Broad bean high quality and high yield cultivation management technology

1. Variety selection The selection of large-grained and high-quality varieties, such as Shanghai Qingpi, Liyang Bigfoot, and Hanzhong Dayedou, are early and high yield.
2. Daejeon chooses broad beans to have strong adaptability, but avoid continuous cropping. Therefore, we should choose a field or wasteland with rice, wheat, rapeseed, summer eggplant, etc. that have a two-year to three-year rotation and good irrigation and drainage facilities.
3. Daejeon organizes deep plowing and uses 5,000 kilograms of mature manure or soil miscellaneous fertilizer for Mushi, mixes 25kg-30kg of calcium superphosphate, and applies it after being applied.
4. Seeding and field management Soaking for a day and night, according to the amount of acres with rhizobial bacteria 10 grams -17 grams of seed dressing, can significantly increase production, and have the role of land. On-demand, from 2 to 3 capsules per hole, with 40 to 50 20 to 30 cm hole spacing, covered with 6% thick soil. Then irrigated once. After Mu Qi, mu between the fixed strain, and poured a thin urine. The principle of field management is to promote the post-control. The specific method is to use nitrogen fertilizer, such as human and animal manure water, to protect soil and promote root growth to depth before budding; The soil of the soil should be kept moist during the result period. When the plant grows around 16 knots, that is, the compound leaves of 6-7 lobes appear on the plant, it will be picked up. This will benefit the ventilation and light in the field, reduce flowering, prolong the flowering period, and prevent lodging, promote early maturation, and fruiting. full. Tossing should be done on a sunny day, otherwise it will cause wound rot. When the beans are full and the clam shells appear yellow, they can be harvested, dried, and beaten.

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