How do tung tree breeding

Sinningia can be used for sowing, leaf insertion, branch insertion and branch bulbs to reproduce.
1. The ball division method This method is relatively simple: Select the plants that have grown for 2-3 years before the spring replacement. After the tuber sprouts, the tuber is divided into pieces with a knife, and each piece is required to have buds. Otherwise, only the roots can be formed, and no growth sticks can be formed. After splitting, the incision paints ash to prevent tuber rot.
2. After the leaves have fallen in the flower, select good individuals, cut strong leaves, leave the petiole 1 cm, and insert obliquely into the clean sand (such as the use of perlite and vermiculite mixed matrix soil is better). 1/3 of the surface is inserted in the river sand, 2/3 is left on the surface of the ground, shade is appropriate, and a certain humidity is maintained. Under the temperature of 22°C, rooting can be carried out in 15 days, and transplanting into the small pot .
3. The branching method of S. glabra often sprouts shoots from the tubers, cut 2-3 cm long when cutting, insert fine sand or expanded perlite matrix, pay attention to shade, avoid sunlight, maintain room temperature 18-20 °C, It can be rooted in 15 days.
4, sowing method can be both spring and autumn. Before sowing, the seeds were soaked for 24 hours to promote early germination. Use a shallow basin or a wooden box to load cultivating clay mixed with humus, vegetable garden soil and fine sand. After flattening the soil, sprinkle the seeds evenly. After the basin is moistened, cover the glass. At 18-20 °C under the conditions of humidity, about 10 days after emergence. After emergence, let it gradually see the sun. When the seedlings grow 3-4 true leaves, they are planted in small pots. Seedlings should be properly shaded to avoid the sun's tendency to spray water regularly to maintain high humidity. Every 10 days or so, a thin cake of water is applied. Generally, it can bloom after 6 months of sowing.

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