Clear fire to eat hot on fruits and vegetables

In fact, fruits and vegetables are the food we come into contact with almost every day. Spring is a dry season, improper diet easy to get angry, the various types of lit can be divided into three kinds, once lit, the spring fire can eat the fruits and vegetables of the current season, but also eat fresh sweet and refreshing fruit and fresh Vegetables, eat less chicken, bacon and other easy to get angry food.



Lemon is one of the most medicinal fruits in the world. It is rich in vitamin C, sugar, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, which is very beneficial to the human body. It is called "anti-inflammatory fruit" and it acts like a natural antibiotic on the human body. It has many functions such as antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and strengthening human immunity.

Lemon honey water is not only a recipe for weight loss that women love to drink, but also has the effect of relieving inflammation of the throat. The specific steps for making lemon honey water are: fresh lemon slices (three to four pieces at a time) and placed in a cup. Infused cold water or pure water, transferred to honey (personally thought that the taste of acacia honey is relatively good) in the refrigerator for at least two hours, you can drink. (When you drink on an empty stomach in the morning, take lemonade out of the refrigerator for 20 minutes in advance to avoid irritating your stomach.)

2. Pear

Pear contains protein, fat, sugar, crude fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals, a variety of vitamins, etc., has the effect of lowering blood pressure, nourishing yin and clearing away heat, promoting appetite, helping digestion, and promoting diarrhea and anti-pyrexia It can be used to supplement water and nutrients when the fever is high. The pear has the effect of moistening and eliminating wind, moistening the lungs, dispelling phlegm, clearing away heat and detoxifying. Pear is the "wonder of a hundred fruits." Because it is fresh, juicy, sweet and sour, it is also called "natural mineral water."

Chuanbei stewed pear has the effects of clearing away heat and lungs, relieving cough and phlegm, reinforcing qi and strengthening stomach. We prepared 5 points of Fritillaria cirrhosa, 5 of Lily, half of dried tangerine peel, 1 of pear, and an appropriate amount of ice pond. Specific practices: Wash the herbs reserve, Chen Piqie, pears washed, peeled to the heart cut into pieces, put into the pot and stew about 2 hours, before the pot to join the ice pool Serve.

3. Honey

Honey is a nutritious natural nourishing food and one of the most commonly used tonics. According to the analysis, it contains a variety of inorganic salts and vitamins, iron, calcium, copper, manganese, potassium, phosphorus and other organic acids and trace elements beneficial to human health, and fructose, glucose, amylase, oxidation Enzymes, reductases, etc., with nourishing, moistening, detoxification, whitening beauty, laxative effect.

We can make Magnolia honey tea with honey. 1. Separate the magnolia petals, wash, add half a teaspoon of salt in the water, and soak the petals for a while; 2. Drain the washed magnolia petals into the teapot; 3. Inject enough into the pot. The boiling water, stamped for 20 minutes; 4, according to the taste by adding the right amount of honey or sugar to drink. This magnolia honey tea has a mild fragrance, sweet aftertaste and can be used to treat the symptoms of throat irritation.

4. Tomato

Tomatoes are rich in carotene, vitamin C and B vitamins. Tomato contains "tomato", which has the effect of inhibiting bacteria; contains malic acid, citric acid and sugar, which helps digestion. The tomato is sweet, sour, cool and slightly cold. Can heat and quench thirst, Yin, cooling blood, liver, stomach, lung. It has the effect of thirst, stomach and digestion, detoxification, cooling blood and liver, nourishing blood and increasing appetite.

Tomato cool, squeezed juice can throat. The material is tomato 500g. The steps are: 1, wash the tomatoes, pick about 500g of green into the juicer, squeezed into juice. Later, they also pressed yellow and red, respectively, did not shoot; 2, you can add a spoonful of honey.


5. Carrot

Carrot is a crisp, delicious and nutritious home-grown vegetable known as "small ginseng." Carrots are rich in sugar, fat, volatile oil, carotene, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, anthocyanin, calcium, iron and other nutrients. Chinese medicine believes that carrots are sweet, flat, and have the effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach, filling liver and eyesight, and clearing away heat and detoxification.

Radish olive porridge attends pharyngitis.

The formula is: carrot 50 grams, olive 30 grams, 100 grams of rice. The specific method is carrot washing, slicing, frying the juice with olives, and cooking glutinous rice into glutinous rice. One dose daily, even serving 5 to 7 doses.

6. Apple

Each hundred grams of apple contains fructose 6.5 ~ 11.2g, glucose 2.5 ~ 3.5g, sucrose 1.0 ~ 5.2g; also contains trace elements zinc, calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium and vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C and carotene and so on. Its sweet and sour, flat, slightly salty, non-toxic, Chinese medicine that Apple has thirst quencher, Runfei Chufan, spleen and stomach, Yang Xin Qi, Runchang, diarrhea, Jieshu effect.

We can make Apple Honey Water: Apple 5 peeled, cut into small pieces, add 1 liter of water, boil for 5 minutes, naturally cooled to 40 ° C, add a little lemon juice and the right amount of honey and mix well, drink a few times a day.

7. Orange peel

Orange peel contains a lot of vitamin C and essential oils, orange peel has a qi and phlegm, stomach dehumidification, lower blood pressure and other functions, is a good Chinese herbal medicine. Can be washed and dried, soaked in white wine, 2 to 3 weeks after drinking, can clear the lungs.

In addition to orange peel wine, you can also make orange peel tea: The washed orange peel is cut into silk, diced or lumps, and it can be brewed with boiling water when you use it, or you can drink it with tea.