Sprayer low spray labor and labor-saving effect is good

With the development of high-efficiency pesticides and high-efficiency spray equipment, pesticide application technology is also changing. The main trend is to reduce the amount of liquid per unit area, such as ground spray from about 50 kilograms per acre (constant spray), and gradually reduce to acre 1-10 kilograms (low star spray) and 0.5 kilograms per mu (ultra-low-volume spray), with the drastic reduction in the amount of spray, the spray efficiency has been significantly improved. The low spray rate of the manual sprayer is very simple. Simply replace the conventional backpack sprayer with a low volume sprayer. The low head piece is made of stainless steel sheet. Its specification is the diameter of the orifice 0.6-0.7mm and the flow rate is 250ml per minute. The difference between the low-volume spray and the constant spray is that the spray is fine and even, and it is a drift spray. The mu spray volume is 1-10 kg. The liquid medicine covers the crop evenly without loss, and the spray walking speed is generally 1 meter per second. Spray effect Manual sprayer Low-volume spray, effective spray width 1.5-2 meters, 15-20 per square centimeter of fog, 8-12 minutes per acre if the amount of liquid spray per mu 2-3 kg, per person per day Spray 30-40 acres, ergonomic spray than the constant increase of more than 10 times, while the labor intensity is greatly reduced. Control effect is equivalent to constant spray. Spray point The spray nozzle is 0.5-1m away from the top of the crop. In the case of 1-3 level wind, the spray hole is consistent with the direction of the wind. Every time a step is taken, the spray bar is swung to ensure uniform spray droplet density. The relationship between the spray volume and the spray speed should be mastered. Generally, the spray volume per mu is 2-3 kg, the walking speed is 1 m/s; the mu spray volume is 3-4 kg, and the walking speed is 0.6-0.7 m/s; Spray volume 4-5 kg, walking speed 0.4 m/s.