Hericium cultivation technology

I. Grasp the seed and determine the cultivation season

Hericium is a moderate-temperature fungus in the genus Hypothenicum, which has a temperature of 10-33°C. The optimum temperature is 25-28°C; the growth of fruit bodies is 12-24°C, and the optimum temperature is 16-20°C. According to their biological characteristics, they should be vaccinated in the autumnal equinox (late September), and 1-2 batches of mushrooms in small snow (late November), and a batch of mushrooms should be produced in the spring. The mountains can also be vaccinated in early spring in January, warming bacteria cultivation, March-April months long mushroom.

Second, the selection of raw materials, rational preparation of media

Cultivated raw materials should be based on the conditions of non-pollution edible fungi matrix, require fresh, no rotten spoilage, no toxic and harmful mycelium substances, additive content does not exceed 5%.

A more reasonable formula: 1 40% of wood chips, 40% cotton husk shell, wheat bran 18%, 1% sucrose, gypsum powder 1%;

2 cottonseed hull 82%, wheat bran 15%, gypsum powder 2%, fertilizer 1%;

3 38% of cottonseed husk, 20% of mixed wood chips, 20% of Tremella fuciformis, 16% of wheat bran, 3% of corn flour, 1% fertilizer, 2% gypsum powder.

The water content of the above formula is about 60%, PH6 is suitable before sterilization. Cultivation bag specifications: 12.352 cm in spring and 13.556 cm in autumn. Bagging, sterilizing and cooling are conventional.

Third, optimize the matrix, develop a strong mother

Hericium erinaceus bags usually play 3-4 inoculation points, inoculation in strict accordance with the aseptic operation, note that the bag temperature should be reduced to 28 °C or less before inoculation; inoculation before scraping the surface of the aging of the mycelium and has become neoplasia Or coral-like fruiting bodies; choose sunny evening or early morning vaccination.

After inoculation, the mycelium can be grown from hyphae to be cultivated, and under suitable environmental conditions, the bag can be filled for about 20-25 days. The management mainly adjusts the temperature. In the first 4 days after inoculation, the indoor temperature is preferably 26-28°C. From the fifth day to the 15th day, the room temperature should be adjusted to about 25°C, and after 16 days, it should be controlled at 20-23°C. In spring, the natural temperature is low, and it is possible to adopt warming bacteria to promote the normal growth and development of mycelium; The germination period requires indoor dry culture. The relative humidity of the air is required to be less than 70%, and care should be taken to avoid light.

Fourth, field bag, induced orientation mushroom

Hericium erinaceus is an aerobic fungus, and the cultivation site requires fresh air and the field mushroom shed is ideal. The bacterial bag was cultured for 25 days with indoor bacterial growth. When the mycelium was physiologically mature, it was transferred from vegetative growth to reproductive growth. Hericium is usually full of mycelium, and it begins to divergence to a fruiting body. Therefore, we must pay attention to observation, timely move the bag to the field arbours, and remove the surface of the original strain. Induced directional neat mushroom.

Fifth, control the ecology and promote the improvement of taste

1. Adjust the temperature: bacteria bags from the field after the germination period should be reduced to the best temperature of 16-20 °C mushrooming condition. In a suitable temperature environment, from small buds to the development of mushrooms, generally 10-12 days can be harvested. When the temperature exceeds 23°C, it will form cauliflower-shaped malformed mushrooms, or headless hairless mushrooms. If the temperature exceeds 25°C, mushroom bodies will shrink. Therefore, during the fruiting stage, the following methods should be adopted to control the temperature: (1) Space-increased spray water; (2) Gutter irrigation and humidification; (3) Thickness of shade shelter cover; (4) Stagger ventilation time and implement morning and evening exposure Membrane ventilation, open the cover film at noon, so that the air flow. Create suitable temperature and promote the smooth growth of young buds.

2. Humidity control: During the growth and development of fruiting bodies, water must be scientifically managed. Water is sprayed in different amounts according to different conditions such as mushroom size, surface color, and clear climate. The water spray must be combined with ventilation to make the air fresh and the fruit body thrive. But to prevent blindly excessive water spray, causing the fruit body moldy. Cultivation sites must take the following measures to create a relative humidity of 85-90%. (1) Gutter irrigation, increase ground moisture; (2) Sprinkler head in the sky, space spray; (3) tightly cover the plastic film on the grate bed to moisturize; (4) young shoots cultivation, can be covered with wet gauze on the surface or Newspapers increase humidity.

3. Strengthen ventilation: Hericium is a kind of aerobic fungus. If it is not well ventilated, coral-like malformation mushrooms or miscellaneous bacteria will multiply. For this purpose, the wild plants should be planted every day at 8 o'clock in the morning and the membranes should be ventilated for 30 minutes. When the fruiting bodies grow up, they should be ventilated every morning and evening, and the ventilation time should be appropriately extended. But avoid directing the direction of the wind blowing mushrooms, so as not to shrink.

4. Moderate light: Long-shelter period should have scattered light, generally 300-600 lux. The wild arbours have mastered the “three points of the sun and seven shades of yin, and the sun shines with light” to meet the needs of physical growth.

Six, appropriate harvest, skillfully reclaimed mushrooms

Hericium erinaceus emerges from the bud and matures into its fruit body. Under suitable environmental conditions, it can generally be harvested within 10-12 days. Some can also be matured 8-10 days in advance. Mature signs: The mushroom body is white, and the burr is rough, and begins to shoot spores. A thin layer of white powder accumulates on the surface of the mushroom bag. According to the requirements of the Hericium mushroom market, the maturity of harvesting is decided.

Hericium erinaceus can generally be harvested in three batches, and some can also receive four batches, but the first 1-2 batches of high yield, high grade, generally accounts for 80% of total production. Regeneration of mushroom cultivation method: After the first batch of mushrooms were harvested, the water spray was stopped for 3 days; the membrane was ventilated for 12 hours to allow the mushroom root surface to contract and prevent moldy; the temperature was then adjusted to 23-25°C. The mycelium accumulated nutrients. After about 5 days, the original primordium appeared, and about 10 days later the young buds could be formed. At this time, the temperature dropped to 16-20°C, the air humidity increased to about 90%, and the fruiting bodies grew up healthily. During the entire 60-70 days under normal temperature conditions throughout the production cycle, the bioconversion rate is generally 90-100%.

That year, hot strips were popular. Once teachers came in, they could ask about the taste of hot strips. For some reason, they felt good when they smelled it. It was like a bag. So slowly fell in love with the taste of hot strips, after a semester of eating irremediable, even in the morning when I eat breakfast, I will add a package of hot strips in the big cake, bite, oil slowly left, but also very consciously stretched out the tongue to lick, the heart is still delicious that how can there be such a delicious food ah! So unconsciously eating for a semester, after coming home from vacation, I found that my face had begun to grow acne. At first, I had not noticed it. First, I grew up on my forehead, then on both sides of my cheeks. I slowly dared not look in the mirror, and finally I dared not go out. Later, the family worried about my face, all kinds of prescriptions, all kinds of hospital medicine I almost vomited, the hospital inspection said that too much junk food to eat "poisoning" too deep, must be slowly recuperated, and then a woman doctor in the hospital let me go home to drink 2 cups of medlar soaked water every day, so as to invigorate Qi and blood, but also to prevent the skin from becoming more serious too fast. So slowly drank a holiday, slowly much better, and vowed never to eat hot strips again. Later, it was found that Lycium barbarum could improve skin aging, which was mainly caused by free radical oxidation. Lycium barbarum polysaccharide and B carotene contained in Lycium barbarum were potent antioxidants, together with the synergistic effect of selenium and vitamin E, Lycium barbarum formed a powerful antioxidant force. In addition, vitamin A could maintain the growth and composition of epithelial tissue. It can prevent dry skin and keratosis of hair follicles, thus playing the role of beauty, nourishing the skin. Since then, I can not do without medlar water, and gradually formed a habit.

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