EM strains raw liquid fermentation straw feed breeding cattle and sheep

Straw raising livestock developed rapidly and formed a large industry. Among them, the EM bacteria liquid treatment technology and the organic combination of agricultural machinery make it possible for straw to raise livestock on a large scale. In order to promote the widespread promotion of this mechanized technology, we now introduce it as follows:

1. Straw EM treatment and agricultural mechanization

EM is the English abbreviation of Effective Microorganisms. It is a new type of compound biological agent developed by Professor Hiroshi Takeo of the University of the Ryukyus. It is a kind of active microbial agent produced by compound culture of various microorganisms. This technology has been successfully applied in more than 90 countries for the use of straw to raise livestock. China has also promoted it in more than 10 provinces and autonomous regions, resulting in higher social and economic benefits, and it has been listed as a practical technology for the promotion of the straw and livestock industry.

Straw harvesting, transportation, stacking, processing, and production of livestock feeds require a lot of labor. The harvested grain and the harvested straw are at the same peak of utilization, which greatly affects the utilization of straw and causes a large number of incineration phenomena. This wastes resources and pollutes the environment. In recent years, the rapid development of agricultural mechanization has created a large-scale straw for livestock. condition. As long as the existing agricultural machinery system is equipped with straw picking, bundling, chopping and crushing machinery and gathering equipment, it has the conditions for large-scale straw EM liquid treatment. Therefore, the combination of agricultural machinery and straw processing technology will enable mechanization of straw raising livestock industry and greatly increase efficiency.

2. The prospect of straw EM bacteria processing livestock

The treatment of straw EM bacteria is made by adding more than 80 kinds of effective microorganisms in the crop stalks to make it stored under anaerobic conditions such as cement kilns, making it difficult for livestock to digest them. Cellulose and lignin are softened, saccharified, and turned into a sweet and sour feed for livestock.

In recent years, in the demonstration project of straw-raising livestock returning to the field, a mechanized straw processing service team has been established at the county and township level to provide farmers with services such as picking, baling, picking, cutting and kiln storage. The success has greatly promoted the development of straw animal husbandry. More than 30 state-level demonstration counties and more than 180 provincial-level model counties have been established in more than 10 provinces and autonomous regions such as Shaanxi Guanzhong and Nanyang, Henan Province, which has doubled the livestock meat production in rural areas. While China is producing 500 million tons of grain, it also produces nearly 1 billion tons of straw, which greatly exceeds pasture production in pastoral areas. Experts predict that if half of them are used to raise livestock, the output of beef and mutton in rural areas will increase by 5 to 8 times. This will be important for adjusting the structure of livestock husbandry, developing animal husbandry for grass and animal husbandry, and facing the comparative advantages of China's livestock products with W TO. Economic significance.

3. The advantages of straw EM bacteria treatment

This is a practical and advanced application technology. The first is that the cost of straw treatment can be greatly reduced, its cost is lower than ammoniated straw, and the effect is better than ammoniating. After treatment with EM bacteria, the utilization rate and feed intake of livestock increased, straw utilization rate and digestibility were greatly improved due to the soft, puffed, sweet and sour straw. Second, turn waste into treasure. Wheat, rice, corn, sorghum and other straw can be effectively used. Third, to ease the labor tension tension in agriculture, is conducive to large-scale promotion. In the busy farming season, labor is strained, and it is possible to make full use of the natural light to dry the straw, harvest it and gather it, and treat it in batches during slack season. Fourth, long-term preservation can not be deteriorating. During the storage period, macromolecule organic matter in the straw was decomposed into monosaccharides, amino acids, etc., which played a role in deep bio-processing, and the cellulose digestibility increased to 65.2%. Fifth, the EM bacteria treatment of the straw to keep livestock, feces is not odor, is conducive to environmental protection; and livestock weight gain fast, high efficiency. Sixth, non-toxic, safe, reliable, and easy to learn. Seventh, it can improve livestock immunity, disease resistance, and reduce the cost of epidemic prevention.

4. Preparation of storage containers

According to the size of the livestock to choose from, can be large or small.

Large cement kiln storage. Similar to traditional silage and ammoniation tanks. It is advisable to build a pond with a long strength, and the size will depend on the number of livestock. After the pool is dug, the bottom and the surrounding areas are bricked up and a layer of cement is applied. The floor is 15 - 25 cm above the ground to prevent rainwater intrusion. The straw was kneaded with a mechanical tool and evenly sprayed with the EM bacteria solution and compacted in the pool. Seal tightly. This pool is durable and has a good seal.

Earthen pond kiln storage. Choose a high-lying, hard-durable, drainage-convenient pool with a long depth of 2 to 3m. Cover the bottom of the tank with a thin membrane. Cut the straw into the pool. Laminate the bacterium solution in layers. Compaction. After the cover is sealed. This pool is low cost but vulnerable.

Large pool storage for large-scale livestock farms. The straw was chopped by machinery, and the EM liquid was layered and compacted with a tractor. Spray EM liquid can be completed with a submersible pump with a head of 30m and a flow rate of 40m3/h. The force-method method has a high degree of mechanization and consumes less manpower. The storage tank should be built as a permanent facility for repeated use.

5.EM liquid preparation

Taking 1 ton of straw dry matter as an example, take 200g of sugar to dissolve in 500m1 of water, pour sugar water into 5L of warm water, shake and pour it into 25L, and mix well with warm water of about 30°C. When the temperature of sugar water is 300°C, The 2L EM was poured into the well, covered with heat and allowed to stand for 2 to 3 hours for activation. In addition, add 9 kg of salt in 1200 L of water to make it fully dissolved. Finally, the activated EM liquid is poured into the mixture. The diluent is used up on the same day.

6. Straw chopping

Sheep were chopped for a length of 3 to 5cm and cows were 5 to 8cm.

7. Straw into the pool

At the bottom of the pool, 20 to 30cm thick chopped straw was placed and the EM liquid was evenly sprayed. The straw was sprinkled with 1% corn flour and the wheat drum was mixed with 1:1 mixed powder, stirred and compacted. The stratified pavement should pay attention to the control of the amount of spray A straw water content), compaction is to exclude air as much as possible, to provide favorable conditions for EM effective microorganisms breeding in anaerobic state.

8. Storage moisture inspection

The spray should be even and no interlayers should appear. Straw moisture content of 69% to 70% of the best. One way to check the force is to grasp the sample and twist it with both hands. If there is a water drop, the water content is 80% higher; if there is no water drop, after loosening the hand, the water on the hand is obvious, about 60% is suitable); if the hand is only stained Wet sensation is 50% to 55% is low); if no sensation of wetness is felt, it is 40%, which is a serious shortage of moisture.

9. Sealed Pool

Straws are layered, sprayed, compacted to a height of 30-40 cm above the pool, 250 g per m2 of salt and mildew resistance, covered with plastic film after compaction, covered with 20 cm thick straw, and then covered with 15 - 20 cm Thick earth caps. Drain ditches around the pool to prevent rain from seeping.

10. Method to ensure the quality of straw feed

1) Compaction. If the pressure is not true, the remaining air will not be conducive to the proliferation of EM bacteria, resulting in mildew of straw. The more real the pressure, the more loaded. It also helps to ensure quality.

2) Seal. If the seal is not good, it will deteriorate. Therefore, it must be sealed.

11. Identification method of straw feed

Straw treated with high-quality EM bacteria is golden yellow or tea yellow. If it is brown or dark green, the quality is bad. If there is rancid odor, it cannot be fed. The feed treated with high-quality EM bacteria has acid odor, wine flavor and apple flavor. The mouth tastes sweet and fragrant, and if the temperature is too high or the water is too much, the sourness increases. The feed treated with high-quality EM bacteria has a loose, moist and soft taste. Feeling sticky, dry and rough for poor quality.

12. Use of EM bacteria to treat straw

1) Generally, each straw feed is arranged according to the feeding capacity for 2-3 months. Therefore, two pools should be used interchangeably. The pool storage straw is 200-300kg/m2 after compaction.

2) It can be used only after the fermentation is completed. The fermentation time is 3-4 days in summer, 5-7 days in spring and autumn, and 10-15 days in winter.

3) During the growth stage of livestock, pure straw feed can be fed. During the fattening period, concentrates should be added to speed up the fattening process.

4) Livestock have a period of adaptation to this type of feed and should be gradually increased. General daily feeding amount: dairy cows, beef cattle 15 - 20kg, sheep 1-3kg, horses, donkeys 5 a l0kg.

13. Use of straw feed

The reclaimer starts from the end of the storage tank, and the daily reclaimed amount is limited to the day of feeding; each time after retrieving, it must be sealed immediately to avoid deterioration caused by rainwater intrusion; the tank should be cleaned before each feeding, and the material after winter freezing should be After being used for re-use, moldy and mildewed materials shall not be used; the salt added during the storage of straw shall be excluded from the amount of salt in daily use; timely check whether the drainage ditch is open and whether the unaccepted storage tank is cracked, damaged or leaking.

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