Different health functions of different fish

â—† squid, qi and spleen, benefit water swelling, heat detoxification, Tongluoxia and other functions. Ascites patients with fresh squid and red bean soup have a curative effect. Fresh squid and trotters are used together, and they are eaten in soup, which can cure puerperal milk. Salmon oil is good for cardiovascular function, but also reduces blood viscosity and promotes blood circulation.

â—† squid, there are spleen appetizers, diuretic swelling, cough and asthma, fetal milk, detoxification and other functions. Carp and winter melon, light blue soup take, rule of nephritis edema. The large carp stayed in the scales and went to the intestines to cook and treat the jaundice. Use live squid and trotter soup to treat pregnant women with less milk. Minced fish and Chuanbei end a little soup to take cough and asthma.

â—† Squid has the functions of warming the stomach, warming the stomach, moisturizing the skin, etc. It is a warming qi health food.

â—† herring, there are functions such as qi and stomach, phlegm and water, and urination. Its zinc, selenium and other trace elements help fight cancer.

â—† black fish, there is no benefit to the spleen and water, to aunt new students, heat chills, liver and kidney function. Black fish and red jujube cooking help to treat tuberculosis. Black fish and brown sugar stew can cure nephritis. Maternal food steamed black fish can promote milk blood.

â—† cuttlefish, there is nourishing liver and kidney, qi and blood, clear the stomach to heat and other functions. It is a health food for women. It has functions such as nourishing blood, eyesight, passing through, tonifying fetuses, benefiting labor, hemostasis, and prolactin.