Academician Shi Yuanchun believes that genetically modified foods are safe

Shi Yuanchun, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Engineering, stated on the 4th that, from a scientific point of view, there is no safety issue in genetically modified foods. The disputes between the United States and the European Union in this regard were mainly trade issues rather than technical issues. Shi Yuanchun answered questions at the 7th Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Engineering held here today. He said that the genes of ordinary organisms are the result of natural selection and evolution, and that genetically modified foods are only the result of the reorganization and improvement of genes using science and technology. There is no danger. . He pointed out that people's concerns about genetically modified foods are mainly concentrated on food allergy and gene drift. He said that there are now more than 1,000 genetically modified foods on the shelf of US supermarkets. There has not been a case of food allergy or other problems related to genetic modification. For genetic drift, it is theoretically possible to happen, but at present this problem has not yet occurred on a global scale. In addition, with the deepening of scientific research, this issue will also be completely resolved. In the report titled "A Major Science and Technology Project in Agricultural Development", Shi Yuanchun proposed that the discovery and reorganization of the DNA double helix structure has created a new era of life sciences. China must not miss the opportunity to carry out agriculture in a comprehensive and focused manner. Biotechnology research and industrial development, and that this is a major strategy for China's agricultural development.