Anti-cotton rotten bell during the rainy season

1. Scientific fertilization: At present, most cultivated cotton is insect-resistant. Generally, it requires a large amount of base fertilizer and bud fertilizer, and does not apply flower bell fertilizer to prevent overgrowth and increased shade. To control nitrogen and phosphorus supplementation, and with the foliar fertilizer. For example, spray with 2% urea and 2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate or other foliar fertilizers. 2, reasonable irrigation and drainage: water imbalance, will make the metabolism blocked, causing Lei Ling bell shedding. However, the flowering and bolling period coincides with the rainy season. Generally, irrigation is not required. The main concern is the drainage of cotton fields to prevent waterlogging and ensure that the cotton fields do not produce excessively high humidity. Avoid noon when watering. 3. Timely control: Chemical control can effectively control leggy, improve ventilation and light conditions in cotton fields, reduce shedding, and increase production. It can be sprayed once before and after the initial flowering period. The amount can be sprayed 45-90 grams per hectare depending on the growth. 4. Fine pruning: The fine pruning of flower and boll period includes top cutting, axillary bud, group tip, and old leaves. It plays an important role in reducing the shedding of cotton buds, increasing ventilation, early maturation, and improving quality in cotton fields. Generally, in mid-to-late July, the top of the group can be grouped according to the effective flowering period of the local area at the appropriate time. The density can be divided and the cotton field can be divided. For the Yulin cotton field, the old leaves and the empty branches should be cut early. The sequence of operations is the first branch after the main stem, the first after the lower part of the base. By pruning, create a group with reasonable air and light distribution and reasonable distribution of foliage. 5, cultivator soil: flowering and boll season, cotton fields due to irrigation and precipitation, the soil is easy to build, poor air permeability, so to be cultivator and earth. In addition, there are many storms and heavy rains in the cotton bolls period, resulting in the lodging of fallen bells. Therefore, before the storm comes, it is necessary to raise the roots of the earth and timely support the storm. 6, push the plant and ridge: For late-maturing lust, the shade of cotton fields, can be interlaced by hand in the sunny day to push the cotton plant, so that the formation of ventilation between the lines, after a week and the ridge of the two rows of cotton plants pushed open, so that Alternate push and move, can improve the ventilation and light conditions, help cool, prevent rotten bell, promote premature. 7. Elimination of pests: Insect-resistant cotton is not as resistant to cotton bollworm at the early stage. Bollworms and red bollworms often cause rotten bells. Therefore, measures must be taken to prevent them. Drug control can generally be used to kill, kung fu 450-900 ml per hectare spray, or with cotton boll, Bao Ling Ling 600-900 ml per hectare, can also be used phoxim, monocrotophos, omethoate spray Prevention. 8, cure bell: the cause of rotten bell disease mainly red rot, pink powder, black fruit disease, and other diseases. When the rotten bell appears in the cotton field, the 40% carbendazim suspension is used 800 times in time, and 90% of the original powder of diethylphosphorus aluminum 600 times or 70% of mancozeb zinc wettable powder 600 times can be sprayed. . Each spray of liquid per acre 75 kg to 100 kg, once every 10 days, even spray 3 days to 4 days. 9. Grabbing picking yellow bells: Grabbing picking up yellow bells is an effective measure to achieve non-maling peaches and rotten peaches. Generally grasped in the yellow when the bell, picking in time, especially before the onset of rain is the most important grab. 10, drug ripening: in the local 15 days before the frost, and most of the bolls have been basically mature, spray ethephon 500PPM liquid, 50 kg per mu, can be boiled early to reduce the rotten bell. But pay attention to spraying evenly, especially to the bell.

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