the field.

Fifth, formula fertilization. On fertilization, pay attention to the application of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizers, apply sufficient basic fertilizers, apply topdressing frequently, add organic fertilizers and trace fertilizers, and do not apply fertilizers such as tomatoes and peppers that are sown by solanaceous plants. Appropriate application of nitrogen fertilizer and potassium fertilizer, or top dressing, spraying 1010-6 boric acid.

Six, nurturing strong seedlings. To achieve appropriate sowing, seedlings require short and thick internodes; appropriate early planting, avoiding high temperatures in summer; planting with more soil to reduce root damage.

Seven, weeding weeding. Early in the growth of tomato seedlings, the cultivator can be deeper and shallower. After the tomatoes grow vigorously, the cultivator can stop cultivating while avoiding trampling on the surface to prevent root damage.

Eight, remove pathogens. If a diseased plant is found in the field, it should be immediately removed by burning, cleaning the pastoral area, and applying lime powder or ash to the extraction site or injecting 2% formalin or 20% lime water in the diseased area.

Nine, chemical control. 1 actively control tomato pests, insect pests can cause plant wounds, severely damaged adult plots, to kill insecticides. 2 In the initial stage of tomato bacterial wilt disease, 50% bifenbide WP 800 to 1000 times, or 72% of agricultural streptomycin sulfate powder 4000 times, or neophytin 4000 times solution, each strain Irrigation 0.3 to 0.5 liters, 8 to 10 days irrigation once, with irrigation 2 to 3 times, the control effect is better.

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