Eat white fungus can prevent dry skin?

Chinese medicine believes that the white fungus is sweet and light, flat, and belongs to the lungs and stomach. It has the effects of nourishing yin and moisturizing the lungs and nourishing the stomach and stimulating the body. It is suitable for dry cough, less sputum or sputum with bloodshot spleen, dry mouth and throat, and yin deficiency type neurasthenia. And insomnia and more dreams. And Tremella for medicine and food dual-use products, the nature of peace, taking safety, can clear the heat of the lungs, the stomach Yang Yin; can make up the appetizer of the spleen, moisture and not greasy stagnation, there is a strengthening of the body and a good nourishing moisturizing effect.

Modern medical research confirms that white fungus is rich in protein, carbohydrates, fats, crude fiber, a variety of inorganic salts and vitamins, including 7 of the 18 amino acids that are essential amino acids. The active ingredient of Tremella fuciformis is Tremella Polysaccharides: mainly composed of acidic polysaccharides, neutral heteropolysaccharides, and acidic oligosaccharides. Tremella Polysaccharide has obvious anti-oxidation effect, and has the function of enhancing human cell immunity and humoral immunity. It can also counteract the reduction of immune function caused by radiotherapy and chemotherapy in tumor patients and inhibit the growth of tumor cells. Tremella also has the effects of expanding coronary arteries, reducing coronary resistance, improving coronary microcirculation, increasing myocardial nutrient blood flow, lowering blood lipids, lowering blood viscosity, and reducing thrombosis.

The following introduces you to several autumn and winter tremella moisturizing therapeutic side

Tremella porridge:

Material: 10 grams of white fungus, 50 grams of rice.

Production: Wash the white fungus with water, chop and cook with rice for porridge.

Function: It has the function of nourishing yin and moistening the lungs and strengthening the stomach. It is suitable for those who suffer from physical weakness and suffering from hypertension, hyperlipidemia and chronic bronchitis.

Lily Tremella porridge:

Materials: 50 grams of fresh lily, 10 grams of white fungus, and 100 grams of rice.

Production: Wash and chop the lily, and the white fungus should be rinsed and chopped with warm water, and cook it with rice.

Function: lily, sweet and slightly cold, there is nourishing yin and lungs, the effect of pure heart and tranquilizer; Tremella, sweet and light and flat, there is nourishing yin and lungs, Yang Wei Sheng Jin effect; rice Qi and spleen. The three cook together for the porridge, with lungs and yin, spleen and the role of fluid.

Silver Autumn Pear:

Materials: 10 grams of white fungus, 10 grams of lily, 1 autumn pear, amount of crystal sugar.

Production: Wash the autumn pears and cut them into small pieces. Add the water to the tremella and lily and rock sugar. Add steam to the bowl for 1 hour and serve them with pears.

Function: There is nourishing yin and moisturizing, cough and phlegm, it is suitable for dry cough.

Adenophora Tremella Soup:

Ingredients: 10 grams of white fungus, lily 5 grams, 5 grams of North Adenophora, crystal sugar amount.

Production: The various drugs will be fried 2 times, each time two bowls of water into a bowl, fry about 40 minutes, combined liquid, when the clothes are heated, add a little rock sugar, early in the evening to take.

Function: There is nourishing yin and moistening the lungs, cough and phlegm.

Longan white fungus

Ingredients: 10 grams of white fungus, 10 grams longan, jujube 5, a little rock sugar.

Production: The white fungus should be chopped and shredded with warm water, and the longan meat and jujube should be washed and chopped. Add a little rock sugar and put in a bowl and steam for 1 hour.

Function: There is nourishing yin and nourishing blood, qi and soothe the nerves.

Matters needing attention: There are cold cough or hot and humid oysters were hanged.

Preserve knowledge: Tremella is susceptible to moisture deterioration, sealed in a bottle, and placed in a cool, dry place.

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