Cotton Organic Fertilizer as Base Fertilizer

The author recently learned from some of the main cotton producing areas in Hunan and Hubei that due to better market conditions last year, some farmers planned to change rice fields into cotton fields this year. Is it possible to increase the yield of rice in paddy fields? It depends on how well preparation work is done. In view of some experiences and lessons learned in the past years when rice fields were replanted into cotton fields, the current preparation work must pay attention to the following aspects:

Soil preparation to prevent compaction. Paddy fields are immersed in water for a long time, the soil is relatively compacted, and the permeability is not good. In early spring, the soil temperature rises slowly. After the cotton seeds are transplanted or the nutrition seedlings are transplanted, the growth and development are not started quickly. Ling sun control weeds, remove the water as early as possible. Only by doing soil loosening, grass grazing, deep-groove field raising, energy irrigation, and laying a good foundation, can cotton seedlings have a good living environment.

Provide enough fertilizer to improve the soil. According to the lessons of previous years, in the first year of paddyfield replanting cotton, the early stage of cotton seedlings was slow, and the mid-term peaches were few, and the late period was prone to premature aging. However, if organic fertilizers are added and multi-component and high-content compound fertilizers are applied, there is a significant increase in yield for improving the soil and increasing the fertilizer supply capacity. We have done experiments that half of the five acres of cotton fields use organic fertilizers made by farmers to make base fertilizers, half use chemical fertilizers as the base fertilizer, and organic fertilizers use more than 20% more than seed cotton that uses chemical fertilizers. It can be seen that the application of organic fertilizer in the paddy field where the paddy field was replanted can be seen as miraculous. Therefore, farmers who change cotton in paddy fields should use their home-grown fertilizers as much as possible, or purchase bio-organic compound fertilizers and high-energy organic compound fertilizers as the base fertilizer. Homeland fertilizer is about 4,000 kilograms per mu, and bio-organic compound fertilizer is about 75 kilograms per mu.

Fine selection of early maturing cotton seeds. Cotton varieties have early, middle and late maturity. Paddy fields should be selected for early maturing varieties, especially hybrid early rice varieties that are resistant to insects and disease resistance.

Technical support, good cotton seedlings. First, the planting method must be determined during site preparation. Generally, the cotton is planted with 2 plants per carton, the car is 2m wide (including ditch), the average row spacing is not less than 1m, the density per mu is 1300-1500, and the average cotton yield per plant is 1. About 45 or so, the total number of peaches per acre is about 60,000; Second, cotton seedlings should be promoted to early maturity, and can use Huimanfeng, Zhuang Fuxing and other active liquid fertilizers and promote plant growth regulators “802” spray, promote long good results. During the bud period, multiple compound fertilizers are used as headed fertilizers, and potassium fertilizers are added, which is no less than 15 kg per mu. After applying peach, Peach fertilizer is used to prevent premature senescence. Thirdly, it is necessary to prevent madness during Shenglei period. Use 8 to 12 ml of auxiliaries or 2 to 3 grams of dilute amines per acre to spray water, which can promote the growth of cotton. IV. It is necessary to pay attention to pest control.