Huaiyang famous dishes - squirrel squid

Ingredients: 750 grams of squid, 20 grams of winter bamboo shoots, 40 grams of canned pineapple, 15 grams of carrots, 15 grams of mushrooms, 15 grams of peas, 2 grams of ginger, 10 grams of garlic, 5 grams of onions, 85 grams of starch, 50 grams of sugar, 3 grams of salt, 1 g of pepper, 10 ml of cooking wine, 4 ml of white vinegar, 70 g of tomato juice, and 170 g of vegetable oil. Preserved fish ingredients: Salt 1.5 grams, 1 g MSG, 0.2 g pepper, 10 ml cooking wine, 10 g sesame oil. Production process: 1. Tick the fish to the bone 3 cm before the tail. After the slice is cut, the knife is cut and the knife blade is evenly cut. The skin is not broken. Make squirrels with fish head or pectoral fins. 2, using wine, salt, scallion, ginger, marinated the fish after the end of the taste, thin water starch, and then wrapped in dry starch. Stir well and get angry. When the vegetable oil is about 80% hot, chopsticks are used to hold the fish body to make the tail turn up. After the oil temperature rises, it will be fried twice and the fish will be tender and golden outside. The fish head is also fried. Fish in a squirrel in a fish dish. 3, with chopped green onion, minced garlic, ginger, shabu-shabu, put tomato sauce and other condiments and ingredients into a sweet and sour taste thicken poured on the fried fish Serve. Flavor characteristics: Similar to squirrels, sweet and sour taste, outside the coke and tender.