Pruning of different tree age peach trees

Peach is a small deciduous tree, easy to flower, generally 2 to 3 years after the start of the results, 4 to 5 years a large number of results, 15 years later began to age, is the shortest life of stone fruit trees. From planting to senescence, it is divided into sapling stage, initial stage, full fruit stage, senescence stage, crown structure at different periods, growth potential of branches, and the arrangement of result branches, preparation branches and rearing branches, and the proportion of different types of fruiting branches is different. Take a different approach.
During the sapling stage and early fruiting stage, the growth of the peach trees gradually became prosperous 4 to 5 years after planting, and a large number of developing branches, leggy fruiting branches, long fruiting branches and subshooting fruit shoots occurred. The quality of the flower buds was poor and the number was small. The rate is low, pruning should be to expand the canopy as soon as possible, complete the basic tree shape, multi-cultivation of various types of fruit branches, ease tree vigor, achieve early fruit high yield. Sapling pruning should be light and should not be heavy. Prolonging branches of the stem branches should be moderately short and the branches should be appropriately thinned. The remaining branches can be left as they are, and the raising branches can be kept. The result is that the branches do not start, and the secondary shoots and secondary shoots are used. . When the tree begins to produce results, some of the shoots are short-cut, new shoots are bred, short cuts are produced, and the resulting shoots are cultured. During the growing season, attention should be paid to the management of not only sprouting, wiping, picking, twisting, and pulling branches, but also reducing the amount of pruning and making the tree shape undisturbed. The backbone sticks should be lightly cut and long, and the angle should be opened to ease the tree vigor. The cutting length of the branches should be determined according to the growth potential. The southern breeds group can be left over 50 cm. The northern cultivars that thrive can be short cut or long cut. Should pay attention to controlling the leg length and light legs. Generally, 3 to 4 buds should be selected to retain the lateral branches, and the length of the lateral branches should be 2/3 to 3/4 of the length of the main branches. Attention should be paid to adjusting the orientation and opening angle of the main lateral branches. In this period, while strengthening summer cut, it is necessary to control the prosperous growth of leggy branches and leggy fruit branches, promote the development of mid-to-lower branches, and accelerate the development of large and medium-sized fruiting branches, which will lay a good foundation for entering the outcome period.
At this stage, the fruit shaping task has been basically completed. Pruning should maintain the tree balance and reasonable affiliation, and regulate the relationship between results and growth. It is necessary to ensure production, but also to maintain sufficient amounts of vegetative growth, and pay attention to the results of Cultivate and update to prevent premature aging. The branches at the top of the backbone should be left with less branches, and the lower branches should be appropriately expanded. After pruning in the middle and late fruit period, the pruning should be promoted, and attention should be paid to the selection of reserved stems to prevent premature aging of the tree and the outward movement of the resulting parts. The ratio of the branches to the preparation branches is 2:1 in the upper part of the canopy, and 1:1 in the middle part. 1:2. It is necessary to determine the amount of pruning according to species, age, branches, and tree vigor. The weak tree vigor should be strong and strong and the tree vigor should be light and sheared to maintain balance. The extension branch of the backbone branch should be appropriately weighted and the length of the clipping is generally 30-50 cm. After the tree canopy ceases to expand, it can be reduced to the 2~3 year old branch first, and then it can be cut at its germinating 1 year old branch at the time of winter cutting, and then 2~3 years later, then it can be reduced and used alternately so as to maintain the backbone branch. The growth potential and the size of the crown. The upper part of the lateral branch should be cut short and the lower part should be light and short, so that the lateral branch can maintain the growth potential of the mediocre and extend the result years. Results The pruning of branches was mainly to update and maintain the ability of the results. As a result, the weakness of the branches was the decrease of branching rate, the emergence of a large number of thin branches and branches, and the resulting branches of the bouquet, which should be retracted in time. For weakened large and medium-sized branch groups, the first to the second Wang fruit branches are shrunk and cut, and the middle and the short fruit branches of the middle and lower parts are preserved, which not only promotes the development of new branches but also results; for the weak small branch groups, it can be retracted to the bouquet shape. The results of branches or short fruit branches to promote the development of strong branches; slender branches should be promptly retracted pruning, reducing the height of new hair sticks.
During the senescence period, the backbone branches were further weakened, the growth of the extension branches was reduced, the growth of the large branch groups was weak, the middle and small branch groups, and the middle and small fruit branch masses declined, and the tree crowns showed varying degrees of baldness. Pruning is mainly heavy shearing, shearing, and renewing the backbone branches. The use of leggy branches and prosperous branches to renew the canopy maintains tree vigor and maintains a certain yield. The backbone branches can be cut to the 1 to 2 year old parts and shortened to the 3 to 5 year old parts year by year. Care should be taken to maintain the main lateral branch's affiliation during contraction and shearing, or to replace weak branches with appropriate large branch groups. The leggy branches that occurred during this period should not be neglected and should be used to fill gaps. The branches and branches need to be heavier and smaller, keep more preparations, eliminate thin and weak branches, and concentrate nutrition to achieve results.

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