How to increase the survival rate of white shrimp in South America

It is advisable to measure the water in the pond before the seedlings. As far as possible, the pH and salinity of the pond water should be adjusted to a pH difference of less than 0.5 from the nursery, and the difference in salinity should be less than 0.3%. The difference in the control of the low salinity is smaller. Other chemical indicators were also measured to ensure that the water quality of ponds that are ready to be seeded is good.

As far as possible, select clear morning seedlings, and open all the aerators in the pond 1 to 2 hours before the seedlings arrive. Stir the water to welcome the baby's arrival.

Before the seedlings come, don't rush to vote. Pump a bag to check the seedlings' vigor. The seedlings go from the seedlings to the bags, and from the bags to the ponds. This is a relatively large environmental change process. It needs a certain anti-stress ability. To be able to cope with these environmental changes, shrimp seedlings have good vigor and the better the anti-stress ability.

Investment seedlings for shrimp seedlings, and the climate cools or eagerly warming up almost the same, cooling quickly, the young guy is very hot, can quickly adjust the body's endocrine, etc., can resist the past. However, the sentimental "Sister Lin" has poor health and poor stress ability. It can't quickly adjust the endocrine system and it is easy to catch cold. Therefore, do not call on people with stress (bio-environmental and other factors that cause non-specific adaptive response), be strong and strong, and be able to stand out under stress.

The first step in seedling investment is to ensure the survival rate of the seedlings. First, the seedlings should be standardized. The shrimp should be gently placed in the pond water to minimize overstimulation of the shrimp seedlings.

Floating seedlings and seedlings: 1. Put the seedling bags in the pond water and allow them to drift for a while, so that the water temperature of the seedling bags is as close as possible to the pond water temperature. 2. Open the seedling bag that has been floating for a while, without being in the pool water, and pour the pool water into the bag. 3. Hold the bottom of the bag with your hands and raise the seedlings.

After the seedlings had been cast, all aerators were turned on for more than an hour. Then Shengweiwei 211 increased the shrimp's vigor, and the seedlings were splashed once more on the 5th day. In doing so, in the ponds with the same conditions, the survival and survival of the ponds that have surpassed the size of 211 will be significantly higher than the ponds that did not use Shengwei 211. Especially in climate conditions with relatively low water temperatures, the difference in survival rate and vitality will be more apparent because of the use of Shengwei 211. Others, such as vitamin C and other medicines can be placed or not.

Feeding: The first day after the seedling is generally not required to feed, Shengwei 211 has provided sufficient physical fitness for the shrimp. Feeding can be started from the second day, and the amount of feed can be cast in 200 g (4 pairs) per 100,000 seedlings. The earthen ponds can be adjusted one day or two meals a day, depending on the zooplankton in the pond. Filming pool two meals a day, vote on the fifth day of the seedlings can be 1 day 3 meals. It can also be adjusted according to the status of pool water and does not advocate a large number of feeds.

In the early days of seedlings, do not habitually splash drugs. Pay attention to the liver, seedling body color (do not change the shell), it can be up to sprinkling a shell to help shrimp smooth replacement shell. Other seedlings are good when they buy seedlings.

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