Identification and Prevention of Major Diseases of Bean Bean

One, bean pod disease (a) symptoms. The disease mainly damages the stems, leaves and capsules of the bean, and occurs mostly near the stem section or stem section, especially near the ground. After the stem was infected, the diseased part was initially water-stained, and afterwards, the joints of the stems were damp and rotted, and the stems above the diseased part were dead. When the humidity is high, the diseased skin decays and the surface produces white mold. A dark green water spotted spot appeared at the early stage of the diseased leaves, and then expanded into a round brownish spot with white mold on the surface. The disease-causing disease department also produces white mold and decays. (b) Control measures. Select disease-resistant varieties and implement rotation. The well-drained sandy loam soil was planted, planted in high-altitude deep ditch, and planted in close proximity to make it airy and transparent, and drained in time after rain. In the early onset of the disease, it is necessary to spray and protect it in time. It can spray 58% of Ledomil Mn Zn WP 500 to 800 times, 64% of Antimony WP 500 times, 72.2% of Precise 800 Double liquid, spray once every 10 days, even spray 2 or 3 times, the effect is better.

Second, bean blight (a) symptoms. At the time of onset, starting from the lower leaves of the beans, irregular water-spotted spots appear on the edge of the leaves, especially at the tips of the leaves. After the leaves turn yellow and wither, gradually develop towards the upper leaves, and finally the whole plant wilts and die. The cortex of the rhizome of the diseased plant often cracked, and the vascular bundle became brown. When the humidity was high, pink mold layer appeared on the diseased surface. (b) Control measures. 1. The implementation of rotation for more than three years, the best condition for the best crops with grass crop rotation. 2. Increase lime to improve the soil. Application of 100 kg of lime per acre in acidic soil can reduce the incidence of blight. 3. Chemical control. In the early stage of disease, 50% of carbendazim WP may be used as 1000 times solution, or 10% of double effect lingzhi as 400 times solution, or 75% of thiophanate-methyl WP may be applied as 1000 times for irrigation. 50 to 150 grams, irrigation once every 7 to 10 days, even irrigation 2 to 3 times. 50% of carbendazim WP can also be used to mix 500 kg of dry soil with 200 kg of silage.

Third, bean rust (a) symptoms. Rust mainly damages the leaves of the beans, and in severe cases it also damages the petioles and pods. On the back of the disease, yellow spots appeared on the back of the leaves, which gradually turned brown. The uplift was small pustules, and then gradually enlarged, showing a brownish summer spores heap. After the epidermis ruptured, red-brown powder was scattered. (b) Control measures. 1. Clean pastoral. After harvest, diseased plant residues in the field should be removed and burned. 2. Use resistant varieties. For example, soybean varieties such as Yuexia No.2, green beans, and Suifeng No. 8 were selected. 3. Chemical control. Pharmacy can use 50% sulphur suspension agent 150 times, 75% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder 1000 times, 50% carbendazim wettable powder 800-1000 times, 200% rust rust 800 ~ 1000 times liquid.

Fourth, the bean corner of the disease (a) symptoms. Coal-mildew disease mainly damages the leaves, stems and pods of legumes. In the early stage of disease, purple-brown spots appeared on both sides of the leaves, and after enlargement, they were nearly round and dark brown spots with a diameter of 1-2 centimeters. The edges were not obvious, and the surface of the lesions was densely smeared on the surface when wet (especially on the back of leaves). In severe cases, it can cause early deciduous pods, leaving only the top leaves and the leaves becoming smaller and the pods greatly reduced. (b) Control measures. 1. Clean pastoral. The timely removal of diseased leaves at the early stage of disease can reduce the spread of diseases. Immediately after harvest, the diseased plant residues in the field were removed and burned or buried deeply. 2. Strengthen field management. Properly dense planting to make the field airy and transparent to prevent excessive humidity. Phosphorus and potassium fertilizers were added to increase the disease resistance of plants. 3. Chemical control. In the early onset of the disease, spraying and controlling in time can spray 50% carbendazim WP 500 times, 75% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder 800 times, and 65% dexamethasone wettable powder 600 times. 14% of the solution of ammonia solution 400 times liquid, spray every 7 to 10 days, and even spray 2 to 3 times.

V. Spodoptera virus disease (I) symptoms. At the time of onset, dark green and light green leaves appeared on the leaves, and the green part of the leaves protruded or sagged in a bag shape. The leaves often bent downwards, and some of the beans were deformed after induction. Sensitive plants are dwarfed or not shrunk, with delayed flowering and severe production losses. (b) Prevention and control measures. 1. Use resistant varieties. 2. The disease-free strain was selected and the virus-free field was established. 3. Strengthen the management of fertilizer and water and improve the resistance of plants. 4. Pay attention to the control of aphids, from the seedling stage began to pay attention to the prevention and control of aphids, cut off the spread of aphids.


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