Selection of ham processing equipment

In order to better adapt to the processing of different low temperature ham products, the main processing equipment is usually selected according to the type of products processed. Regardless of whether large pieces of meat or small pieces of meat are used to process low-temperature ham, since the processing technology of ham after vacuum filling is basically the same, the selection of equipment is mainly concentrated on the processing technology before filling.

1. Selection of large meat ham processing equipment

Large pieces of meat ham are low-temperature ham made from natural pieces of meat muscles that have been trimmed and trimmed. This type of product requires saline injection and tenderization to ensure that the center of the meat is consistent with the surface tenderness, structure and color.

The saline injection machine is the main equipment for the processing of large pieces of meat ham. If you need to inject meat products with bones, you need to choose an injection machine that can be injected with bone. The injection volume of the saline injection machine can be adjusted. If a high pressure injection machine can be used, the required injection amount can be injected into the raw meat at one time. The depth of the injection needle of the saline injection machine can also be adjusted. When processing a product with a fat such as bacon, the depth of the injection needle can be adjusted according to the thickness of the lean layer to avoid injecting saline into the fat layer. in.

For the processing of large pieces of meat ham, it is also necessary to configure a tenderizer. The meat pieces will absorb the salt water more easily through tenderization, so as to achieve uniformity and color development of the salt water in the meat pieces.

2. Selection of small meat ham processing equipment

The processing of small pieces of meat ham does not require the use of a saline injection machine. Because the meat is too small, the salt water cannot be injected into the meat. Even if it is injected, the water cannot be retained. The salt water will naturally flow out from the needle eye with the withdrawal of the injection needle.

For the processing of a small piece of meat ham of a fist size, it is necessary to cut the surface of the meat piece by a tenderizer, and then put it into a vacuum tumbler together with the salt water. For a small piece of meat, the tenderizer is not needed, because even if it is not tenderized, the small meat can absorb the salt water during the set rolling time to achieve the rolling effect. When the meat is mixed with the salt water in the barrel, the processing can be completed by rolling.

3. Selection of vacuum tumbler

The vacuum tumbler is the main equipment for ham processing. It is essential for the processing of large pieces of meat or small pieces of ham. It is even used in the processing of some sausage products and Chinese meat products. In the process of vacuum rolling, the inner bucket of the rolling bucket with relatively strong rolling force can be selected for the large piece of meat, so that the meat piece can achieve the rolling effect within the set time. For small pieces of meat, the inner blade of the barrel should be selected to have a relatively soft rolling force to avoid damage to the structure of the meat during the rolling process, and to avoid excessive rolling. In addition, for different meats, the required rolling strength is different due to their different organizational structures. Even if the same meat is used, the softness of the injected meat is different due to the difference in the amount of injection. Therefore, it is necessary to use a roller bucket structure of different strengths.

The large-volume vacuum tumbler is more suitable for the production of large-volume single ham. The tumbler barrel of this model cannot be separated from the main machine, and the raw materials for one-time loading are more, and the production efficiency is higher. The small and medium-sized vacuum tumbler is often made into a structure in which the tumble barrel can be separated. This model can be equipped with a plurality of tumble barrels for rolling different raw materials or formula products. In the production, the utility model can separate the raw materials into different rolling buckets by using the characteristics that the rolling bucket can be separated from the main machine, and then the rolling buckets with different kinds of raw materials can be placed in the rolling machine for rolling. A machine to produce a variety of ham products. This type of tumbler is often used in the processing of ham products with less output and more varieties. The equipment utilization rate is also higher. If the production volume is large, the same raw meat can be rolled in several barrels. Production requirements. Therefore, such vacuum tumblers are very practical and popular in actual production.

In addition, there is a vacuum tumbler with a breathing system. The roll bucket of this vacuum tumbler is intermittently vacuumed during the rolling process, similar to the breathing process. This type of machine is very suitable for the processing of large pieces of meat, which can effectively promote the color development and protein activation inside the large piece of meat, shorten the rolling time, and obtain the best rolling effect. However, this model is not fully suitable for the processing of all hams, especially for the processing of small pieces of meat ham. Breathing vacuum tumbling is likely to carry the risk of over-rolling.

4. Selection of filling equipment

The filling equipment for raw meat of ham after rolling must have a vacuum function. The choice depends mainly on the size of the meat pieces and the shape and packaging of the ham products. Vacuum filling machines, vacuum ham filling machines and vacuum ham filling machines are commonly used. For small and medium-sized ham filling, a vacuum sausage machine is often used, but a special meat piece driving device needs to be replaced.

In addition, when selecting the filling equipment, the shape of the final ham product must be taken into consideration in order to select the appropriate packaging materials, molds and equipment.

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